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LIVE WELL, PAY LESS. 1. Why Wellness?. 2. Wellness Program. 3. Goshen College. Healthcare benefit costs. Year 2000 = $2,000 Year 2010 = $7,900. Why Wellness?. The Big Picture.
1. Why Wellness? 2. Wellness Program 3. Goshen College
Healthcare benefit costs Year 2000 = $2,000 Year 2010 = $7,900
Why Wellness? The Big Picture. . . • Health plan costs are escalating at more than 5 times the rate of corporate profits and 5 times the rate of inflation • The percentage of company revenues and profits are decreasing • The increasing cost of medical benefits reduces funds available for wage increases and other benefits
Ways to Offset Medical Plan Cost Increases • Raise premiums • Raise deductibles • Raise Co pays • Eliminate or reduce benefits However, we need to address what is causing the claims, not just who’s paying the bill.
Chronic diseases related to lifestyle account for 75% of national medical costs. Eleven separate studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that worksite wellness programs can produce significant improvements in employee health. —Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chronic Disease Overview 2007
The Bravo Wellness Program Live Well, Pay Less • Good drivers pay less for car insurance because they have reduced their chances of causing an expensive claim • Non-smokers pay less for life insurance because they will live longer than smokers • Home owners pay less for insurance if they have smoke detectors in their home It’s time to rewardprevention and positive health choices!
Fairness Auto insurance example Sources: MAX Insurance Company 2010
Who is Bravo Wellness? • We coordinate a voluntaryprogram that rewards healthy lifestyle choices with the potential to manage your share of health care costs.NOTE: All health information remains confidential — By law, Bravo Wellness cannot share results with your employer. • We offer a program that your employer is implementing to help you offset the impact of rising health care costs.
How You Are Rewarded? • Participate in health screening with categories such as:* • Blood pressure LDL Cholesterol • Body Mass Index (BMI) Tobacco Use*See your plan specific information • If your results fall within a specific range, you will qualify for wellness points that may be used to reduce your cost. The screening is performed once per year and all results are 100% confidential • If your physician verifies that our goals are medically inadvisable or unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition, you will be offered an alternative way to qualify.
Why These Four Categories? BMI: 26.7% of adults aged 20 years and over are obese1 Tobacco Use: An estimated 46 million people or 20.6% of all adults (aged 18 years and older) in the United States currently smoke cigarettes2 LDL Cholesterol: 102.2 million adults struggle with borderline high cholesterol3 Blood Pressure: About 74.5 million people in the United States age 20 and older have high blood pressure4 • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm59e0803a1.htm?s_cid=mm59e0803a1_e%0D%0A • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm • American Heart Association http://www.americanheart.org/downloadable/heart/1261004785748FS13CH10.pdf • American Heart Association http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4621
Delayed consequences Clayton Christensen, Page 161 The Innovators Prescription 2009
How It Works: Employee Health Screening • Health screening tests are conducted at your work location and will include: • A blood draw to determine cholesterol and nicotine use • A blood pressure check • Height and Weight are recorded to determine Body Mass Index (BMI) as well as a body fat analysis or waist/hip measurement. Note: any employee who fails BMI due to muscle mass will qualify for the credit if their body fat percentage is ideal for their age and gender. • The blood tests occur annually, with one opportunity for you to appeal/retest within 30 days of receiving your screening results.
How It Works: Employee Health Screening • When test results are calculated, Bravo Wellness • will send you a Result Report showing: • How your results compare to your employer’s goals • How your results compare to the National Institute of Health goals • Which points you earned
Benefits For You • Voluntary and confidential • Potentially reduces your cost of health benefits • Rewards healthy lifestyles • Rewards those employees who minimize their risk for serious medical conditions • Allows participation by those on medications to control health problems • Keeps you aware of your current health condition
Goshen College Meeting Health Goals NOTE: Bravo Wellness manages appeals and gives alternatives if these goals are medically inadvisable or unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition.
Step #1: Register @ www.bravowell.com/mebp Welcome MEBP Participants! Ohio
No Email? Set Up a Free Gmail Account • Why? • Receive registration and screening confirmation emails • Possible updates or program communication • Note: we will not send any other correspondence
Step #2: Schedule Your Screening Time ABCompany Logo
Additional Information • Customer Service: @ 1.877.66.BRAVO (877.662.7286) • www.bravowell.com/contactus • BMI Calculator: • http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/index.htm • Smoking Cessation: • http://www.smokefree.gov/ • Weight Loss: • http://www.obesity.org/ • Cholesterol Management: • https://www.myheartkit.com/cwp/drtv2.portal?userInteractionNode=S10009249