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W hat would the school do in a snow disaster!. By Alex Harper 2k…. Introduction. Hello my name is Alex and this presentation today will give you vital information o n what to do in a snow disaster and blackout, SO LETS BEGIN…. WHAT LOSSES THE SCHOOL WILL FACE….
What would the school do in a snow disaster! By Alex Harper 2k…
Introduction Hello my name is Alex and this presentation today will give you vital information on what to do in a snow disaster and blackout, SO LETS BEGIN…
WHAT LOSSES THE SCHOOL WILL FACE… If we were to suffer from a storm we would most certainly suffer from: Power Loss- It potentially means a black out, meaning no electricity. Travel- It would be hard to get in to the school or out due to the snow blocking the way, also we would have loads of roads closed. Communication- It means we wont be able to speak to loved ones and emergency services so it will be harder to get help. Food/ Supplies- We would run out of food after approximately two days.
What People can do to make the situation better • Pupils and Staff inside the school wont be able to do much about the troubles facing them but the emergency services around the area and the parish council will do their best to deliver supplies and unblock roads that are covered in snow. However it would be hard to imagine southwest trains running in that kind of weather • Obviously there will be parents or family members of the students inside the premises would be worried and will have to rely on the school to ensure that we are safe and not harmed
A few effects the body could face… The heating is gone and you could suffer from hypothermia-this can give you, shivering, lack of coordination and mental confusion
The food risks after a blackout… You will have to be cautious when it comes to food soon after the black out it will be harder to store food especially if it needs to be refrigerated other wise you could be a victim of food poising depending on whether its perishable or not. There will be more on the effects on food poisoning later…
Refrigerated and Frozen food after a blackout The following is taken from www.foodsaftey.gov>Keep food safe • Is food in the refrigerator safe during a power outage? It should be safe as long as power is out no more than four hours. Keep the door closed as much as possible. Discard any perishable food (such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers) that have been above 4.44 °C for over two hours. • Never taste food to determine its safety! You can’t rely on appearance or odour to determine whether food is safe. • Thawed or partially thawed food in the freezer may be safely refrozen if it still contains ice crystals or is at 4.44 °C or below. Partial thawing and refreezing may affect the quality of some food, but the food will be safe to eat. • If you keep an appliance thermometer in your freezer, it’s easy to tell whether food is safe. When the power comes back on, check the thermometer. If it reads 4.44 °C or below, the food is safe and can be refrozen.
Food poisoning and it’s effects • Each year, loads of people get sick from contaminated food. Symptoms of food poisoning include upset stomach, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, and dehydration. Symptoms may range from mild to severe.
Hopefully none of the things mentioned will happen… I MEAN IMAGINE NO PHONE FOR DAYS! But if so be prepared… The sooner you react the better… Keep your eyes on weather and news reports before hand… THANK YOU FOR WATCHING THE FOLLOWING PRESENTATION I HOPE I’VE HELPED YOU AND TAUGHT YOU SOMETHINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ALREADY. HAVE A NICE DAY