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Positive Behaviour Strategies for Improving Learning

Positive Behaviour Strategies for Improving Learning. What does Outstanding behaviour look like for Outstanding teaching ? Marijke Miles Prospect School. Aims of Session. to internalise the new OfSTED descriptors

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Positive Behaviour Strategies for Improving Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Positive Behaviour Strategies for Improving Learning What does Outstanding behaviour look like for Outstanding teaching? Marijke MilesProspect School

  2. Aims of Session • to internalise the new OfSTEDdescriptors • to balance any tensions between the strands of learning and behaviour • to frame personal conviction and aspiration for learning within this • to develop concrete strategies into a short action plan for moving towards outstanding in both

  3. New OfSTED Framework (1) Activity: Deconstructing the new grade descriptors & accompanying guidance Identifying which strands and phrases could create a tension between the two areas of judgment

  4. New OfSTED Framework (2) Discussion: As a teacher, what kind of strategies and behaviours could you, or a colleague you are mentoring, be seduced into by trying to meet these criteria?

  5. Personal Vision Activity: What is it that you really want for your pupils and for your teaching in terms of their learning behaviours? What are the risks? How could they be managed?

  6. Paul Ginnis – Teacher Toolkit Share one strategy which you have used, have forgotten to use recently, dare not use Explore a selection of strategies from the Teacher Toolkit and evaluate in the context of the earlier work on the OfSTED Framework

  7. Personal Action Planning Activity: Consider one area of your teaching which you would like to develop, based on the work through the session. Complete the action plan provided as fully as possible and share in a pair/group.

  8. Further Reading • The Teacher’s Toolkit – Paul Ginnis • The Perfect (Ofsted) Lesson – Jackie Beere • Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom - Michael Brierley • Learning to Learn; Making Learning Work for All Students – Garry Burnett

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