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SOCIAL SKILL LESSONS CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS. Every Monday All 4 classes. The purpose of this lesson is for all of your students to have an understanding of your 5 classroom rules. REVIEW WITH STUDENTS YOUR CLASSROOM RULES. What Does It Mean To Be Ready To Work?. PURPOSE OF LESSON:
The purpose of this lesson is for all of your students to have an understanding of your 5 classroom rules. REVIEW WITH STUDENTS YOUR CLASSROOM RULES
What Does It Mean To Be Ready To Work? PURPOSE OF LESSON: Students should know the when, where, how, and why it is important to be prepared for your class. TEACH YOUR PROCEDURES FOR: Entering Class and getting all needed materials. Seating Expectations for independent study, class instruction, and movie day. Grading and earning credit in your class.
What Does It Mean To Be Quiet? The Purpose of This Lesson Rules for talking (When is it appropriate and when is it not) Rules for asking teacher questions (When is it appropriate and when is it not) What does it mean when I say it is time to work independently? When you redirect a student to be quiet does that mean not only verbally, but feet and hands also? (Let students know specifically) Review the following: • Student understanding of what it means in your classroom when you say to be quiet.
Touch Only Those Things That Are Yours! DEFINE AND EXPLAIN Teacher and classroom property students should never touch and cannot use. Teacher and classroom property that students can use during class instruction. Explain your personal space: 1. Where do students sit or stand when they come up to the desk for help? 2. How close should a student walk by you? 3. Where are students allowed to move in your classroom? 4. Where are students not allowed to move in your classroom? 5. How many students may be out of their seat at any one time? PURPOSE OF LESSON • Students to understand the meaning of personal space and personal property in your classroom.
Go Only To Your Assigned Class Know your schedule – keep it until you have it memorized and your teachers know the changes. Read the board-if you have questions, ask before you leave the lobby! When dismissed –Go directly to your next class. No excuse! Discuss “other” – if “other” gone, GO to RTL. DISCUSS WITH STUDENTS THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSIBLE - READY
THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK! The purpose of this lesson is for: 1.Students to understand their responsibility in having to be redirected by the teacher. 2.Student to understand the expectation when redirected by the teacher. • Teach your 3 to 5 classroom rules and the 3 school wide rules. (Explain that each student is responsible for following the rules.) • Explain to students that when he chooses to not follow the rules, then he will be redirected by the teacher. • Discuss with class appropriate responses to being told the following: • Be Quiet • Get back to work • Stay in your seat • Do not ask for help at this time • No, you cannot leave the room to………… • ETC…………………. BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE READY
I AM GONE FROM IT IF YOU ARE GONE FROM IT DISCUSS WITH STUDENTS THE FOLLOWING IDEAS: • Tomorrow is a new day for both of us. • Learn from what happened today and do something different tomorrow • Your second chance to follow the rules of the classroom will happen tomorrow. • You do not always have to win the argument, but you do have to follow the rules! THE PURPOSE OF THIS LESSON IS FOR STUDENTS TO: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR BEHAVIOR BE RESPECTFUL OF THE PERSON HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE BE READY FOR CLASS THE NEXT DAY
SETTLE DIFFERENCES FIST FREE • THE PURPOSE OF THIS LESSON IS TO ESTABLISH OUR SCHOOL AS A NON VIOLENT AREA. Discuss with students the following: • Leave unit problems at the unit. • Never make fun of or harass others in this classroom or school. • Do not trade or traffic in this classroom. • It is each student’s choice to fight or not, everyone will held accountable! • Use mediation to solve problems with other youth.(teacher review procedure)
USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE IN THIS CLASSROOM • THE PURPOSE OF THIS LESSON IS TO INFORM STUDENTS WHAT LANGUAGE IS APROPRIATE FOR THE CLASSROOM. • Inform students your rules on cursing in the classroom. Our school wide rules state zero tolerance: Do not curse, threaten, bully, or use disrespectful language in our school. • Discuss with students that there is a time and place for everything. This classroom is neither the time nor the place for cursing.