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Learn about the preparations and progress of the 2011 Economic Census in Korea, including the inclusion of previously excluded sectors and the use of administrative records to minimize response burdens.
The Scheduled 2011 Economic Census in Korea 6 July, 2009 Lee, Tae-sung DirectorGeneral, Economic Statistics Bureau The Korea National Statistical Office
1. Opening Remarks □ Thank you for coming from afar to participate in this workshop. □ It is my pleasure to meet so many statistical experts at this event. □ I appreciate this opportunity to report on the KNSO's preparation for the 2011 Economic Census.
2. Background Information on KNSO’s Economic Census □ Two different censuses have been conducted every 5 years. • - Industrial census: years ending in 3 and8 • - Service industry census: years ending in 0 and 5 □These censuses did not cover all industries. - Sectors including agriculture, fishing, construction, transportation were excluded. It is difficult to analyze the overall industry structures based on the same reference years.
□ The Korea Development Institute recommended the introduction of the Economic Census. (Dec. 2003) • - Unification of reference years and standardization of survey items □ KNSO decided to conduct the Economic Census. (May 2007) • - KNSO abolishedtwo previous censuses. • - The Census will be conducted in 2011 after thorough research and preparations from 2007 to 2011.
3. Status of Preparation for the Economic Census in 2011 (1) Basic Plan □ The Census covering all industries will be conducted every 5 years. (years ending in 0 and 5) • - Sectors including agriculture, fishing, construction, transportation • that were excluded from the previous censuses will be included. ․ Among KSIC(21of sections), T(employment activity in household, etc.) and U(international and foreign organization) will be excluded. □ Increase the comparability and the usage of industrial structure statistics by unifying the definitions and classifications • ex) Definition of employees, reference time for estimating the number of employees, etc.
□ To minimize the response burdens through expanding the use of administrative records i.e.) Electricity, gas, water supply, education, etc. □ To complete the Economic Census thorough preliminary preparation - find out possible problems⇒remove the drawbacks for successful census
<Reference> Major Procedures for the Economic Census Step 1. Survey planning - Establishment of basic schedules - Maintenance and organization of establishments - Selection of enumeration items questionnaire design - Pilot survey and rehearsal survey - Securing the budget - Approval for compiling statistics and enactment of regulation for the economic census - Setting up the enumeration district - Survey system and mobilizing manpower - Uses of administrative data - Publicity Campaign - Setting up the survey foundation by e-census integration system Step 2. Conduct of the main survey - Survey methodology - Field survey and survey advice Step 2. Conduct of the main survey - Survey methodology - Field survey and survey advice Step 3. Data processing - Data entry (by the Intelligent Character Recognition, ICR) - Electronic editing and summarization of survey results Step 3.Data processing - Data entry (by the Intelligent Character Recognition, ICR) - Electronic editing and summarization of survey results Step 4. Data analysis and release - Level analysis - Publication of survey results (quick publication and final publication) Step 4. Data analysis and release - Level analysis - Publication of survey results (quick publication and final publication) Step 5. Post-Evaluation report
(2) Progress in Preparation -As of 6 July 2009 2007 • - Compiled both domestic and overseas data • Conducted a research on methodologies of • conducting the Economic Census(by KIET) 2008 • - Held meetings with experts and conducted thorough • reviews • Established basic schedules for the Economic • Census(Oct.) • - Conducted the 1st pilot survey(Nov.) 2009 • - Operating the T/F team • * To review major issues such as questionnaire design, data collection, use of administrative data, data processing methodologies • * Conducted the 2nd pilot survey (June) • * Data processing and data analysis are underway. • - Approximately $50,000,000 reflected on the mid-term budgeting plan
Lessons Learned in the Preparation of the Census • □ The establishment lists should be revised thoroughly prior to the field survey. • - Reflect establishment changes in suspending, closing and transfer, newly opening on the business register • □An easy-to-understand questionnaire for respondents and case-oriented training program for surveyors is needed. • - Guidelines and case-oriented manual for enumerators • * Actively reflect demands in statistics from users
□ Expand use of administrative data to reduce the response burdens and expenses • - The number of small establishments with employees less than 4 is 84%of the total. • □Set up clear correlation between the census conducted every 5 years and annual surveys • - Differentiation of the size of coverage, survey items and survey methodology • □New methods to survey for headquarter and branch offices • - Both headquarters and branch offices are surveyed • →If the headquarter is available to provide the business records of • branch offices with enumerators, the headquarter conduct • a collective survey of branch offices.
(3) Future procedures □Organization and maintenance of business establishments • - Since 1994, the KNSO has conducted the National Census of Establishments. • ․ Location, industrial classification, number of employees • ․ Enumerated by local governments • - Revised the establishment using the survey results from the National Census • of Establishments and all kinds of administrative records. • - Finalize the establishments list through setting up the enumeration districts • (Feb. 2011) in April 2011
□Selection of survey items and questionnaire design • - Reflect the demands of policymakers and businesses • - Make the questionnaire easy and convenient for both enumerators and • respondents. □Conducting the pilot/rehearsal survey • -Conducting the 3rd pilot survey: October 2009 • ․ To review possibilities of data collection on new enumeration items requested by • statistics users, data collection by industry, and data processing methodology and • uses of administrative records • - Conducting the rehearsal survey (from May to July 2010) • - Questionnaire design, approval of compilation of statistics and establishment • of regulations of the Economic Census
□ Uses of administrative data • - In cases where administrative data is available, it replaces census • data • ․ Electricity, gas, water supply, education, etc. • - Expand use of tax data from the National Tax Service □ Publicity campaign - Activities through local governments, various institutes, respective divisions • - Official documents for publicity campaign will be forwarded to • business establishments prior to the field survey.
□ Survey Methodology • - Interview survey : 20,000 enumerators, 3,300,000 business establishments • for interviewing survey (employed by local governments) • - Administrative records and Internet survey will also be used • ․ survey items : organizational type, industrial classification, number of • employees, etc. • - Industrial characteristics related items : both conduct the census and sample • survey • ․ establishments with more than 5 employees : census • ․ small business establishments with less than 4 employees : sample survey • - In cases in which a headquarter is able to enumerate data on the business • records of branch offices, the headquarter will conduct the collective • enumeration for branch offices.
□ Setting up the survey infrastructure and data processing • - Development of E-Census integrated system • ․ covers all procedures of enumeration such as enumeration management, • Internet survey, data entry in the field, electronic editing, summarization of • results by one system • - Data entry(WEB →ICR) • ․ reduces the time spent and errors in data entry □ Dissemination of the Census results • - Timely publish provisional results on major items in Dec. 2011 and publish • the final results in May 2012 □ Publication of the post-evaluation report • - Summarize all the problems and feasible improvements presented • during the 2nd Economic Census and will be reflected on the next census
4. Provisional Advantages of the Economic Census □ Increases the synergy effects in utilization of statistical data • - Industrial structure analysis on overall industries • - Comparative analysis between industries during a certain time period □ Widely serves as basic data for various statistical survey, estimating GDP, etc. □Avoids duplicated enumerations and reduces the response burdens and expenses
5. Closing Remarks □ It is my hope that the presentation and debate during the workshop period will help the KNSO better prepare and carry out the 2011 Economic Census. □ There is an urgent need for benchmarking the NSOs with ample experiences in the field such as USA, China and Japan □ I hope this workshop will assist inexperienced countries with the preparation and development of its Economic Census.