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Group Members: Christopher Chew Ronald Wee Jaron Yong Yuan Bin Da. Flooding Case Study: Flooding in Jakarta. What is Flooding?. Flooding is an overflow of water from water bodies, like rivers and seas, submerges land -. Type of flooding.
Group Members: Christopher Chew Ronald Wee Jaron Yong Yuan Bin Da FloodingCase Study: Flooding in Jakarta
What is Flooding? • Flooding is an overflow of water from water bodies, like rivers and seas, submerges land -
Type of flooding • Coastal flooding, is when sea level rises above the normal level and submerge low-lying coastal areas • River flooding, is when the river level sudden increase causing flood banks to be flooded Flooded River bank River bank http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17974179
Type of flooding http://www.travelblog.org/Photos/3141105 • Flash flooding, is a quick and unexpected flood due to heavy rain • Groundwater flooding, is when the groundwater increases drastically due to prolonged rain which overflows and flood the ground Flashflood in Sukhumvit
Causes of Flooding-Urbanization • Urbanization is the conversion of areas like forests into urban areas. • As cities urbanize, impenetrable concrete is laid onto the ground to stabilize the foundation of buildings and infrastructure. However, these concrete does not allow rainwater to seep through, hence, increasing surface run-off. This results in the collection of rainwater on the surface, which might cause flooding
Causes of flooding- Low-lying areas • Countries of low-lying areas like the Maldives and Shanghai have a higher risk of flooding as only a small increase of sea level will cause seawater to be able to overflow into land.
Causes of flooding-Rising Sea Level • According to NASA, they have reported a 10% decrease in ice caps in last 30 years. This reduction shows the melting of ice-caps mainly due to global warming, causing a rise in sea level. With a higher sea level, it will cause higher chance of flooding of low-lying areas
Economy affected-Agricultural loss • When flooding occurs, it will destroy crops, and crops will have a lack of oxygen. Additionally, when it floods, the nutrients from the soil will be washed away, reducing the nutrients in the soil, limiting the growth of crops. This will result in the destruction of crops. Not only will the farmers will make a loss, but if the country affected is an agricultural –production country, their economy will be greatly affected with the decline of crop production http://www.ehow.com/info_7905355_influence-floods-environment.html
Economy affected-Financial loss • Also, flooding affects the economy. During floods, infrastructure like power plants, water pipes, and roads will be destroyed. These infrastructure are essential to the different industrial sector in the economy. With these infrastructure affected, all economic sector will come a standstill and economic productivity cannot progress. • Also, officials in flood-affected regions have to purchase utilities from other areas and refix those infrastructure, making them financially vulnerable. http://www.chiefscientist.qld.gov.au/publications/understanding-floods/consequences.aspx
Economy affected-Example • Economic loss -Jakarta’s biggest flood in 2007, has caused them $900 million US financial and economic losses -Australia have seen the most expensive flood in 1974 which affected regions like Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. This flood caused them $2.9 billion • Agricultural loss -In August 8 2012, Manila faced a severe flood that caused agricultural loos of around $3.6 million -In the article “The direct economic loss to Missouri farmers from the Missouri river flooding in 2011 states that “the flood water has stayed on the fields for months, compounding the flood effects. This has resulted ion millions of dollars loss in crops production http://web.missouri.edu/~browndo/Pubs/MORiverFlood2011.pdf http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:23087004~menuPK:141310~pagePK:34370~piPK:34424~theSitePK:4607,00.html http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/df7756a4-e134-11e1-9c72-00144feab49a.html#axzz23Fdc8M5Q http://www.chiefscientist.qld.gov.au/publications/understanding-floods/consequences.aspx
Social affected-Water-borne diseases During flooding, the flood waters will destroy infrastructures and carry away sediments in the soil, causing contamination of the flood waters. The water will be further contaminated by carrying waste and sewage with it. After the flood water recedes, some of the contaminated flood water will be left behind. This increases the chances of transmission of water borne diseases like chorea. Once transmitted, a person will be infected and might transmit to other people in the community. As the floods have destroyed infrastructure, medical aid will not be present, hence those infected people might become very sick and die of these water-borne diseases http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/ems/flood_cds/en/
Social affected-Examples • Transmission of water-borne diseases -in 1980, Sudan experienced a severe flood, and the spread of water borne diseases resulted in a major diarrheal disease outbreak -In 1998, flooding in West Bengal a cholera epidemic -According to article “Rehabilitating waterways to improve Jakarta's flood management system”, it states that “Over 70 people died and outbreaks of disease affected over 200,000 people” • Flooding resulting in death -In January 2007, flooding in South Johor caused 17 deaths in the community http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:23087004~menuPK:141310~pagePK:34370~piPK:34424~theSitePK:4607,00.html http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/ems/flood_cds/en/
Environment affected-Water Pollution • During flooding, the flood waters will destroy infrastructures and carry away sediments found in the soil, turning the flood water murky. When the flood water recedesback into the water bodies, it will carry the sediments and debris back into the water, resulting in increase sedimentation of water and presence of more debris in the water bodies, causing water pollution
Environment affected- Soil erosion • As the force in floodwaters are stronger, when it flows over exposed soil, it will be able to carry more soil with it, eroding the top layer of soil
Environment affected-Examples • Water Pollution -According to the article “Erosion and Flooding”, it state that “One of the world’s most serious erosion problems is in China. From the Yellow River, over 1.6 billion tons of sediment flows into the ocean each year” • Soil Erosion - “Floods that break the banks of the rivers then exacerbate the problem by changing the path of the river and causing additional severe erosion where the water now flows.” shows example of flooding causing erosion” http://www.wild-again.org/UKsite/Erosion-flooding-UK.html
Case Study: Jakarta flooding (Scenario) • Jakarta is very prone to floods and many floods have occurred in that area • The worst flood that had occurred was in Jakarta. The flood that had begun on February 2 , 2007 was a result of heavy rain deforestation in areas south of the city, and waterways clogged with debris. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Jakarta_flood
Case Study: Jakarta flooding (Consequences) • Over 70,000 homes were flooded, resulting in the displacement of some 200,000 people • 54 people died from the flood • Many illnesses were spread, with 1,066 patients treated by hospitals due to diarrhoea and 329 due to dengue fever. • The flood has caused Rp 8 trillion (US$879.12 million) in losses. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 2007_Jakarta_flood
URL for pictures • http://flooddamage.freeoda.com/?p=69 • http://planetforward.ca/blog/two-new-studies-cement-the-link-between-climate-change-and-flooding/ • http://blogs.sacbee.com/photos/2010/08/asian-flood-crisis-worsens.html • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/6328977.stm • http://eandt.theiet.org/news/2011/oct/floods-pcsales.cfm • http://www.asiantrendsmonitoring.com/page/2/?s=jakarta&submit=Go