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Good Followership: The Navy's Perspective on Effective Leadership and Followers

Explore how effective followership is crucial for leadership training, with insights from the Navy and expert Robert E. Kelley stressing the importance of followers in achieving success. Discover the qualities of effective followers, including self-management, commitment, competence, focus, and courage. This dynamic approach illustrates that everyone can be both a leader and follower, highlighting the significant role followers play in driving organizational success.

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Good Followership: The Navy's Perspective on Effective Leadership and Followers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

  2. “Without his armies, after all, Napoleon was just a man with grandiose ambitions.” – Robert E. Kelley

  3. Leadership Gets All the Attention • Even managers will have to play both roles • We spend far more time following than we do leading

  4. Some Followers Are More Effective* *Kelley, Robert E. “In Praise of Followers.” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 66, No. 6 (Nov/Dec 1988), 142-8.

  5. The Effective Follower • Self-management • Commitment • Competence and focus • Courage

  6. Matt’s Secret to Self-Management

  7. Effective Leader Effective Follower

  8. Go Navy! Beat Army!

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