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MEDICATIONS THAT CAN AFFECT THEGUT. • ! Antibiotics (nausea/diarrhea). • ! Fosamax (reflux). • ! Theophylline (reflux). • ! Codeine ( constipation). • ! H2 antagonists ( nausea, reflux). SUPPLEMENTS THAT CAN AFFECT THEGUT. • ! Vitamin-Mineral Supplements. • ! Mega Dose Vitamin C.
MEDICATIONS THATCAN AFFECT THEGUT •! Antibiotics (nausea/diarrhea) •! Fosamax (reflux) •! Theophylline (reflux) •! Codeine ( constipation) •! H2 antagonists ( nausea, reflux)
SUPPLEMENTS THATCAN AFFECT THEGUT •! Vitamin-Mineral Supplements •! Mega Dose Vitamin C •! Potassium supplements •! Calcium •! Iron supplements •! Large doses of magnesium •! “Energy” drinks •! Flaxseed/Flaxseed oil
ERGOGENIC AIDS THAT MAY ADVERSELY AFFECTTHE GUT •! Concentrated carbohydratebeverages •! Sodium bicarbonate •! Glycerol •! Creatine •! Ginseng •! Amino acids
ANTI-INFLAMMATORYAGENTS THAT MAYAFFECT THE GUT •! Glucosamine •! Fish oil capsules •! Cayenne •! MSM •! Sam-E •! Ginger
GERD •! Eating habits exacerbating GERD •! Skipping meals and then overeating •! Eating late at night •! Eating quickly •! Eating while rushed •! Eating high fat foods •! Consuming excess alcohol/caffeine •! Being overweight •! Use of peppermint ( gum, mints, chew)
RECOMMENDATIONSFOR GERD •! Smaller, more evenly spaced meals •! Lighter evening meal •! Fluids between rather than withmeals •! Gum to stimulate salivary flow •! Stay upright after meals •! No exercise right after eating •! 3 hrs between last meal and sleep
RECOMMENDATIONSFOR ULCERS •! Medications •! Deglycyrrhizenated licorice (DGL) •! Ginger ( not on empty stomach) •! Limit black pepper, chili powder,nutmeg •! Limit citrus juices/fruits •! Limit coffee/tea and alcohol •! Smaller, more frequent meals
INFLAMMATORY BOWELDISEASE •! Potential irritants: •! Fat •! Caffeinated beverages •! Caffeine-containing herbs ( Kola nut,guarana, mate) •! Alcohol •! Acidic beverages/foods •! High fiber foods •! Sugar alcohols •! Fruit juices/drinks