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Organizational System: Women’s health care & Planned parenthood. By: Karli Lafferty. US Health . Currently, the US is the only industrialized democracy that doesn’t provide universal healthcare for all citizens (Hartman, 2012).
Organizational System: Women’s health care & Planned parenthood By: Karli Lafferty
US Health • Currently, the US is the only industrialized democracy that doesn’t provide universal healthcare for all citizens (Hartman, 2012). • The US spends a considerably larger amount of money on medical care than any other country, yet it is the only resource-rich country where a substantial amount of citizen’s are without health insurance (Blank, 2012). • In 2006 1 in 6 Americans • were uninsured
Many of the people vulnerable to not having quality access to health care are women • Accessing quality healthcare for women has been difficult for many US citizens because • healthcare is not universal • For women many essential practices are denied coverage by insurance companies for many social, political, and religious reasons. • There is a huge need for high-quality, affordable services addressing women’s health!
Definitions • Women’s health care addresses the specific medical conditions and needs of the female anatomy. • For example: menstruation, contraception, childbirth, reproductive health, and menopause, etc • Some organizations dealing with women’s health, have broadened this general definition to include issues where the biological differences between men and women cause health disparities. • Such as women’s higher rate of susceptibility to heart disease and certain types of cancer such as breast and cervical
The history of the women’s health care movement is very important in this case because it provides the historical framework for this organization’s current political debate!
Herstory: The Women’s Health Movement • began in the 1970’s when women across the country realized that their medical experiences were inadequate • wanted more information pertinent to their bodies but felt they weren’t getting it from their general physicians • In 1970 ‘Our Bodies, Ourselves,’ was published sparking a new era of health care for women amongst the feminist movement (Howes, 1994). • This book allowed women to feel a sense of control over their bodies and health decisions for the first time. • a new ideology was adopted in the feminist health approach with less focus on the traditional medical model, and more focus on wellness and health rather than disease and treatment
Margaret Sanger • Before the actual organization of the Women’s Health Movement there were many feminists working to change the injustices they saw in their lifetimes. • Sanger launched a crusade for women’s health • In 1916 Sanger, her sister and a family friend opened the world’s first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. • In 1916 women still did not have rights to vote, divorce, or have their own bank accounts • Sanger battled the Comstock Laws • enacted in 1870, they declared it “obscene” to • spread information about family planning • methods, as well as made it illegal to obtain • contraceptives
Margarent Sanger Cont. • The Sanger sisters were passionate • Came from a family where mother bore 18 kids • Sanger worked as a nurse when she grew older and continued to see the pain and suffering caused by both unwanted pregnancies and unsafe, illegal abortion practices • Their clientele in her birth control clinic were mainly poor immigrant women • When law enforcement • became aware of the clinic • they marched in and • arrested the three women • founders immediately.
The birth of Planned Parenthood • Sanger continued to fight for women’s rights. She appealed her conviction and fought to reform anti-contraceptive laws • Sanger later formed the Birth Control Clinical Review Bureau in 1923 • took statistics and surveys gauging the effectiveness and safety of birth control devices The American Birth Control League was another organization established in this time that specialized in global issues such as population growth.
That same year in 1923 this organization merged with Sanger’s Bureau, forming the first Planned Parenthood Federation of America!
Planned Parenthood’s Mission Statement • to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual • to advocate public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services • to provide educational programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications of human sexuality • to promote research and the advancement of technology in reproductive health care and encourage understanding of their inherent bioethical, behavioral, and social implications
Planned Parenthood TODAY! • Over 800 clinics across the country • Provides nearly770,000 Pap • tests and nearly750,000 breast exams each year, critical • services in detecting cancer. • Planned Parenthood provides more than four million • tests and treatments for sexually transmitted • infections, including HIV. • Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services • areabortion services. • Planned Parenthood affiliates provide educational • programs to more than1.1 million young people and • adults each year.
Purpose & Focus • Planned Parenthood aims to support what they believe are the fundamental rights of every individual in the world to manage their own fertility regardless of: • income • marital status • race • ethnicity • sexual orientation • age • national origin • or residence.
Relationships • With supporters • Over 6 million people donate, support and advocate each year • With people who don’t believe in their cause PP has faced bombings, protests, assassinations and losses of funding (Susan G. Komen) • With the government • Politics – Current election holds their fate in the balance: Each candidate has different stances on Roe v. Wade and other important acts • With their clients • Serves over 5 million people per year
Strengths & Limitations • Strengths: • Many people served important health issues they otherwise wouldn’t be able to receive • Incredible amount of support • Limitations: • Loss of funding • Loss of governmental support • Current legislature that could threaten what they aim to do such as – • Arizona’s 2010’s Senate Bill 1309 which required parental consent for any sexual education given in school • Senate Bill 1009 in 2012 which required schools to promote adoption and child rearing over abortion • 2009’s House Bill 2564 which requires minors to have a notarized parental signature before an abortion procedure
References • Blank, R. (2012). Transformation of the US Healthcare System: Why is change so difficult?. Current Sociology, 60(4), 415-426. doi:10.1177/0011392112438327 • Luft, H. S. (2006). What Works and What Doesn't Work Well in the US Healthcare System. Pharmacoeconomics, 15-28. • Howes, J., & Allina, A. (1994). Women's health movements. Social Policy, 24(4), 6-14 • Hartman, L. (Producer) (2012). Us healthcare: The good news [Television series episode]. Public Broadcasting Society. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/programs/us-health-care-good-news/ • Hoffman, B. (2003, January). Health care reform and social movements in the united states. American Journal of Public Health, 93(1), 75-85. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447696/ • History & successes. (2012). Retrieved from www.plannedparenthood.org • Basset, L. (2012, February 2). Susan g. komen loses support after after planned parenthood decision.Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/01/susan-g-komen_n_1247262.html • Health & science. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.womenshealthresearch.org/site/PageServer?pagename=hs_main • American experience: The pill. (2001). Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/pill/peopleevents/e_comstock.html • Arizona State Legislature, (2010). Sb 1309. Retrieved from website: http://www.azleg.gov//FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/50leg/2r/bills/sb1309p.htm&Session_ID=107 • State of Arizona, Senate. (2012). Senate bill 1009. Retrieved from website: http://www.azleg.gov//FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/50leg/2r/bills/sb1009s.htm&Session_ID=107 • State of Arizona, Senate. (2009). Hb 2564. Retrieved from website: http://www.azleg.gov//FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/50leg/2r/bills/hb2564p.htm&Session_ID=107