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Analyzing Funders’ Effectiveness and Support to Microfinance Results of the First Global Survey Jasmina Glisovic-Mezieres and Olga Tomilova November 19-21, 2008. CGAP 2008 Funder Survey. First global survey of leading donors and investors in microfinance
Analyzing Funders’ Effectiveness and Support to MicrofinanceResults of the First Global SurveyJasmina Glisovic-Mezieres and Olga TomilovaNovember 19-21, 2008
CGAP 2008 Funder Survey • First global survey of leading donors and investors in microfinance • Based on self-reported data, mostly as of December 2007 • 54 respondents divided into donors and investors • Donors -- bilaterals, multilaterals, foundations • Investors -- DFIs, individual investors, institutional investors • Purpose: more transparency on microfinance funding flows
How much money is flowing into microfinance? Number of respondents: 54 Note: Global projects are not included in this graph. They account for about 1,094 million USD (9%).
Who is providing the money? Number of respondents: 54
What is the money used for? Retail-level dominates Number of respondents: 49
Capacity building Number of respondents: 49
How does the money flow? Loans are the main funding instrument Number of respondents: 54
DFIs: Global trends Number of Respondents: 16 + 55% Compound annual growth rate for 2005 to 2007
DFIs: Regional trends Number of respondents: 49
Distribution of funding by ECA sub-regions In USD ‘000
Breakdown of total committed amount by level of the financial system, %
Survey participants AECI, AFD, AfDB, AsDB, BIO, CAF, CDC, CIDA, Citi Foundation, Cordaid, DCA USAID, DFID, EBRD, EC, EIB, Finnfund, Finland MoF, FIRST initiative, FMO, Fondation sen'Finances, Ford Foundation, Gates Foundation, GTZ, Hivos, ICCO, IFAD, IFC, ILO, IMF/AFRITAC, IsDB, Italy MoF, JBIC, Lux Dev, KfW, MCC, MIF/IADB, MSDF, Netherlands MoF, Norad, Norfund, Omidyar Network, OPIC, Proparco, Oxfam Novib, Rabobank Foundation, SDC, Sida, SIFEM, Kiva, Oikocredit, TIAA CREF, UNCDF, USAID and World Bank. Note: Outstanding Portfolio = Funds disbursed minus repayments Committed Funding = Funds set aside for microfinance in all active projects, whether or not disbursed.
For more information about CGAP 2008 Funder Survey, please contact Jasmina Glisovic-Mezieres at jglisovicmeziere@worldbank.org