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Open Data Promotion Consortium Lecture at the General Meeting Jun. 13 (Thu.), 2013

Open Data Promotion Consortium Lecture at the General Meeting Jun. 13 (Thu.), 2013. For the 2nd Year of the Open Data Promotion Consortium Open Innovation by Knowledge Structuring. Hiroshi Komiyama. President, Open Data Promotion Consortium

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Open Data Promotion Consortium Lecture at the General Meeting Jun. 13 (Thu.), 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Open Data Promotion Consortium Lecture at the General Meeting Jun. 13 (Thu.), 2013 For the 2nd Year of the Open Data Promotion Consortium Open Innovation by Knowledge Structuring Hiroshi Komiyama President, Open Data Promotion Consortium Chairman of the Institute, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. President, Platinum Society Network President Emeritus of the University of Tokyo This document is a provisional translation by Open Data Promotion Consortium

  2. Agenda • Opening • Cases with High Probability of Innovation • Health & Medical Care • Primary Industry • Environment • RegenerableEnergy • Realization of Ideas and Structuralization of Results • Center of Innovation (COI) by the MEXT • Review of Verification Experiment Results and • Knowledge Structuring • Summary

  3. 1. Opening • If data are open, resourceful people will consider how to use them. Non-Disclosure of Data is the Height of Stupidity. • Data Collection and Distribution is Crucial. • That is the Starting Point of Innovation.

  4. 2. Cases with High Probability of Innovation • Health & Medical Care • Primary Industry • Environment • RegenerableEnergy

  5. 2-A) Health Promotion System and Creation of New Industries by Knowledge Structuring

  6. 2-B)Smart Agriculture in the Netherlands Everything is administered by PC. Photo : MRI Photo : MRI Fully-Automatic Control of Temperature and Fertilizer Application Physically Easy Work due to Work Vehicle in spite of Vast Space Photo : MRI

  7. 2-C)Forecast Utilizing Environment Data Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University The aqicn.info team Source:http://aqicn.org/city/beijing/ 出典: http://sprintars.riam.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ 3 PM, Jun.13, 2013 Little Much Nagoya Univ. : CHASER Data (Simulation Data of Chemical Material Distribution in Troposphere) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center : Aerosol Emission Data NOAA, National Institute for Environmental Studies : Utilized Open Data including GFS(Global Forecast System)Model Forecast Data, etc. Provision of Simulation Results based on the Combined Atmosphere-Ocean Model (MIROC) Utilized Open Observation Data from the US Embassy in Beijing; US Consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu; the Environment Protection Center of Beijing City; the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, etc. Described in the Index of AQI regulated by the US Environment Protection Agency

  8. 2-D) Location Diagnosis of Solar Power Stations • International Space Apps Challenge • HackathonEvent by NASA (utilizing the NASA-owned data) • Cloudless Spots for Solar Power Generation • (a.k.a. Where to Put Solar Panels?) Greater Sunshine over the Pacific Coast Area • Collected Information of Clouds over Japan for the Past 12 Years from the Earth Observation Satellite Data (MODIS) • Described with Mapping of Fine Weather Rate by 0.01 Degree of L / L • Sunshine Simulation was also added. Profitability Forecast Graph Sourcehttp://spaceappschallenge.org/project/where-to-put-solar-panels-/

  9. 2-D) Location Diagnosis of Solar Power Stations • Provision of Standard Meteorological Data for Solar Power Generation (Japan Weather Association) • Data Map which plotted observation data (sunshine, etc.) collected from AMeDAS Observation Spots (over 800 spots in Japan) and normal value etc. over the map, etc. Sourcehttp://www.jwa.or.jp/content/view/full/1947/

  10. 3. Realization of Ideas and Structuralization of Results • Knowledge Structuring by Center of Innovation (COI) • Knowledge Structuring from Verification Experiment Results

  11. 3-A)COISTREAM Overall Visionary Leader COISTREAM Governing Committee Reports and Proposals Swift Coordination COIStream Structuring Team Visionary Team Visionary Team • Structuralization • Visualization • Collaboration Promotion among Bases • Open Innovation Vision Vision Information Flow Base D Base E Base B Base C Base A Creation of Platform for Innovation

  12. 3-B)Open Utilization of Verification Project Results Verification Experiment Project of Ministry of A Verification Experiment Project of Ministry of B Verification Experiment A Verification Experiment B Verification Experiment X ・・・・・ Making Results Open Data & Knowhow Data & Knowhow Data & Knowhow Making government offices’ verification experiment results open is crucially important! Then, data users naturally take horizontal approach which leads to innovation and dissemination.

  13. 4. Summary Making Data Open Medical Care / Health / Nursing Regenerable Energy Primary Industry Environment Something naturally happens in every field. Innovation thanks to Open Data

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