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EAT WELL - LIVE WELL. 23. WHY IS VARIETY IMPORTANT?. 24. HEALTHY EATING TIPS Have 3 meals per day with a healthy snack (eg fresh fruit) between meals if needed. Eat foods from each group every day. Choose a variety of foods from each group.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EAT WELL - LIVE WELL 23 Updated December 2005

  2. WHY IS VARIETY IMPORTANT? 24 Updated December 2005

  3. HEALTHY EATING TIPS • Have 3 meals per day with a healthy snack • (eg fresh fruit) between meals if needed. • Eat foods from each group every day. • Choose a variety of foods from each group. • Eat an adequate amount of bread and cereal • (especially wholegrain), rice, pasta, noodles, • vegetables, fruit and legumes. 25 Updated December 2005

  4. P UF C • Be careful not to overeat - get to know serving sizes • Care with occasional “extra” foods • Drink plenty of water (8 glasses a day) LEGEND (P) PROTEINeg: meat, fish, chicken (UF) UNRESTRICTED eg: vegetables FOODS (C) CARBOHYDRATEeg: pasta, rice, potato, bread, corn, fruit 26 Updated December 2005

  5. MAJOR NUTRIENT GROUPS 27 Updated December 2005

  6. CARBOHYDRATES These foods are also called starchy foods. 28 Updated December 2005

  7. VEGETABLES These are a good source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and water. 29 Updated December 2005

  8. PROTEIN 30 Updated December 2005

  9. FATS There are 3 types of fat. Unsaturated (poly/monounsaturated) - the “good” fats - use in small amounts. Saturated - the “bad” fats - avoid. Trans - the “bad” fats - avoid. 31 Updated December 2005

  10. 32 Updated December 2005

  11. 33 Updated December 2005

  12. WHY EAT LESS FAT? - Helps with weight control - Control blood cholesterol (which reduces heart disease and risk of strokes) - May help to prevent impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes. 34 Updated December 2005

  13. WHERE IS THE FAT IN FOOD? • Naturally occurring • Added in cooking • Processed foods 35 Updated December 2005

  14. 36 Updated December 2005

  15. 37 Updated December 2005

  16. 38 Updated December 2005

  17. 39 Updated December 2005

  18. 40 Updated December 2005

  19. HOW TO REDUCE THE FAT WE EAT • Cut off the fat • Use low fat dairy • Spread margarine thinly • Use low fat cooking methods eg grilling, steaming, frying with oil spray 41 Updated December 2005

  20. 42 Updated December 2005

  21. 43 Updated December 2005

  22. Beware the manufacturers’ serve size may not be the serve size you are eating. Always look on the ‘per 100g’ column. Fat - totalLow - less than 5g per 100g Medium - 5 to 10g per 100g High - more than 10g per 100g For milk and yoghurt less than 2g per 100g is best - saturated Aim for as low as possible - trans Less than 1g per 100g Nutrition Information serves per can: 3.5 serving size 125g Per serve Per 100g ENERGY (calories) 121 cal 97 cal (kilojoules) 506kJ 405kJ PROTEIN 6.5g 5.2g FAT - total 0.6g 0.5g - saturated 0.2 g 0.1g CARBOHYDRATE TOTAL 24.0g 19.2g SUGARS 4.0g 3.2g DIETARY FIBRE 7.8g 6.2g SODIUM 416mg 330mg HOW TO READ LABELS Carbohydrate - sugars Less than 10g per 100g In foods containing fruit aim for less than 25g per 100g Dietary Fibre More than 5g per 100g The recommended daily intake of fibre is 30g Salt (sodium) Excellent - less than 120mg per 100g Good - less than 400mg per 100gms Look for ‘no added salt’ or ‘salt’ 44 Updated December 2005

  23. ALCOHOL • Enjoy alcohol in moderation 45 Updated December 2005

  24. BE ACTIVE • Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day • Three lots of 10 minutes is just as good • Find an activity you enjoy eg walking with a friend, swimming, dancing, gardening or bike riding. 46 Updated December 2005

  25. IMPORTANT TAKE HOME TIPS • Include 3 meals per day with a variety of foods from each of the food groups • Choose low fat, low sugar, high fibre foods • Choose wholemeal/wholegrain products • Include plenty of vegetables and fruit • Use low fat cooking methods • Aim to drink 8 glasses of water each day • Be active! Aim for 30 minutes exercise each day 47 Updated December 2005

  26. PREVENT DIABETES AND HEART DISEASE Enjoy a healthy lifestyle and improve your health 48 Updated December 2005

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