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Welcome Back I would like to welcome all of you back for the summer term. I hope that you all had a restful holiday. Club Exhibition
Welcome Back I would like to welcome all of you back for the summer term. I hope that you all had a restful holiday. Club Exhibition Your child will have come home with details of this terms clubs. Please note, the club exhibition is on Monday 22nd April at 8:15am to 8:30am and 3:15pm. Vouchers must be purchased before the exhibition and are available at the school office. PE Kit reminder If they have not already done so, please can your child bring their PE kit into school on Monday. Thank you Breakfast Club Tuesday Treat next week will be ‘Fruit Kebabs and Healthy Doughnuts’. Breakfast club is £1 and everyone is welcome. Mad March Hair A huge THANK YOU for all your donations. We have raised £89.50 for Diabetes UK. Friday 19th April 2013Newsletter Key Stage 1 parents Milk money for the summer term is now due. Please send £3.50 with your child in aN envelope marked with their name and class. Thank you. Toast is sold during the Key stage 1 and 2 morning breaks on Tuesdays and Thursday at 20p per slice. Fantastic Friday Children who don’t usually have a school dinner have the option to have one on Fridays. Fantastic Friday menu for Friday 26th April 2013 is: Spicy Cheese Pizza with Chips Baked Beans Jacket Potato Dessert – Ice Lolly PTO for more info and diary dates… Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007 Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007
Gold Book Winners Congratulations to all the children who were the Gold Book Winners this week. They are; Reception – Aisha Shafiq and Suhana Akram Year 1 – Nurjahaan Valli and Waqas Asim Year 2 – Muhammed Ali and Faatimah Molvi Year 3 – Mobasher Farooq and Faiqah Rehman Year 4 – Zain Iqbal and Maariya Pennells Year 5 – Aimen Arif and Saad Rehman Year 6 – Safa Ashfaq and Frieda Noor Welfare Star – Iram Malik in Year 2 and Shifa Patel in Year 3 A big well done to all of you. Attendance Award This weeks Attendance Award goes to Year 4 . Well done Year 4! Teller of the Week The Teller this week is Mohammed Umar Patel in Year 4. Well done Umar! House points winners this week are Rubies. Well done Rubies. Top table This week’s children on the top table are; AIsha Azam and Aminah Hassan in Reception, Hasnain Patel and Muhammed Faiz Iqbal in Year 1, Jannah Ali and Moontaha Mehrin in Year 2, Uthmaan Valli and Umar Rizwan in Year 3, Surah Suleman and Sajiyah Saloojee in Year 4, Waleed Anjum and Zain Aslam in Year 5 and Maariyah Faijal and Arrosa Iqbal in Year 6. Diary Dates Monday 22nd April Club Exhibition 8:15am and 3:15pm Wednesday 1st May Year 4 at Witton Park CLC Wednesday 1st May Year 3 singing at Blackburn University Monday 6th May Bank Holiday Tuesday 7th May INSET Day – School closed Thursday 9th May Class and Team photographs W/c Monday 13th May Year 6 SAT’s week Thursday 23rd May Year 3 Ancient Greece workshop (in school) Friday 24th May Charity Day – Non uniform Friday 24th May School closes at 3:05pm for half term holiday. Monday 3rd June School re-opens at 8:50am