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Sustainable, Reliable and Affordable Energy Concept, BMWi, BMU- Mauritus Images (p. 7),. German Energy Policy. German Energy Policy – Strategy and Targets 1/2. Long-term overall strategy up to 2050
Sustainable, Reliable and Affordable Energy Concept, BMWi, BMU- Mauritus Images (p. 7), German Energy Policy
German Energy Policy – Strategy and Targets 1/2 Long-term overall strategy up to 2050 Secure a reliable, economically viable and environmentally sound energy supply, thereby ensuring energy security and climate protection Create an energy-efficient and green economy with competitive energy prices and a high level of prosperity
German Energy Policy – Strategy and Targets 2/2 • Climate Protection Targets • Cut greenhouse gas (GG) emissions compared to 1990 levels by: 80-95% 70% 55% 40% 28%
German Energy Policy – Renewable Energy 1/4 • Agriculture aside, 80% of GG emissions are caused by energy consumption • Use of renewable energy avoids GGemissions • Table: GG avoidance (CO2 equiv.) by sector due to the use of renewables (Germany 2010)
German Energy Policy – Renewable Energy 2/4 • The target for 2020 is to supply 18% of total final energy consumption from renewable energy • Currently 11% of total final energy consumption is supplied from renewable energy sources (RES):
German Energy Policy –Renewable Energy 3/4 • Electricity is a major factor in energy consumption • Target: 35% of electricity generated from renewable energyby 2020 • Table: Structure of electricity supply from renewable energy (Germany 2010):
German Energy Policy – Renewable Energy 4/4 • The German Government plans to: • Expand renewables cost-efficiently through market-oriented renewable energy legislation (Renewable Energies Act, EEG) • Increase and upgrade onshore and offshore wind farming: • new Offshore Wind Energy Programme with a credit volume of € 5 billion • new offshore grid connection plan to improve coordination of expansion in this sector • Enhance the sustainable and efficient use of biomass • through a consistent, cross-sectoral strategy designed to avoid negative environmental impacts and competition with the production of food or animal feed
German Energy Policy – Energy Efficiency • The German Government plans: • Economic incentives and improved information • to enable companies and private consumers to tap unexploited potential for energy efficiency • A new legal obligation to make energy efficiency a criterion when awarding public contracts • Transparent national and European energy consumption labelling of products • Greater market transparency: • Federal Agency for Energy Efficiency in Eschborn toobserve and make suggestions for the further development of the energy services market
German Energy Policy – Nuclear Power 1/2 • Progressive phasing-out of nuclear power • Germany’s 17 nuclear power plants had a gross output of 21.465 megawatt • In 2010 23% of electricity was generated from nuclear power; after the 2011 moratorium this figure fell to 15% and by the end of 2022 it will be 0% • The seven nuclear power plants shut down during the moratorium and the Krümmel nuclear power plant have been taken off the grid
German Energy Policy – Nuclear Power 2/2 • The roadmap for shutting down the remaining nuclear power plants is now enshrined in law: • 2015: Grafenrheinfeld • 2017: Grundremmingen B • 2019: Philippsburg 2 • 2021: Grohnde, Grundremmingen C and Brokdorf • 2022: Isar 2, Emsland and Neckarwestheim 2
German Energy Policy – Fossil-Fuel Plants • Fossil-fuel plants + carbon capture and storage (CCS) • Invest in reserve and balancing capacities, esp. in more flexible coal- and gas-fired power stations • Promote construction of highly efficient fossil-fuel power plants that are CCS-ready • Create a legal framework for CCS (CCS Act passed on 7 July 2011) • Encourage greater international cooperation on developing CCS technologies • Terminate subsidies for domestic hard coal
German Energy Policy – Grid Infrastructure • Support for the development of national smart grids • use of information technology to manage electricity generation, storage, users and the grid itself • Expansion of grid infrastructure with electricity highways, strategic planning for the development of a European smart grid by 2050 • Innovative technologies to transport electricity over long distances with minimal losses • Expansion of energy storage capacity • Unbundling: Separating grid operation from production and sales to enhance the independence of grid operators
German Energy Policy – Buildings • Buildings currently account for 40% of final energy consumption in Germany and 1/3 of CO2 emissions • Government target: building stock to be almost climate-neutral buildings by 2050 • remaining energy demand to be supplied from renewable sources • This will require a doubling of the current rate of building renovation to upgrade energy performance • Long-term roadmap for building renovations: cut primary energy consumption by 20% by 2020 and 80%by 2050 • Energy-saving upgrades granted 10% tax reliefover a ten-year period
German Energy Policy – Mobility • Aim to have one million electric vehicles on the roads by 2020 and six million by 2030 • Continue National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Innovation Programme • Ambitious rules on max. permissible CO2 emissions for new vehicles and caps for all vehicle categories • Reach a sustainable proportion of bio-components in fuels • Increase investment in the rail network
German Energy Policy – Energy Research • Innovation is key to the structural changes necessary to achieve a sustainable energy supply • Increase funding for research and development (R&D) • New comprehensive Energy Research Programmefor the period up to 2020 and core priorities for the period thereafter • Support for German applicants participating in and implementing the EU’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan
German Energy Policy – National Approach Embedded in Europe EU targets: 20% cut in GG emissions, 20% renewables, 20% improvement in energy efficiency European smart grid as the backbone of the single energy market Integrated and functioning internal market for electricity and gas By 2013 expand emissions trading system intoan EU-wide mechanism
German Energy Policy – National Approach Globally embedded • Within the framework of theInternational Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP),link the EU-wide emissions trading system with countries that are planning or have already introduced emissions trading systems • Globally binding climate protection agreement • Overall strategy for the Mediterranean Solar Plan • Enhance the dialogue with non-EU countries on high-tech raw materials and energy technologies (International Renewable Energy Agency – IRENA)
Sources: Energy Concept for an Environmentally Sound, Reliable and Affordable Energy Supply; 28 September 2010; Editorial department Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Department K I Development of renewable energy sources in Germany 2010, Graphics and tables, Version: 23 March 2011, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, General and Fundamental Issues relating to Renewable Energies (KI III 1) Pictures: Radius Images – Mauritus Images (p. 1), Ingo Bartussek – Fotolia (p. 10), Bernhard 63 – Fotolia (p. 11), BINE Informationsdienst (p. 13), Manfred Steinbach – Fotolia (p. 14), Ulrich Zillmann (p. 15), Sven Hoppe – Fotolia (p. 16), Heinz Waldukat – Fotolia (p. 17), Thank you for your attention!