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Death And Dying The Final Journey An Islamic Perspective. Imam Ashfaq Patel Imam Of Central Mosque Blackpool Muslim Chaplain at Blackpool, fylde and Wyre Hospitals. EVERY SOUL SHALL HAVE THE TASTE OF DEATH! (Qur’aan 29:57).
Death And DyingThe Final JourneyAn Islamic Perspective Imam Ashfaq Patel Imam Of Central Mosque Blackpool Muslim Chaplain at Blackpool, fylde and Wyre Hospitals
EVERY SOUL SHALL HAVE THE TASTE OF DEATH! (Qur’aan 29:57). • Death is the most certain aspect of life. According to the statistics, 6178 people die in the world every hour. These are people of all ages, dying of all causes. Some of these deaths will make headlines. The great majority will die quietly. Yet everyone will enter his grave the same way. Alone. At the time appointed by God. Science and technology can neither prevent nor predict death. It is solely in the hands of the Creator
When Death Is Inevitable • Allow Family to be besides Muhatadar(Dying) • Family will request privacy • They may request praying facilities • If no Family Available • Inform local Muslim Community ASAP • Good to have contact details • Preferably contact the Imam • Assist as much as possible
Signs Of Death • The Signs of Death are : • The legs become slack and limp • Breathing becomes heavy, quick and erratic • The nose bends slightly • The temples sag • The Muhtadhar • This is the person on whom the signs of Maut are clearly seen • It is desirable to recite Surah Yaseen or any part of the Qur’aan. • It is makrooh (undesirable) to recite the Qur’aan near the deceased persons body during the period between death and ghusl. However it is permitted to recite by sitting away from the deceased or after putting a clean cloth over the deceased. (Shami 800/1).
Maut (Death) • The Talqeen • The Talqeen is to remind the dying person of the two shahadah’s: “Ash’ hadu Alla ilaha ilal-lahu wa ash’hadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa rasuluh” I testify “ there is non worthy of worship but Allah & I testify that Muhammed (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah” • The Muhtadhar must not be asked or ordered to read the Kalimah, but must be helped to recall it
Bismillaahi wa ‘alaa millate rasoolillah • Trans: In the name of Allah and on the creed, religion and faith of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)’ Just after death has been determined • Close the eyes of the deceased. • Umme Salma reported that : "When her husband died The Prophet (P.B.U.H) closed his eyes" (Muslim).
Just after death has been determined (continued) • The lower jaw should be bound to the head so that it does not sag. • The legs should be straightened and the two large toes tied together. • The body should be covered with a clean sheet. • Aisha reported that : "Muslims covered the body of The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) when he died" (Bukhari & Muslim). • Dua (Supplication) should be made to Allah for his forgiveness.
Just after death has been determined (continued) • Hasten to prepare the body for washing, shrouding and burial. • The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: " You should hasten with his burial" (Bukhari & Muslim). • This can be done by: • Informing the local Muslim Burial Committee (Local Mosque) • Informing the Coroner if a suspected death. • Preparing the Death certificate ASAP • Aiding towards an early release of the deceased
Performing Ghusl • Once Body is released for Burial • Take the deceased to the appropriate place for the final Ritual wash (Ghusl) • Male to Male-Female to Female • After the bath the deceased is purified. • The Quran can now be recited by the side of the deceased.
Closest female relative Husband not allowed Woman Closest male relative Wife is also allowed Man Ghusl • Who should give Ghusl ? • Young children are not allowed to give Ghusl. • Very young children may be given Ghusl by either male or female. • It is acceptable for someone to charge for giving Ghusl, although they will not get any thawaab for it.
Shrouding the Deceased Male • Qamees Small sheet, from head to feet • Izaar (undergarment) from head to feet • Lifafafa Main sheet approximately one arm longer than the height of the deceased in which he can be wrapped
Female shroud • Female • One large sheet (Lifafa), approximately one arm longer than the height of the deceased in which she can be wrapped. • (Sinaband) sheet, from chest to below the knees and can be tied. • Trouser (Izaar), small sheet, from head to feet. • Dress (Qamees) sheet, from neck to feet. • Head scarf (Orni) sheet, three arms length.
Takfeen (Shrouding) • Shroud is of simple cloth • 3 sheets for male, 5 for females • Fragrance applied to the 7 points of prostration • Body is now ready for Prayer & Burial
Janaza (Funeral prayer & Service) • The Funeral prayer is a means of seeking forgiveness for the deceased. • It is incumbent on the community to perform the funeral prayer for the deceased. • If a group from the community performs the service the obligation is uplifted from the whole community • If not, the whole community is sinful
Types Of Graves • Islam has a unique style of building graves and cemeteries that is characterized by humility, simplicity and economy in costs and that avoids glorifying the dead with elaborate monuments. • It is of great importance that a special cemetery be devoted exclusively for the use of Muslims. The deceased should be buried in the locality in which he lived. It is undesirable to take the body to the person’s own country or to another city. • In Muslim cemeteries, there are two types of graves : • Al-Shaqq : is to make a deep vertical hole in the ground. • Al-Lahed : is to make a deep vertical hole in the ground, then in the bottom make a side horizontal hole big enough to cover the whole body.
Tadfeen - Burial • Haste in Burial • Attendance of Females • Coffins It is better to ask before hand if your attendance is welcome Types of Graves The Graveyard Prayer Laid to Rest
Mourning Period • The Mourning period for a Muslim deceased is • 3 days for families, friends and community • A woman whose Husband has died will mourn for 4 months and 10 days • After these periods the bereaved Family should be allowed to carry on as usual.
More Information • http://www.gardens-of-peace.org.uk/what_to_do_p1.htm • http://www.gardens-of-peace.org.uk/index.htm