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Dr. Maria Pittman European Commission – Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection Veterinary conference of the Fédération Colombophile Internationale (FCI) on avian influenza and Racing Pigeons Oostende, 27 January 2007.
Dr. Maria Pittman European Commission – Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection Veterinary conference of the Fédération Colombophile Internationale (FCI) on avian influenza and Racing Pigeons Oostende, 27 January 2007 EU- legislation related to pigeon races, shows, and fairs to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)
Topics • HPAI in wild birds/poultry • Control measures • Surveillance in wild birds/poultry • Biosecurity • Measures in case of wild bird findings • Regionalisation • Import rules • Conclusions
Outbreaks in poultry 2006-07 • February – July 2006 outbreaks in poultry farms have occurred in 5 Member States: • France (1),Sweden (1),Germany (1 holding/1 zoo), Denmark (1),Hungary (29) • Swiftly controlled - no further spread • 24/1/2007: Outbreak in Hungarian goose farm
Pigeons • So far no infection in pigeons was detected within the EU • No indication racing pigeons involved in the spread of disease • Science indicates that pigeons are difficult to infect • Hong Kong, Turkey, Russia, Thailand have reported positive cases in pigeons • HPAI H5N1 occurrence in the EU is an unprecedented event • More than 60 wild bird species and a few mammals (cat, stone marten, mink) affected • A cautious approach when dealing with this very specific virus is necessary
Control measures of Council Directive 2005/94/EC - Definitions "poultry" means all birds that are reared or kept in captivity for the production of meat or eggs for consumption, the production of other products, for restocking supplies of game birds or for the purposes of any breeding programme for the production of these categories of birds "other captive bird" means any bird other than poultry that is kept in captivity for any reason than poultry including those that are kept for shows, races, exhibitions, competitions, breeding or selling = includes pigeons "wild bird" means a free-living bird
Control measures(cont.) • Notification of suspicion of infection in “poultry” and “other captive birds” to national veterinary authorities • Epidemiological/laboratory investigation by official veterinarian • Confirmed disease in poultry and other captive birds must be notified to the Commission and the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) • Compulsory surveillance in poultry populations at higher risk of infection (free range, game bird farms)
Control measures (cont.) • On the holding: • “stamping out” of infected poultry/captive birds or suspected to be infected or contaminated • Destruction of eggs, meat, carcasses, waste, litter, manure • Derogations from killing for certain species of poultry or other captive birds on basis of risk assessment • Movement restrictions - other captive birds or mammals of domestic species shall not enter or leave the holding without official authorisation
Control measures (cont.) • Protection zone: • Established in a radius of 3km around outbreak • Movement restrictionsfor live poultry, captive birds, eggs, fresh meat, vehicles/equipment used by poultry sector • Confinement or other measures to limit contact to wild birds • Cleaning and disinfection of vehicles transporting live birds • Biosecurity measures for persons entering and leaving holdings • Increased disease awareness • Measures in place for at least 21 days after preliminary cleaning and disinfection
Control measures (cont.) • Surveillance zone: • Established in a radius of 10km around outbreak • Measures in place for at least 30 days after preliminary cleaning and disinfection • In protection and surveillance zone, prohibition of: • Fairs, markets or other gatherings of poultry and other birds – including pigeon races • Release of poultry or other captive birds for restocking of game
Control measures - derogations • Member States may, based on a risk assessment, introduce specific measures on movements of racing pigeons into, from and within the protection and surveillance zones provided that: • disease control is not endangered • the Commission is immediately informed • the situation is reviewed by the Commission together with Member State concerned and in the Committee
Additional control measures • Depending on epidemiological situation • In areas with high density of poultry • Further restricted zones around/adjacent to surveillance zones • Standstill for the whole country for movement of poultry, captive birds, eggs, vehicles used by poultry sector may be introduced for whole country • Preventive killing based on suspicion
Further measures • Emergency vaccination in case of outbreaks in poultry • Preventive vaccination of poultry and other captive birds • Investigations in and restrictive measures for other species • Pigs on mixed holdings • Other mammalian species
Biosecurity in poultry farms (Dec. 2005/734/EC) • Identification of HPAI “high risk areas” in each Member State • Prevention of contact between wild and domestic birds • Confinement/netting and no use of surface water • Early detection systems • Prohibition of bringing together of poultry and other birds at markets, shows, exhibitions and cultural events, including point-to-point races of birds. • By way of derogation, the competent authority may authorise the gatherings of poultry and other captive birds.
Areas at higher risk in Austria Red: commune borders Red with blue lines: Districts with poultry density of > 750/km² Yellow: Poultry slaughterhouses
Statement of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health - 8/3/2006 • Member States may allow: • a) Provided birds are fed and watered indoors: • exercise and training flights • b) Based on risk assessment: • pigeon races on their territory, taking into account the epidemiological situation and the location of defined higher risk areas • cross border races with mutual assurance between MS that races do not start, cross or end in defined high risk areas of their territories • However, no pigeon racing should take place in or through the areas under restriction established in accordance with the protection measures in relation to H5N1 in poultry and wild birds and if practically possible all birds, including pigeons should be kept indoors in such areas.
HPAI H5N1 detection in wild birds - Dec.2006/563/EC • Establishment of 3 km control area and 10 km monitoring area • Refrain from establishment of areas, if concluded on basis of risk assessment and geographical and ecological factors that no risk for disease spread • Size and shape of areas may be adapted according to the situation e.g. along the borders of rivers, lakes, the coast line • Biosecurity and surveillance measures in poultry farms must be strengthened – detect introduction from wild birds
HPAI H5N1 detection in wild birds (cont.) • Ban on hunting • Prohibition of the assembly of poultry or other captive birds at fairs, markets, shows or other gatherings in the control and the monitoring area; • Restrictions on movements of live poultry, hatching eggs, fresh poultry meat, by-products
Regionalisation HPAI H5N1 outbreak in poultry Dec.2006/415/EC • Area A includes 3km protection & a 10km surveillance zone (higher risk) • Area B (lower risk) – buffer zone around • Movements of live poultry, hatching eggs, fresh poultry meat restricted • No poultry or other captive birds are gathered at gatherings within area B such as fairs, markets or shows. • Provides for transparency to trading partners • Facilitates regionalisation by limiting restrictions to the defined area (province, region..)
Regionalisation Area A Area B Buffer zone 3 km x km 10 km
Import rules • Ban of importation of live poultry, table eggs, fresh poultry meat from affected third countries • Ban on captive bird imports • As of 1 July 2007 imports possible through revised quarantine procedures • Worldwide ban on untreated feathers • Import requirements for pet birds accompanying their owner (max.5) • Tightened border controls and close co-operation with custom services
New EU legislation • Provides for flexibility • Is based on risk assessment • Follows in absence of sufficient knowledge a precautionary approach • Takes into account science and practical experiences • Consults with stakeholders • Envisages measures proportionate to the risk • Respects subsidiarity • Is subject to review
Conclusions • The introduction and the spread of avian influenza H5N1 Asian strain to the EU is a major challenge for the veterinary and public health authorities • Many lessons have been learnt • Vast experience has been gained in dealing with positive findings in wild birds and outbreaks in poultry • Legislation and Member States’ implementation through their contingency plans have significantly reduced the impact of disease
Conclusions (cont.) • Surveillance activity, awareness and preparedness are high • At present it is still difficult to foresee the evolution of the disease and many open questions remain • Have wild birds become a true reservoir? • If yes, which species? • What is the prevalence of infection? • Sustainability of measures? • Confinement • Pre-emptive culling • Restricted use of vaccination
Thank you for your attention! For further information: http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/diseases/controlmeasures/avian/index_en.htm