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Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen, Naka, September 2007.
Status of H-mode confinement Databaseby K. Thomsen, Naka, September 2007 • New preliminary version DB4v5 (12399 obs) - New data from AUG, DIII-D, JT-60U, NSTX- Hybrid data are marked with variable HYBRID (= YES, IH, HYBRID )- new rotation variables as defined by S. Kaye ( DIII-D have supplied data for the old ones ) • Some of the problems identified by A. Chudnovskiy have been solved. • Hybrid datasets from AUG, DIII-D and JET are still preliminary versions. • The selection variable OJK2006 will be set in the next release • List of variables has been updated • Significant amount of time spent on checking new data
Proposed Definitions for Rotation and Torque Variables • Rotation variables to be cast in terms of rotation frequency W, where W=2pVtor/L, where L=2pRlocal, so that W=Vtor/Rlocal. Rlocal is R at the point of measurement. Units are sec-1. • Rotation Variables • OMEGAIMP0 – Rotation frequency of impurities in center of plasma • OMEGAIMPH – Rotation frequency of impurities at the half radius • OMEGAM0 – Rotation frequency of the main plasma species in the center • OMEGAMH – Rotatoin frequency of main plasma species at the half radius • SPIN – As defined in attached document • Torque Variables – Units are Newton-meters • TORQ – As defined in attached document • TORQBM – Volume-integrated torque due to beam (as calculated in TRANSP, for instance) • = TORQ if no (e.g.) TRANSP calculation exists • TORQIN – Volume-integrated total input torque (this could be a combination of beam torque + torque due to applied or intrinsic error fields). • = TORQBM if no additional torques are to be considered
Hybrid characterisation • Confinement scaling v tau98(y,2)… • Residuals v. H98(y,2) for new fraction • Correlation study • Bootstrap fraction Extra variables: fBS, rho(q=2), TauCR, inversion radius, ITB flag
Version DB4 compared to DB3 New data from NSTX New data from JET New data from DIII-D New data from MAST New data from AUG New data from JT-60U No new C-Mod data Data descriptions outstanding on the new data Review Sheets Pedestal data?
Web page with documentation and access to different formats of the Db4v5 database http://efdasql.ipp.mpg.de/igd/ITER/DataInfo/Db4v5/DB4v5.htm • DB4v3 is combined w. Pedestal DB DB3v3 (HDB4v3_PDB3v3) – needs to bbe updated • Review sheets for all data in DB4v4 but not DB4v5 • New List of Variables + cleaning of database- Relying on A. Chudnovskiy to check
Comments from Alexander Chudnovskiy on DB4v4 Comments on results of comparison – changed in DB$v5 1. There is TYP-I-II among ELMTYP types. This type is not described in the List of variables. The variable list includes TYPE-II but it is absent in DB4v4. 2. There is O1 among ECHMOD types. It is not described in the List of variables. The variable list includes O but it is absent in DB4v4. Remarks on parameters values. – still outstanding for DB4v5 1. The PGASA for 2 JET shots 46004 and 46005 is equal to 14.01 in both DB4v4 and DB3v13. 2. The BETMHD values for NSTX shots from 115495 to 117995 are in the range from 5 to 35. They are probably given in percents. 3. A lot of AUG shots have to high NE0 values.
Actions from last meeting in Lausanne • 1 paragraph describing the Hybrid data in the data base (FR, JD, DM, HT, SK) asap - done • Updated versions of Hybrid data contributions (FR, JD, DM, HT, SK) asap ~ done • New version of DB4v4 (KT) asap – DB4v5 created • Draft of H-mode ws abstract (KT) 25 May - done • Submit abstract (KT) 31May - done • Distribute definitions of rotation/torque etc variables (SK) - done • Provide data for the new variables (All) next meeting • Distribute workplan for PPCF paper on non-linear regressions (OJK) • Distribute draft of PPCF paper (OJK) • NUstar scans from C-Mod - MG • JET H-mode data - December (DM)
DB4v5 info • Proposed definitions of rotation and torque variables • Definition of SPIN and TORQUE • Number of observations in DB4v5 • AUG corrections • DIII-D corrections • JT-60U corrections • NSTX corrections • DB4v5 corrections