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Annual Meeting June 22, 2014. Call to Order Opening Prayer Staff Reports to the Congregation Facilities Update Stewardship Update Business. Call to Order Opening Prayer Staff Reports to the Congregation Facilities Update Stewardship Update Business. Call to Order Opening Prayer
Call to Order Opening Prayer Staff Reports to the Congregation Facilities Update Stewardship Update Business
Call to Order Opening Prayer Staff Reports to the Congregation Facilities Update Stewardship Update Business
Call to Order Opening Prayer Staff Reports to the Congregation Facilities Update Stewardship Update Business
Make enhancements to the current worship space. Phase One Revised Plan Estimated Cost 2.6M Upgraded kitchen. Outdoor patio material will be revised. Youth stage area and storage Additional rooms will be phased in at a future date. Revisions Omit east classrooms Omit fireplace Omit interior masonry veneers Omit 6 small windows at entry Omit brick exterior columns Revise roof material Revise storefront and doors Omit skylights Omit drops on Connections ceiling Revise light fixtures Omit trough lights and grills at ceilings Delay floor finishes Change wall covering in bathrooms Omit planters and plumbing for them Omit concrete curbs in parking lot Reduce exterior sidewalks New large gathering room – Joy! Connection. Additional glass will be installed in place of the fireplace. New Restrooms New Entry.
COMPLETED ITEMS GOAL: Modifying our facilities so they better reflect our values and move us toward our mission. • Connections gathering space with skylights and library • Joy Café and beverage area • New Entrance, restrooms, coatroom • Sanctuary upgrades • Redesigned parking lot with circle drive entrance • Added storage • New youth space - lighting/sound, monitors • New dumpster enclosure, HVAC, & expanded Fire Protection system • New portable media TVs, DVD players, tilts, carts, speakers • Remodel of office & existing building & children’s restroom • New patio/sidewalks & outdoor furniture • Classroom/Nursery upgrades – countertops, tile in sink areas • New gardens, landscaping, Halifax Road extension & Retention Pond expansion • New Information Center • Purchased high-rise lift & 6 new highchairs • Install gardens irrigation system
OBJECTIVES FOR 2014 • Complete final budget items • 3 New Projectors – Sanctuary • Joy! Signs – Hunt Club roadside, inside directional, landscaping • Connections children’s area • Repave & stripe parking lot Example concept only
Call to Order Opening Prayer Staff Reports to the Congregation Facilities Update Stewardship Update Business
Stewardship Update Team Members: Dale Arnold Pastor Mark Borgetti Amy Bothmann Mike Hitchingham Michael Hood Cheryl McCumber Mike Morse Frances Simons
Call to Order Opening Prayer Staff Reports to the Congregation Stewardship Update Business
Approval of Minutes Election of New Council Members and Officers Approval of 2014-2015 Budget Closing Prayer Adjourn
Approval of Congregation Meeting Minutes: June 23, 2013 Annual Meeting “Move to accept the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Congregation for June 23, 2013 as presented”.
Approval of Minutes Election of New Council Members and Officers Approval of 2014-2015 Budget Closing Prayer Adjourn
Introduction and Election of New Council Members: Robin Flory 3 year term Bruce LeRoy 3 year term Bryan Peterson 3 year term
Robin Flory is happily married to Mark for 15 years and mother to three beautiful, funny, and talented children - Annie (11), Sam (9) and Timothy (3). She works part-time as an oncology physical therapist at Creative Rehab in Gurnee. She became a member of Joy! in 2006 and has not been the same since. She is constantly trying to get closer to Christ, deepen her faith, and reach out to others through her amazing, beloved small group (Simply Searching). She also teaches Joy!'s youngest generation at KAK, sings her heart out in worship and served a beautiful, wonderful journey through last year's Call Team. Down time entertainment includes reading, spending time with friends/family, cooking, cleaning and laughing.
Bruce LeRoy is a veterinary pathologist and works at AbbVie. He is married to Susan, they have a daughter named Madison (who went through the most recent Confirmation class) and numerous quadrupeds. Bruce and his family have been members of Joy! for about 3 years and he is a member of the “To Be Disciples” small group.His interests include travel, motorcycle riding, gardening, and reading.
Bryan Peterson and his wife Julie have been members of Joy! for about 6 years. They have been married for almost 35 years and have two grown daughters, ages 31 and 28. Both daughters are married, with one living near Madison, Wisconsin and the other living near Atlanta, Georgia. Bryan has been active in Bible studies all his adult life, and is a member of the “First Light” small group at Joy! Bryan and Julie serve as communion assistants, and Bryan has been on the Finance Committee and the offering counting team for about two years. He has been the Finance secretary for the past year. Bryan also volunteers outside of Joy! Current activities include working at the Northern Illinois Food Bank once a week and at PADS twice a month during the time the overnight sites are open. Bryan also helps maintains the PADS volunteer database for the Shepherd of the Lakes site. Bryan went with the group from Joy! last November to build a home in El Salvador through Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent Builds, and plans to go again this year. Other interests include amateur astronomy, reading, taking walks with Julie in local forest preserves, visiting national parks, and spending time with family.
Election of New Council Members: Robin Flory – 3 year term Bruce LeRoy – 3 year term Bryan Peterson – 3 year term “Move to elect nominees Robin Flory, Bruce LeRoy and Bryan Peterson, each individually, for a three year term, as recommended by the Congregation Council .”
Election of slate of Officers of the Congregation Council for the 2014-2015 term: Bob Lenning – President Eric Sato – Vice President Bryan Peterson – Treasurer Laura Shabat – Secretary “Move to elect the 2014-2015 Slate of Officers of the Congregation Council as recommended by the Congregation Council”.
Approval of Minutes Election of New Council Members and Officers Approval of 2014-2015 Budget Closing Prayer Adjourn
Approval of the budget for fiscal year 2014-2015. “Move to accept the budget for fiscal year 2014-2015 as presented”.
2013 / 2014 Summary Forecast General Fund & Facility Support Offerings are $30,590 over budget and increase of $35,931 over prior year (PY) Special Offerings supporting expenses are $20,000 over budget Budget included $45,000 of STLAC-2* Forecast includes using only $23,000 of STLAC-2 Operating Expenses are $27,302 over budget and $104,057 over PY Increased mortgage payment of approximately $90,000 Staff salaries remained constant while budget required 10% cut Joy! supported the staff with 2 bonuses Joy! will tithe 10% of net income to synod – approx. $2,500 *So That Lives Are Changed-2 capital campaign
2013 / 2014 SummaryCapital Campaigns Capital Campaign #1 and #2: So That Lives Are Changed #1 (Completed) • STLAC #1 Pledged $814,081 • Total Received - Final 743,575 • Final Over/(Under) Pledged ($70,506) > Balance in Building Fund at 5/31/14 - $62,862 for remaining projects So That Lives Are Changed #2 (Open) • STLAC #2 Pledged $417,435 • Total Received thru 5/31/14 94,614 • Remaining STLAC-2 Pledge $322,821
2014-2015 BUDGET SUMMARY ACTUAL FORECAST BUDGET 2012-2013 2013-20142014-2015 What God Has Provided: General Fund & Facility Support Offerings 528,659 564,590 604,211 Capital Campaign (STLAC-2*) 0 22,726 45,000 Investment and Other Revenues 29,60235,88621,020 Total Income 558,261 623,202 670,231 How We Used What God Provided: OUT Ministry (Church-wide Support and others) 17,019 7,750 9,250 IN Ministry (1stImpressions/LifeTree/SmGroups) 8,407 9,375 9,870 UP Ministry (Worship Arts/KAK/Youth) 30,094 33,353 34,800 Administrative/Salary/Insurance, etc. 322,772 345,480 377,131 Facilities and Mortgage Expense 140,853227,244239,180 Total Expense 519,145 623,202 670,231 Net Cash Flow 39,116 0 0
2014-2015 Budget Summary 2014-2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS • Stewardship/Budget Strategy of 2013-2014: • Increase General Fund offerings by 5.3% annually • Increase Church-wide Support to $12,000 by 2017-2018 • Staff salary increase of 2% each year • Mortgage supported by General Fund offerings by 2017-2018
2014-2015 Budget Summary 2014/15 Budget Highlights (Vs. Forecast) • General Fund offerings increase of $39,621 • $45,000 of STLAC-2* budgeted to support mortgage payment • Operating Expense increase of $51,045 • Salary and Related increase of $31,152 • Staff salaries increased 2% • Staff increase of “5” hours and (1) additional part-time staff (annual 90 hrs) • Pastor salary budget reflects full year impact; no increase per contract • Utilities increase of $5,000 – Anticipating Electric rate increase • Church-wide Support increased to $4,000 to reach 2017-2018 goal ($1,500 increase from Forecast) • Building, Lawn Maintenance, Snow Removal, etc. increase of $10,899 adjusted for contracts/costs *So That Lives Are Changed-2 capital campaign
Online Giving Update: • Donor-managed online giving available on website July 1st
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK, DEDICATION AND SERVICE TO JOY! Outgoing Council Members Michelle Hood Patti Rowles John Schrader 2013-2014 Nominating Committee Larry Bloom Marty Gallagher Michelle Hood Sandy Koehn Patti Rowles John Schrader 2014-2015 Nominating Committee Ann Bowman Tina Coleman Bill Hughes Gary Koehler Bob Lenning Jerry Voight
HR Team • Jim Kerwin (lead) • Gary Koehler • Judy Kotsiopoulos • Tim Maguire • Gail Padmanabhan • Finance Team • Roland Bellman • Sue Gearica • Marty Gallagher (lead) • Heidi Hodek • Greg Kechik • Bryan Peterson • Gloria Ricchio • John Schrader • Mike Morse (Stewardship) • Mike Turchi • Audit Team • Marty Gallagher (lead) • Greg Kechik • Mike Morse
council@joylutheran.org Bob Lenning, president (term expires 2015) Eric Sato, vice president (2016) Bryan Peterson, treasurer (2017) Laura Shabat, secretary (2016) Gary Koehler, member-at-large (2015) Robin Flory, member-at-large (2017) Bruce LeRoy, member-at-large (2017)
Approval of Minutes Election of New Council Members and Officers Approval of 2012-2013 Budget Closing Prayer Adjourn “Move to adjourn the June 22, 2014, Annual Congregation Meeting of Joy! Lutheran Church.”