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The No-Nonsense. New World Disorder . By: Gobi , Mohammed, Kobe. HIV /AIDS. Author: Shereen Usdin. Introduction By Gobi . There is no country in the world that has not been effected by HIV / AIDS.
The No-Nonsense New World Disorder By: Gobi , Mohammed, Kobe HIV/AIDS Author: ShereenUsdin
IntroductionBy Gobi • There is no country in the world that has not been effected by HIV / AIDS. • Over two decades since HIV / AIDS has become visible, 60 million people have been effect by this disease and 22 million have died from HIV / AIDS. • All these people who have died from AIDS or living with it is equal to 7,000 world trade center 9/11 disasters, 4 holocaust and more than 22 genocides in Rwanda. • In 2005 5 million people were infected with HIV/ AIDS, 3 million people kill by HIV/AIDS and 14 million children were orphaned. • In a world with out HIV/AIDS a person in sub – Saharan Africa could live till 64 year old, but with HIV/AIDS he or she would be lucky even to live till 47 years old.
For – Reaching Effects • HIV/ AIDS has a big impact on a person whether he or she is infected with it or know another person like friends or family member who is HIV positive. • A slogan which is very famous about AIDS is “we are all infected or affected.
When did it start? • HIV/AIDS date back to many years back in time, no one rally know when it first appeared in the world, but scientist found the HIV virus in the blood of a man who had died in the Congo in 1959. • In the early 1980s were the turbulent years on many fronts, the cold war created global disasters. Also during this year is when HIV first became visible.
Why did it start? Monkeys or CIA? • The origin of HIV/AIDS is unknown, it is believed the virus crossed over from monkeys in Africa in the 1900s. • There are two types of HIV/AIDS, HIV-1 and HIV-2. • HIV-1 is thought that it crossed over from chimpanzees to humans in Africa. • HIV-2 is not as aggressive as HIV-1 and it is believed to have spread from macaque monkeys. • An example of this is, some people think monkey blood contaminated the hand of a hunter or a person preparing monkey meat to be cooked.
First Signs • In March 1981 Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) started to appear in 8 gay men in New York. This was startling for doctors because it is mostly seen in elderly men. • In June 1981 the Centers for Disease Control or CDC set up a task force to discover the unusual situation about KS and other opportunistic infections. • The infection having only appeared in gay men, was though not to be contagious so it was medically described as GRID or gay-related immune deficiency. • In August 1982 the disease got the name AIDS – an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. • Soon HIV started popping up in America, Haiti and Britain. • Around 1982 AIDS was identified as hemophiliac patients who had received blood transfusion and fear began to emerge that AIDS could be a result of something infections.
Slims Disease • The chart of population with AIDS in Africa
Slims Disease • Dr. Serwadda realization of the percentage of men with KS in Uganda • Patients with KS became known as slims disease or AIDS • Medical scientists discovery about AIDS in 1983
The Race to make history • LAV - The discovery of HIV by Luc Montagnier in 1983 • USA’s argument for Dr. Robert Gallo’s HTLV-3 discovery • HIV- The new name for LAV and HTLV-3 in 1986 • Conflicts between the US and the French • France wins the race
The Race to make history • Montagnier and Gallo recent teamwork • The effect of the rapid transfer of AIDS and its causes • World’s reaction to HIV-positives • The division of the world due to AIDS
Activism underway • Gay people’s respond to the discrimination • The USA social chaos about AIDS • USA’s government way of thinking
Reframing the epidemic • AIDS – The first disease to be discussed in the UN Nations General Assembly in 1987 • GPA’s promise in case of a global war against AIDS • The disband of the GPA and its accomplishes
Scare tactics • The governments’ threat about AIDS and its goal behind it • The threats effect on humanity • Government’s respond to people’s fear • The people that were looked upon as role models after
Lazarus effect • In 1987, the antiretroviral drug (ARVs) was approved to use • The ACT UP campaigns influence on the US Food and Drug Administration • The benefit of ARVs • ACT UP’s argument against ARVs prices and the outcome • In 1995, the idea of containing 2 ARVs came out and its benefits
Lazarus effect • Lazarus effect – The new combination of three ARVs and its benefits • Epidemic fading out
Widening inequalities • The ongoing chaos in Africa, especially in South of the Sahara because of AIDS • Problems with the social services (police, health workers, teachers) and it effect on society • Inequality - North was receiving benefits and the South was suffering
Widening inequalities • Projects created to promote the PWAs to ‘die with dignity’ • Major RubaramiraRuranga’s response • In 1995, the creation of UNAIDS in the UN agencies to react • In 1996, The world’s aware of Africa
Widening Inequalities Kobe • Teachers, health-workers, police and civil servants had been placed in jeopardy because their absence in workforce. • Children, usually girls, have been forced to leave school to look after their sick parents. • Most kids left homeless after their parents died at young age
GlobalResponse • The global response to the epidemic in Africa was a reflection of racism, but also of showed interests. • In 1990, the CIA predicted 45 million people would be infected by the HIV/AIDS • Walter Barrows, an Analyst admitted that the global response would be different the pandemic was in some other country like Japan. • Epidemic could cause negative impact on the social, economic, and political stability of countries and important countries to the US. • UN security took AIDS as a security tissue after the increasing number of infectious diseases. • Uganda rejected and prevented on talking openly about sex and education about safe sex.
The right to live • AIDS drugs caused most attraction as the most profound ethical at the end of 21st century. • In 2001 only 30,000 of the 28 million infected and over 2 million died of AIDS. • The Global Fund to Fight HIV / AIDS , TB and Malaria was created to help countries to deal with the epidemic. • The estimate money for the Southern part of Africa needs US$7-10 billion. But, fewer than 5 percent people needed treatment were receiving it. • President Bush announced the US would give $15 billion to the Global Fund. • The Infamous Mexico city policy prevents any US funding from going to any organization promoting of pregnancies or providing form of therapy. Specially which related to the HIV which is related to the women’s reproductive rights. • The public opposes this policy
Untimely deaths • Between the years 2000 and 2020, 68 million people will die earlier. • In Africa, over 29 million people are infected with the virus, the predictions show that 55 million additional deaths will occur in the next 20 years. • According to the FAO, over 7 million farmers have died from AIDS related causes and expect 16 million deaths in the future. • UNAIDS estimated that 40 million will lose their parents. • This issue weakens big companies because they have to lay of their worker, due to illness. They also have to pay insurance and death of large numbers of their workforce. • Patients already took 2/3 of hospital in most African countries. • There will be annual growth of 7 percent of population over the next 15 years.
Story#1 I’d like to drive and drive and drive • A story about a little who is in grade 4, his mother is infected with AIDS. • In this story it mentions that he has 5 brothers and has to come home to take care of them. • He is desperate for food and left hungry, if they’re mom doesn't go to work for a day
Story # 2 Liz, 18 • This girl is HIV positive and when she tells people who come to test her is make it easier for them to talk to her. • Liz didn’t tell everyone in her family about being HIV positive. Her sister a nurse only knows, she didn’t talk Liz for three say after she told her. She supportive now. • She talk about how when you are sad it can make you more sick, so if you are happy and focus on the happy thing you will not be sad. • At school they tell to get tested for HIV. 16 years and older do not need their parents’ permission. A wife does not need her husband’s consent to be tested. • Even if you have HIV, you are a human beings and have the right to live a proud and strong lives.
THE END Thanks ForWatching