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Chuckle Shack Wants YOU!

For YouTubers and Comedians

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Chuckle Shack Wants YOU!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME TO...

  2. Why Am I Reading This? Recieving this powerpoint from ChuckleShackTV means that we want YOU, to help us, to help eachother. Over the next few slides you will learn about who we are and how we can help you. Twitter: @ChuckleShackTV E:chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk YouTube: youtube.com/chuckleshacktv

  3. Who Are You? My name is Sam O’Connell I am a 17 year old college student from the UK I love comedy Everything you need to know about me is in those three bullet-points. I came up with the idea for ChuckleShackTV in January of this year and the concept received a lot of support. I believe now is the time to make the concept a reality. Twitter: @ChuckleShackTV E:chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk YouTube: youtube.com/chuckleshacktv

  4. So What Is ChuckleShackTV The concept is simple. I am trying to create the home of internet comedy. A place where people can go for a guaranteed laugh at anytime, whatever their taste in comedy. ChuckleShackTV will feature videos from comedians and YouTube personalities from ALL levels, this means amateur comedy club stand-ups to YouTubers with millions of subscribers. It could be said I am trying to create the “SBTV of comedy” There will be one rule and one rule only: No pointless, unfunny uploads. Twitter: @ChuckleShackTV E:chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk YouTube: youtube.com/chuckleshacktv

  5. So How Can I Help You? It’s simple. Let’s not go over the top here, say 10 YouTubers, each with 10,000 subscribers, submitted a one-off “ChuckleShack Exclusive” video and told their subscribers about it. This means the channel now has a potential of 100,000 visitors. If you have a video uploaded on ChuckleShack these potential visitors then become your potential subscribers. *Each Have a Video on CSTV YOUR Subscribers YouTuber’s Subscribers* YouTuber’s Subscribers* YouTuber’s Subscribers* YouTuber’s Subscribers* YOUR potential viewers YOUR Video on CSTV YOUR new subscribers! Twitter: @ChuckleShackTV E:chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk YouTube: youtube.com/chuckleshacktv

  6. The problem with gaining subscribers is that a large amount of people on YouTube just stick to watching the same channels and the odd viral video meaning that it is hard to build up a number of subscribers without them stumbling upon one of your videos from another source – ChuckleShackTV will become the another source of subscribers, and for many YouTubers this could mean another source of $$$ Twitter: @ChuckleShackTV E:chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk YouTube: youtube.com/chuckleshacktv

  7. How Can I Get Involved? You get become involved in a number of ways. You may want to submit a one-off “ChuckleShack Exclusive” video. You can also talk to me about the possibility of doing a video every few months or on a regular basis. I want there to me a few “Resident Uploaders” as this would keep current subscribers to the channel happy. Other than videos any feedback AT ALL is welcomed, as is sharing our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages. Anyone can send us a video as long as it is comedic to: chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk Twitter: @ChuckleShackTV E:chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk YouTube: youtube.com/chuckleshacktv

  8. AND FINALLY... Thank-you VERY much for taking the time to read the whole powerpoint, I hope you’re interested in getting involved. Please enjoy the rest of your day! Twitter: @ChuckleShackTV E:chuckleshack@hotmail.co.uk YouTube: youtube.com/chuckleshacktv

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