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CQUniversity Embedded Professional Learning 4/5 Primary/EC

CQUniversity Embedded Professional Learning 4/5 Primary/EC. Today. Review EPL 3 experiences Getting used to selecting examples & talking about what you do EPL 4/5 overview E-portolios, statements and application preparation.

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CQUniversity Embedded Professional Learning 4/5 Primary/EC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CQUniversityEmbedded Professional Learning 4/5Primary/EC

  2. Today • Review EPL 3 experiences • Getting used to selecting examples & talking about what you do • EPL 4/5 overview • E-portolios, statements and application preparation

  3. EPL 3 – Great things saw, heard, did?What might be in your teacher’s kit of the best ideas ever? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-q-o388Zhg (100 ways to show children you care – for parents, but much is of relevance to teachers)

  4. EPL 4 & 5 focus • Consolidation of skills and knowledge required for the job – know your stuff! • You need to build on your strengths, work on any gaps/weaknesses • Work on writing and talking about what you do • Identify what makes you ‘special’? Develop your ‘wow’ factor!

  5. Activity • Take an example of an achievement from your EPL 3 experience • Identify what it shows evidence of • Link it to the QCT Standards • Practice explaining to someone else. What it is, what it is evidence of, what you achieved.

  6. What do you do if…..? • You don’t get the report you expected? • Your teacher gives you a rating you expected? • What can you do to ensure you get the best possible report?

  7. QCT Standards • Standard 1 Design and implement engaging and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups • Standard 2 Design and implement learning experiences that develop language, literacy and numeracy • Standard 3 Design and implement intellectually challenging learning experiences • Standard 4 Design and implement learning experiences that value diversity • Standard 5 Assess and report constructively on student learning • Standard 6 Support personal development and participation in society • Standard 7 Create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments • Standard 8 Foster positive and productive relationships with families and the community • Standard 9 Contribute effectively to professional teams • Standard 10 Commit to reflective practice and professional renewal

  8. Remaining final year experiences • EPL 4 – Formal supervised placement – 4 weeks • Mentor Teacher provides regular feedback, weekly reviews etc • EPL 5 Internship – guided partnership – 6 weeks • BLM student prepares a mid-point progress report, Mentor Teacher provides feedback to that and brief final statement (the workload for them in relation to provision of feedback is minimal).

  9. Expectations • You must have a current blue card • You need to be at school 45 mins before start of day and available for discussions/meetings after school • You need to make up any days off for illness etc • You need to let us know of any variation of Internship dates

  10. EPL 4 - 4 week block • Planning and engaging in all aspects of the Learning Manager’s role • In lead teaching role for at least 50% of the time • Involvement at other times is still in an ‘active’ role – co-teaching, working with small groups, observing, involvement in co-curricula activities etc

  11. EPL Components • Appropriate progress during the four week continuous block (including maintaining the Professional Folder) which includes evidence of taking on all aspects of the professional role • An updated ILP • Classroom management plan • A unit plan (and other levels of planning) • Professional Review (summative report)

  12. ILP – in QCT areas • Teaching & learning • Relationships • Reflective practice & professional renewal • Be specific, make strategies achievable. (2-3 points each category)

  13. Distinction between “folios” • Working portfolio - your folder that documents all EPL experiences for use at your teaching school • Professional portfolio – requirement for EPL 3, 4 and 5 in the form of an e-portfolio – See page 8 of the EPL 3 Pre-service Teacher Guidelines • Professional Folio - Folio for EQ teaching positions - a folio that shows how you meet the EQ selection criteria for a teaching position. (This folio will be the focus of Topic 9).

  14. A unit plan – • What are the key characteristics, no matter the format? • What is the process you go through? • What makes your unit plan an effective one? How do you value add?

  15. Planning for the term? • You need to be organised for the 10 weeks • You need to do all the kinds of planning teachers engage in (term plan, weekly plan, lesson plans etc) • Focus should not be on filling in boxes and name of activity – but learning focus • You need to plan what you teach, rehearse it, be organised for it and document it • Be responsive and spontaneous too!

  16. If you know where you’re headed… • It makes all the other levels of planning so much easier • You map out the term calendar, see what time you have • What assessment and data you need by when • Work out the goals/outcomes for each week • Work out the goals/outcomes for each day • Work out the goals/outcomes of each lesson • There is a rhythm and flow to the term, week, day.

  17. How to go about creating a term plan?

  18. Classroom Management Plan • Should complement the School Behaviour Management Plan & build on work with Essential Skills • It’s about thinking through specific strategies, having a range of strategies and practicing them so you don’t get lost ‘in the heat of the moment’ • It’s about a staged approach – all the different things you can do before reaching ‘corrective’ strategies

  19. Preventive Management Strategies (Adapt these and add specific examples) This includes strategies and documentation which focus on: • Clarifying and communicating expectations and requirements (including displaying these) • Involving students in clarifying/revisiting rules and consequences • Class routines (entrances etc) • Physical organization and layout • Teaching expected behaviours for the term/unit/learning experience • Modelling expected behaviours • Effective instruction giving • Establishing a positive and supportive classroom environment • Designing learning experiences that are engaging for students, using a variety of strategies and ways to involve them • Providing incentives and acknowledging student learning and progress

  20. Supportive Strategies This includes strategies and documentation which focus on: • Non-verbal communications – list specific things you can do to reinforce desired behaviours and address inappropriate behaviours • Verbal reinforcement/reminders (list specific things you could say) • Redirecting behaviours (least obtrusive means) • Focussing on curriculum matters • Preparing for smooth transitions between activities • Invoking consequences – in least intrusive ways • Preventing escalation • Follows plan – reminding, encouraging, acknowledging positive behaviours/developments

  21. Corrective Strategies This may include strategies and documentation which focus on: • Providing behavioural choices to the classroom student • Follow through on expectations and consequences • Stimulus change (appropriate environmental change to change the context/situation) • Conferencing as relevant • Individual behaviour plan/contract • Progressive steps in School Behaviour Plan This work draws on the following resource: Hutson, S (2005) Managing Student Behaviour: A Workbook for Teachers Maroochydore, Qld: unpublished manuscript

  22. What you need to do • Go through EPL 4 requirements with your mentor teacher • Be part of planning for the term • You need to be involved in planning across the curriculum (even if you’re not implementing them all) • Negotiate time for sharing planning before the beginning of term, process for sending drafts, times during the week for review • You need to engage in the full cycle of learning management (including assessment and data gathering)

  23. Internships- what are they? • Authentic work experiences • 50% full-time teachers load • 50% co-planning, team teaching, assisting, observing and other professional experiences • Professional partnership • Collaborative • Bridge between practicum and beginning teacher • Whole sch. experience v classroom experience only • Co-teaching arrangement

  24. What they are not? • Internal relief • An extended supervised practicum • Teacher aide in the classroom • 100% classroom responsibility

  25. Professionally worthwhile internships • Immerse the Intern in the full range of teachers’ work • Promote reflective practice • Provide the opportunity for the Intern to work autonomously as a professional teacher and assume responsibility for planning and learning. • Are collaborative partnerships based on mutual trust and respect • Support positive working relationships between Intern and whole school community

  26. Eligibility for Internship • Satisfactory completion of all required University courses (apart from Professional Skills) - if a result for course is a Fail or Incomplete you will be withdrawn from the Internship.

  27. Internship ‘Authorization to Teach’ • Internship Authorization is applied for by CQU on behalf of the BLM student. • Has legal requirements and conditions • Authorization allows the Intern to teach within the context of the Internship only (it is NOT provisional registration). • Has a start and finish date that is registered with the QCT- CQU must be notified of any change to those dates.

  28. Important points • Email your University if absent or ill during EPL 4 - this day will need to be made up and your Authorization commence day adjusted with the QCT. • You are entitled to time-off to attend interviews for jobs during the Internship. • Contact us if you are involved in any potentially legal issue in the school

  29. What to do if…. • You are asked to do an internal supervision • The school asks you to supervise/assist with a school sporting event • You are requested to supervise students in swimming activities • A student is harmed/injured

  30. What to do if… • You are unable to attend for the day due to legitimate reasons • You need to leave during the day for legitimate reasons • You feel you are being requested to do too much teaching • You encounter adverse feedback from a parent

  31. Assessment -Internship • Internship Progress report - completed by Intern using QCT standards • Brief philosophy statement • 1. how you have demonstrated the standards at this stage of your Internship • 2. What do you believe were the outcomes for the student/school community from your actions?

  32. Assessment- Internship • Mentor teacher verification - completed by Mentor after viewing/discussing intern’s report. • Statement of completion signed by Mentor • University signs off – copy of your report must be sent in with the reporting booklet • Share you e-portfolio at day of celebration

  33. Internship report – can be preparation for professional statement • What makes these effective? • Showing both professional knowledge and specific evidence and examples • Balance between general points and detail • Showing something of your personal strengths and qualities.

  34. Why should we employ you?

  35. Final checklist • Academic transcript is clear of I, PO, RO, DE • Passed all courses to date • Will not have courses to do after Internship • Have enrolled in EPL4 and EPL5 & FAHE13001 • Completed Child protection briefing or training • Current Blue card • Have all EPL 1, 2, 3 assessment packages (when EPL 3 returned we’ll send them out) • Downloaded QCT registration information • Downloaded DET & other employment application booklets • Organise forms for Mentors/referees to complete if you are applying to EQ.

  36. Get ready for the final leg of this journey!

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