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REGION 8 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER. Age Well Live Well Strengthening Community Partnerships. ESC Region 8 “PARTNERS – Family, Business & Community” Initiative and the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) DADS Age Well ~ Live Well Programs. AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL!.
REGION 8 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER Age Well Live Well Strengthening Community Partnerships ESC Region 8“PARTNERS – Family, Business& Community” Initiativeand theTexas Department ofAging and Disability Services (DADS)DADS Age Well ~ Live Well Programs
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Partnerships • Dynamic partnerships create opportunities that havemutually beneficial outcomes. • The start of this unique collaboration between two state agencies (TEA and DADS) has the potential to expand and complement larger strategic goals. • Successful partnerships: • build public awareness • provide new resources • improve programs & services • impact health & wellness statewide!
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Our Goals Strengthen wellness outcomesstatewide by building awareness of the importance of physical, social and emotional wellness through physical activity and volunteerism Expand and enhancelearningstatewide throughK-12intergenerational andservice-learning opportunities,as well as new partnerships thatwill support Texas communities
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Partners: ESC Region 8“PARTNERS: Families, Business & Community” initiative Texas Department of Aging andDisability (DADS) ProgramsTexercise & Silver Lining AgriLIFE Extension ServiceWalk Across TexasProgram& AgriLIFE County Extension Agents Faculty members, K-12 studentsand families of ESC Region 8 Texans living in Region 8Community residents Community businessesand other local organizations
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Aging Challenges • Growth of older populationand associated needs • Escalating health care costsand needs • Individual and community engagement • Awareness of issues and resources
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Education Challenges • Student demographics • increased enrollment • ethnic distribution • diversity • academic needs & goals • Budget issues • Growth of technology
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! ESC Region 8 Goals “Partners: Family, Business & Community” Initiative • K-12 student leadership • Partnership building • Community engagement • Resource awareness • Overall wellness(Physical activity and Volunteerism)
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! DADS Overview • The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS)oversees the provision of long-term services for: • adults and children with medical or physical disabilities, • older adults (60+) and caregivers, and • adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. • DADS also: • regulates nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, and • provides other services and opportunities for community involvement. • DADS Mission: To provide a comprehensive array of aging and disability services, supports, and opportunities that are easily accessed in local communities.
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Future Forward… Successful partnerships can impact communityhealth outcomes DADS Age Well ~ Live Well! DADS programs can complementand enhance the ESC Region 8’s “PARTNERS Family, Business & Community” initiative
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Age Well Live Well (AWLW) • We’re aging every day, and it’simportant to emphasize the messagethat the choices we all make todaywill affect us tomorrow and beyond. • 3 Areas of Focus • Health & Wellness • Volunteerism • Resource Awareness & Information Sharing
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW Health & Wellness Preventable illness makes up approximately 80% of the burden of illness and 90% of all healthcare costs. People who participate in physical activity on a regular basis lower their risk of developing a chronic disease by 30-50%. For example:Obesity - More than 1 in 4 adult Texansare obese (27%). Diabetes- More than 1.3 million Texan’shave a diagnosis of diabetes (2nd highestin the country).
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW Volunteerism Social and emotional support is associated with reduced risk of mental illness, physical illness, and mortality for older adults. Growing needs outpace resources! As the number of Texans over age 60 increases dramatically and medical advances enable more people to live with a variety of disabilities and medical conditions, the needs easily outpace the availability of resources to respond to this growing population.
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW Resource Awareness& Information Sharing • Caregiving resources • Legal assistance • Mental & Emotional Wellness • Social Wellness • Physical Wellness
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW Partnerships • Creating partnerships and community collaborations can promote coordination of programs, services and leadto innovative practices. • DADS AWLW ProgramsTexercise & Silver Lining • AgriLIFE Extension • Walk Across Texas program • Community Engagement ModelGetFit! Longview Hundreds of long-term care residents attend a day of friendly competition annually at the CASACA Games 4 Life in Austin. This event is sponsored by the Capital Area Social Activity Coordinators Association (CASACA) and brings several communities in Austin and the surrounding areas together. Over 600 volunteers and 25 different facilities meet for fun, friendship and physical activity. www.casaca.org
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW Partnership Benefits • Complement local area programsalready in place • Promote healthier communities • Utilize free resources • Build community awareness and involvement • Strengthen overall health and K-12 education outcomes! • Offer creative and meaningful learning experiences for students! Silver Lining volunteers from Sulphur Springs High School involve a group of nursing home residents in the community Alzheimer’s Walk in 2009.
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Texas AgriLIFE Extension Service • Walk Across Texas! • The program was designedandcreated in 1996 to help establish habit of regularphysical activity. • Walk Across Texas!The program is 8 weeks inlength, allows for tracking on the website, allows for conversions (distance, activities, etc.) and is flexible in duration.
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Longview, Texas:Mayor’s Fitness Council Model • Community leadership plays a keyrole in assisting local fitness councilsin helping to create and support environments that encourage regular physical activity. • Examples: • Community-wide fitness campaigns • On-going accessible physical fitness programs • Local support of statewide fitness programs or campaigns (Texercise) • Opportunities for collaboration around fitness (schools, community centers, hospitals, local governmental units, etc.) CITY OF LONGVIEW, TEXAS: 557 older adults participated in the 12-week program hosted by Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview. In April 2009, the Texas Round-Up awarded the city of Longview with an astounding 11 Governors Challenge awards. www.getfitlongview.com
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Sulphur Springs High School A shining example of volunteerism and service-learning in action! Each year, students at Sulphur Springs High School host weekly visits with nursing home residents as part of curriculum for Health Science & Technology class. These experiences are included in their preparation to work in the health care field. • Annual Volunteer events with residents: • Spring Prom event • Picnic (and fishing) • Community fundraisers (Alzheimer’s Walk) • Silver Lining Photo Contest Winners2009 and 2010 • DADS Vision Award statewide winnerfor exemplary volunteer serviceto a DADS program: • Teacher, Dicque Oliver, RN • Wellness award category
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Texercise Texercise is a statewide health promotions program that supports people and communities in making healthy lifestyle choices. Texercise provides free resourcesto eligible participants (45+) while supplies last.District teams will implement a Texercise 12-Week Fit for theHealth of It! Challenge to encourage wellness for team members andtheir families. www.texercise.com
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Silver Lining • Silver Lining is a statewide volunteer outreach program that supports the need for quality care and connection in a growing aging population by: • Promoting volunteerism • Improving social & emotional wellness • Building awareness & community • Inspiring involvement
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Get moving! Make connections! Grab the Challenge!
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW Suggested timeline January – MarchBeginHealth & Wellnesscomponent Teams sign up to complete the Texercise 12-Week Fit For the Health of It! Challenge and/or the Walk Across Texas ProgramFebruary 12Follow-ups on ESC Region 8 ProgressTeam follow-ups and sign up for new teams at the regional conference April– June (National Volunteer Month!)Begin Volunteerism component Sign up team to volunteer through DADS Silver Lining program
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Get started! School Districts can…make thecommitment to communicate opportunities, implement programs with school staff and track progress! Students can…participate in the Walk Across Texas program & connect with county AgriLIFE agents for support. Families can…start a Texercise program with family members, with neighbors, with faith communities, etc. Community members can…encourage leadership to work with the Mayor’s Fitness Council to expand health & wellness steps!
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW January - March Grab the Challenge! Physical Wellness: Participate in Texerciseand Walk Across Texas programs Get moving!
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! What will DADS provideto teams participating? Program support, no cost motivational incentives & connections through DADSaging and disability networkDistrict team leaders:Receive Texercise Kit (includes all items involved for the entire 12-week “Fit for the Health of It!” challenge program) Facility resident participants:Receive Texercise incentives (handbooks, pedometers, stretch bands and items while supplies last.) Facility residents and district team volunteers must participate all 12 weeks to be eligible for recognition items.
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! What doesTexercise provide? Texercise provides technical and motivational assistance to help communities as they providehealthy lifestyle programming. Program resources for people45+ and people with disabilities include: pedometers, calorie converters, resistance bands,pledge sheets, Texercise 12-week Program daily fitness log (items will vary and are available whilesupplies last.) www.texercise.com
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! AWLW April - June Grab the Challenge! Social Wellness: Volunteerism Participate in K-12 intergenerational and service-learning opportunitiesby hosting friendly visits withlong-term care residents throughDADS Silver Lining program. www.silverliningatdads.org Volunteer!
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! What does Silver Lining provide forteam participants? • A variety of settings to host activities, service-learning projects and intergenerational learning • Meaningful connections with residents and helpful connections within the aging network • Health and wellness resources for family • Free volunteer incentives for participants while supplies last
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! What does Silver Lining require fromteam participants? • Team volunteers will hostmultiple visits to residents livingin nursing homes or assistedliving facilities and: • Work closely with Activity Director • Follow policies and procedures of the facility location • Follow the management of the facility staff • Must officially register with Silver Lining to receive program resources and recognition incentives
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Simple Steps! • Sign up for programs • Track progress • Share stories • Build partnerships • Volunteer • Celebrate successes To get involved, contactDADS Volunteer & Community Engagement at1-800-889-8595 or visit the website at: www.volunteeratdads.org
AGE WELL ~ LIVE WELL! Grab the Challenge! Sign up today and make a difference! Thank you for joining us.