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TDP – Team Diagnostic Profiler

TDP – Team Diagnostic Profiler. helping teams deliver higher performance. Is effective teamwork critical to your business performance?. All organisations are comprised of Teams, formally or informally.

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TDP – Team Diagnostic Profiler

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  1. TDP – Team Diagnostic Profiler helping teams deliver higher performance

  2. Is effective teamwork critical to your business performance? • All organisations are comprised of Teams, formally or informally. • Organisational success is dependent on team success as much as it is on individual performance. • Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of teams and the barriers to effective team performance is essential to ensure high quality output. • Improving the quality of team output will lead to higher productivity which contributes directly to improved bottom-line results. TDP is a proven, powerful tool supporting the delivery of consistent high team performance.

  3. What is TDP? • TDP is a complete methodology to help organisations deliver better performance through effective teams • Is designed to help the team evaluate its own status and identify barriers to effective team performance. • It is about focusing on the critical elements of teamwork and understanding the root cause of barriers to effective performance and not about dealing with symptoms.

  4. TDP Model - a philosophy of teams and teamwork Team members need to be clear about the goals of the team and how their role contributes to its achievement. Team members must be organised appropriately and have the skills to achieve the goals. Effective teams require good communications and trust between members. There has to be appropriate planning and evaluation techniques to build an organic team. Conflict has to be managed and recognition provided for different levels of performance to generate a positive climate. Leadership behaviour has to help the team achieve its goals and encourage participation.

  5. What is TDP? Core to TDP is the Team Survey Generating Instant Reports Creating the basis for targeted action planning

  6. What is TDP?

  7. TDP Report • The Team Profile page shows the team’s average score for this survey • The profile line plots the score for each of the 12 survey items • This graphically displays the team’s views on what is working well and not working so well

  8. TDP Report • Next report is the Team Statistics which displays the Total, Average, Consensus, High, Low and Range scores for the team against the 12 TDP Criteria. • The frequency distribution shows the number of actual team responses under the TDP rating scale and supports the understanding of Consensus.

  9. TDP Report • The team Consensus Score is critical in understanding the level of divergence between team members on specific items. • When the Consensus Score on an item gets closer to “1” the members share a common perception of this aspect of their teamworking

  10. TDP Report • To accurately identify barriers to team performance, results need to be analysed through combining • the Average Score in conjunction • with the Consensus Score • A low average score with low consensus (the Red Zone) is an immediate team priority.

  11. TDP Report • The final section of the Report shows the Extra Statements (team-specific) added by the Leader when issuing the survey. • Responses are shown as • an average (profile format), • a frequency distribution table • the Average score/Consensus score combination

  12. TDP Report • Norm Data: in addition to the standard reports, TDP norm data tables can be downloaded which allows the team to benchmark with similar groups in other organisations • Internal norm data can be established within the organisation

  13. TDP Comparison Report • The Survey to Survey Comparison Report starts with changes to team profiles • Team Profiles are shown for up to 4 surveys • Indicating movement in average team scores for each statement

  14. Action Planning with TDP • The Action Planning worksheet helps teams structure their next steps • Leaders also have an Agenda Template for their TDP Feedback Meeting

  15. Action Planning with TDP • Team Members can use the worksheet to explore what is causing the issue, why and what to do about it for each of the 12 TDP Criterion

  16. TDP in Organisations • Provides a framework for supporting business performance through effective teamwork • It provides information on what particular teams are working effectively and why • It generates data to help profile what team leader traits work best in your organisation • It creates a standard vocabulary of teamworking in your organisation • It allows comparison with other organisations

  17. TDP in Organisations • It allows the development of norm data for internal comparisons • It allows for the benchmarking of team and team leader effectiveness with external organisations • It highlights the standard of teamworking within the organisation • It allows the measurement of training and development interventions for team leader initiatives. • Early identification of issues with company-wide implications

  18. TDP in Organisations • At the team level • It provides the team with a benchmark measure of their effectiveness • It illustrates what factors are supporting the team’s performance • It identifies aspects of their team-working that may hinder performance • It allows the team to create targeted action plans • It allows the team to measure its progress

  19. TDP Advanced Statistical Analysis • TDP is designed to facilitate advanced statistical analysis. • Organisations that reach a sufficient level of usage can statistically analyse TDP results across the organisation comparing results to many different business metrics. • This advanced analysis provides insight into many aspects of team work, allowing the organisation maintain a continuous trend of improvement in terms of performance and effectiveness and develop training and development (team based) activities with a scientific certainty. • A statistically significant usage level for advanced analysis is considered to be 50 teams or more in a single organisation.

  20. TDP Advanced Statistical Analysis Examples of Analysis • Company Specific Normative Data • Relationship between TDP Diagnostics and Team Performance • Identification of Successful Team Leaders • Optimal Team Size

  21. For further information . . . UK & USA enquiries Dr. Simon Mac Rory The ODD Consulting Company Limited Hill House, 210 Upper Richmond Road, London, SW15 6NP United Kingdom Telephone: +44 208 789 6657 Mobile: +44 78 7893 6652 email: simon@oddconsult.com Ireland & Europe enquiries T.J. Byrne The ODD Consulting Company Limited 34 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2. Ireland Telephone: +353 1 662 7861 Mobile: +353 86 8176131 email:t.j.byrne@oddconsult.com

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