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LAUSD Athletic Administrators and Athletic Directors. Trenton Cornelius – Coordinator Dave Siedelman – Specialist Dawn Xitco – Specialist Phone: (213) 241-5847 Fax: (213) 241-5846. Hazing and Bullying Judy Chaisson - Office of Diversity and Equity. LGBT Issues Coaches Code of Conduct
LAUSD Athletic Administrators and Athletic Directors Trenton Cornelius – Coordinator Dave Siedelman – Specialist Dawn Xitco – Specialist Phone: (213) 241-5847 Fax: (213) 241-5846
Hazing and BullyingJudy Chaisson - Office of Diversity and Equity LGBT Issues Coaches Code of Conduct Required Student-Athlete Documents
Code of Conduct/Child AbuseOperations – Office of Earl Perkins • Keep personal life separate from professional duties • Do not intermingle your private social media with the students • Do not transport students without proper approval in writing • All forms of communication (phone, email, social media, etc.) should remain professional
Out of Season ContactCivic Center Permits Office- Kyle Kirkpatrick • All coaches get 10 screening dates during the school year. Must have emergency cards and cleared physical • Coaches must possess their own liability insurance • School uniforms, equipment, and funds may not be used for out of season activities • Coaches must always obtain a LAUSD lease or civic center permit
LAUSD Office Duties and Responsibilities • Transportation • Processing Coaches • Facilities • Incident Reports • Injury Tracking Forms • School Police • MISIS Issues • Site Visits • Rosters • AD/AP Orientations
Supervision of Athletic Contest • Share supervision plan with opponents prior to contest • Introduce yourself to officials and opponents supervision staff. Be active and visible • Supervision is responsible for crowd control not the school police • Supervision should have all emergency contact numbers and forms to act if there is an incident
SITE VISITS • Site Evaluation Form (In Packet) • Key Areas of Visit • Student-Athlete Paperwork. • Nurses Clearance of physicals. • Coaches Files- Title V Requirements • Preseason Coaches Meetings and Agendas • Finance – Team trust accounts and parent permission slips.
ASB Policies • Athletic Purchases • Keep Inventory of Uniforms and Athletic Equipment. • Secure and log location of school purchased items. • All fundraisers conducted to purchase athletic uniforms or equipment must be approved by principal. • Participation by the students and school employees must be voluntary. • Reference Bul-6264.0 for additional information. • AB 1575 states all students are entitled to a free public education; therefore no fees can be required for participation on athletic teams
Important LAUSD Dates • Eligibility Dates • Eligibility Roster due Dates • Professional Development Days (14 Dates) • Fall Eligibility Rosters are due 08/28/14. • Important Dates Handout included in packet.
9th Grade Probation Period • LAUSD REF-4236.10 5/23/14 • - Fall Sports ONLY *First Time 9th Graders ONLY Probationary period is only granted for students below a 2.0 GPA coming from 8th Grade. Incoming freshmen are allowed a probationary period for eligibility during the first 10 weeks of the school year. Incoming freshmen need to have passed the equivalent of 20 semester credits of work on the most recent grading report to be eligible for the probationary period. At the 10 week grade report incoming freshmen must meet all eligibility requirements for athletic eligibility. - 9th Grade Probationary Students need a separate roster submitted to The Athletic Office before they can participate.
Processing and Certification of Coaches • Know who should and should not be working with the student athletes • Coaches must notify Athletic Directors of their fingerprinting date • All forms must be filled out and submitted prior to the first practice • Communication between you and your SAA is important… ie Tracking numbers and RPA’s • Time reporting Cards • Payroll (Athletic Assistants are paid monthly) • Stipends Fall November 2014 pay period Winter February 2015 pay period Spring May 2015 pay period Athletic Directors December 2014 and June 2015 pay periods - Make sure you include the coaches Social Security number on the Supplemental Assignment form • When submitting supplemental, make sure you send Employment Athletic Assistant Form for all (AA coaches) and Freeze Form for new (AA coaches) at your school, that wasn’t paid in 2013-14 school year. • All Paid Coaches must be 21 years of age at the time the first official practice.
Volunteer Coaches • All adults on sidelines/ bench/field must be processed as volunteers • Volunteer Coaching Form must be submitted to the Athletics Office for each season. If you have no volunteer coaches, please write none and submit. • Volunteer coaches cannot coach without the presence of a paid coach • School administration is responsible for monitoring volunteer coaches at practice and games.
Heat Index • Make sure all coaches have a copy of the Heat Index chart • Chart should be posted and made visible • Many smartphone apps (ex. OSHA) can be downloaded and provide the heat index for your location • Use common sense and good judgment in modifying activities
Transportation • Must continue to shuttle and make reductions as much as possible • http://fieldtrip.lausd.net is the website and buses may only be ordered through LAUSD servers. Buses are not available between 1:30pm and 4:30 pm. • All practice and game buses must be ordered at least 15 days early • The Athletic Office will order all playoff buses and you will send me a confirmation email to confirm the pick-up time and destination. • NO new orders will be accepted by transportation. Everything goes through Athletics Office. • If using private transportation make sure all required documents are filled • All Charter buses must be on the LAUSD Approved Charter list. Late request bus orders maybe subject to ordering a charter bus, if a bus can not be provide at the schools cost.
Tournament Paperwork • TRAVEL REQUIRING PRE-APPROVAL • Out of Los Angeles County (not overnight) – All athletic travel outside Los Angeles County must have the prior approval of the Principal, and the Local District Superintendent. District Form #34-EH-57 (Request for Field Trip/Excursion) must be completed and submitted to the ESC Administrator of Operations no later than 30 days prior to travel. • Overnight – Requests for overnight travel must be submitted to the ESC Superintendent at least 45 days prior to travel. A letter describing departure and arrival times and dates, accommodations, type and nature of the competition, supervision arrangements, type of travel, and the number of instructional days missed, must accompany Form #34-EH-57 (if out of Los Angeles County) and if a tournament, an approved request for Sanction Event form must also be included. If approved by the ESC Administrator of Operations, a copy of the request must be forwarded to the Coordinator of Interscholastic Athletics. • Local (Any contest that is within normal driving distance, with departure and return on the same day.) Refer to the LAUSD Field Trip Handbook for additional information. • LAUSD Athletic Office must receive request and tournament sanction number to ESC Operations before ESC Approval. • List will be listed on website.
District Nursing Services Serop Hakimian, Field Coordinator Carmen Montes, RN, School Nurse Special Programs 121 N. Beaudry Ave Los Angeles, CA 90012(213) 202-7580
The Role of the School NurseSafeguarding the Health of Students Identifying Health Barriers to LearningStrengthening and Facilitating the Educational process
The mission of Nursing Services is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children and by identifying and assisting in the removal or modification of health-related barriers to learning. The major focus is the prevention of illness and disability and the early detection and correction of health problems. Nursing Services, therefore, contributes to student achievement
DEFINITION OF A SCHOOL NURSEC.E.C. 49426 A school nurse is a registered nurse with a Bachelors degree, who has completed the additional requirements for, and possesses a current credential in, school nursing. All school nurses are represented by UTLA same contract as the teachers.
Welligent documentation Student health Records are all web-based and documented in LAUSD Welligent System. School Administrator have access to Welligent Health Manager for students at their schools. Your school Nurse can help you .
District Nursing CPR/AED Program Roybal Annex: 121 N Beaudry Ave Training Center. Registration through Learning Zone Serving: Certificated, Classified, Students and Parent/Community
Preparticipation Physical EvaluationMedical Clearance of StudentsParticipating in Interscholastic Athletics/Select Auxiliary UnitsNEW-Bulletin - 4948.2
Policy Each student planning to participate in California Interscholastic Athletic Federation competition or cheerleading must undergo an annual Preparticipation Physical Evaluation by a qualified California licensed health care provider prior to tryout, practice or actual competition. Select auxiliary units and marching band must undergo a physical evaluation at least once prior to tryout, practice or participation and annual Health History
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FOR INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS The overall goal of the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PPE) is to help maintain the health and safety of the athlete and cheerleaders in training and competition which is achieved by three primary objectives: Detect conditions that may be life threatening or disabling Detect conditions that may predispose to injury Meet legal and administrative requirements
Athletic Physicals The Credentialed School Nurse Reviews the health history and Physical Examination from the doctor for participating in team sports, band and cheerleading. Clearance must be done before practice begins.
Qualification of the Examiners Qualification of an examiner to perform the PPE is based on training and clinical expertise. In general, the District accepts medical clearance from California-licensed health care providers in the following groups: Physician (MD/DO) Nurse Practitioner (NP) Physicians Assistant (PA)
Timing and Frequency of the Evaluation A full PPE must be conducted annuallyprior to tryout, conditioning, practice, and competition in a sport. The PPE should ideally be performed at least 6 weeks prior to the start of practice. To avoid potential difficulties of scheduling evaluations in mid-summer during conditioning or pre-season practice, evaluations may be performed at the end of the previous school year.
Forms for Documenting Evaluation The full PPE must be documented on the “Preparticipation Physical Evaluation” form The California Interscholastic Federation Sports Medicine Committee recommends the use of the PPE form published in the “Preparticipation Physical Evaluation,” 4th Edition (see references). The form includes health history, physical exam, and clearance sections that are important for documentation of a full PPE. *Any questions about the PPE form should be directed to the school nurse. Electronically PPE clearance coming from a physician or qualified provider, and the clearance is documented and interpreted clearly on the document, and then we can accept it.
PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Athletic Director and Coaches: Distribute the following to students planning to try out for competitive athletics and cheerleaders: Athletic Record Card to be completed and signed on the back by the student and the parent/guardian. Personal identifying information on the face of the card should be completed by the student. The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form is to be completed and signed by a California-licensed health care provider with the contact information of the clinic or office where it was performed and stamped. After removing the Insurance Certificate, take the completed Athletic Record Card and the completed Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form to the school nurse. Medical approval is valid for one year only. File the Insurance Certificate with the athletic director. Keep a record of students who have been medically approved, deferred, or disapproved.
PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES School Nurse Evaluate Preparticipation Physical Evaluation and review student health record, if available. Determine whether the health care provider’s approval is in accord with what is documented on the PPE (Appendix A). If necessary, contact the health care provider to clarify any recommendation or restriction. If after contacting the private health care provider there are unresolved questions regarding the clearance, consult with the local district school physician. File the completed PPE with the student’s health record in the school Health Office. Enter into Welligent under Mass Screening in “type of event”. The school nurse will give the list of the students who are cleared for sport participation upon request by the Athletic Director and/or coach.
DETERMINING CLEARANCE FOR ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION *The most important decision in the PPE is determining clearance for athletic participation. Clearance can be divided into four categories: Clearance without restriction; Clearance with recommendation for further evaluation or treatment (such as rechecking blood pressure in one month); “Not cleared” clearance status to be reconsidered after completion of further evaluation, treatment or rehabilitation; Not cleared for certain types of sports or for all sports. If the athlete cannot play the sport of choice, the health care provider should consider alternatives that allow some form of participation.
Clearance Policy for Student Athletes with Impaired Vision Background All sports-related activities including practice and actual competition carry a small risk of inadvertent eye injury. The consequences of any eye injury are greatly magnified in student- athletes with reduced vision in one or both eyes, regardless of the cause. In these children, an injury to the better eye can create a permanent visual disability. Purpose To prevent/reduce potential for permanent visual disability due to injury in student athletes with impaired vision. Policy The American Academy of Ophthalmology defines “functionally one-eyed athletes” as those with a best-corrected visual acuity less than 20/40 in the worse eye. As part of the routine school/sports physical, all student-athletes should be screened with a distance Snellen (or equivalent) visual acuity for each eye. If the best-corrected distance vision, wearing prescribed eyeglasses or contact lenses as needed, is worse than 20/40 in either eye, the child MUST use safety eyewear while participating in any sports-related activity. The safety eyewear can be in the form of eyeglasses, goggles, or a face shield that covers the eyes, but in all cases should be manufactured with polycarbonate safety glass (many prescription eyeglasses are not made of polycarbonate glass and do not provide adequate protection against eye injury).
RETURN TO ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION Minor Illness or Injury A student absent from athletic practice or competition for an extended period of time due to illness or injury must present a written statement from the treating California-licensed health care provider indicating a recommendation for return to athletic participation and any modifications or accommodations that may need to be implemented. The student shall be referred to the school nurse who will determine eligibility and notify the Athletic Director and/or coach.
RETURN TO ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION Serious Illness or Injury The student returning with written approval from the California-licensed health care provider following a serious injury or illness including, but not limited to, concussion, fracture, ruptured kidney, spleen or liver, extensive lacerations, torn ligaments, etc., must be referred to the school nurse for reevaluation prior to resuming practice and competitive athletics.
HEALTH CLEARANCE FOR CHEERLEADERS Cheerleaders are not covered by the California Interscholastic Federation (C.I.F.) regulations. However, these activities often include strenuous activities or skills that warrant a pre-participation physical evaluation. Students who wish to participate in cheerleading will obtain a PPE annually prior to tryout, practice and competition. The coach or instructor shall distribute and collect the necessary forms; the school nurse shall review the Health History and the PPE as in section II.B.
HEALTH CLEARANCE FOR AUXILARY UNITS DRILL TEAM, FLAG TEAM, DANCE TEAM AND MARCHING BAND Students who wish to participate in select auxiliary units and marching band activities will obtain a PPE at least once prior to tryout, practice and competition. The coach or instructor shall distribute the necessary forms, and the school nurse shall review the forms. Annual physical clearances are not required, but the students, their families and coaches should report any interim health issue that will affect participation to the school nurse. The school nurse reviews the current Student Health History each year to determine District clearance to participate.
Contact Information District Nursing Services Special Program 121 N. Beaudry Ave Los Angeles, CA 90012213.202.7580
Selected Games • These are the factors that determine Selected Games (rivalry, community safety issues, and anticipated large attendance) • All Selected Games must be approved by school police and Athletics Office
Injury Tracking • Forms should be submitted to Athletics Office within 72 hours with ISTAR tracking number • Make sure there is immediate contact with parent/guardian and school nurse is notified. • Follow up with the status of injuries and additional medical procedures that may have taken place. • No athlete returns until you have been provided medical clearance by a doctor and reviewed by school nurse.
Food ServicesDavid Binkle • Providing Meals for Athletes
MISISRobert Storaker/Jen Kessler • Overview of software • Available Training • Questions and concens