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The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall

The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall. Book project. Identifying Conflict, Climax, and Resolution. Conflict-Sophia is trying to kill J ames by using F lorence and making her do evil things.

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The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall Book project

  2. Identifying Conflict, Climax, and Resolution Conflict-Sophia is trying to kill James by using Florence and making her do evil things. Sohia said "First he killed our mother and shortly thereafter our father. Then he killed me. I tell you, he deservers to die.” Climax- Sophia made James get on the roof to keep his promise and walk across to the other chiminny on the highest point. Resolution- Florence and James are well and they are homeschool.

  3. Imagining Setting • I think it could not happen about 100 years from now. • In that time the did not have much electricity so they had fireplaces. In 100 years we will have a lot of electronic in the story a girl name “Nellie, always comes in the rooms and lights up the fire place to make it warm.”

  4. Finding CharacterFlorence is James and Sophia’s cousins. Sophia is James’s sister. The main characters Sophia James(only around the middle/ends) Florence

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