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The Gospel of John. Mr. Perrotti Theology 1 Jesus Christ II Chapter 3 –Part 2. Prayer. Let us all meditate and pray for all those who have not seen and still struggle to believe. Lord, like the Apostle John, we to want to be you “beloved one”, trust in you and be your servant! Psalm 139
The Gospel of John Mr. Perrotti Theology 1 Jesus Christ II Chapter 3 –Part 2
Prayer Let us all meditate and pray for all those who have not seen and still struggle to believe. Lord, like the Apostle John, we to want to be you “beloved one”, trust in you and be your servant! Psalm 139 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pkKoCaz8_E.com
John Show Jesus As… • Son Of God • Our Personal Savior • The Incarnate “Word” (Logos)
In Him is life…“In Christ” No Condemnation Dead to sin Alive to God Eternal life Form one body Sanctified God’s grace Hope Made alive New creation Reconciled Justified Freedom Faith Every spiritual blessing God’s workmanship Brought near to God God’s eternal purpose Forgiveness Peace of God
John the Baptist (A Witness) – From the Prologue • The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. • There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. • He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. • He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
John the Baptist’s Testimony • John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.'“ • I must decrease as He increases!!!!!!
Themes Originating in the PrologueWords occurring at least this many times in John… • Light 23 • Truth 38 • Life 36 • Son 43 • Glory 42 Witness 54 World 79 God 82 Believe 98
Seven Signs in the “Book of Signs” 1. Water into wine 2:1-11 2. Healing the nobleman’s son 4:46-54 3. Healing the lame man 5:1-15 4. Feeding the multitude 6:1-15 5. Walking on the water 6:16-24 6. Healing the blind man 9:1-41 7. Raising of Lazarus 11:1-44
Ascending Emphasis of the Signs • Resurrection in plain sight after 3 days • Man blind from birth • Master over natural world (chaos) –Jesus Walks on Water • Food as a miracle • Invalid for 38 years –Man born lame • Healing from a distance • Water to wine at a wedding
The Purpose of the Signs But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (John 20:31) John chooses seven signs an reveals them in the order of importance!
Changing Water into Wine • Occurred at a wedding feast for a member of Jesus’ Family! • Mary was definitely involved with the issue of the wine running out. • A huge embarrassment for the families of the Bride and Groom! • Show’s Jesus’ Power over nature and that he will never say “NO” to his mother!
Healing the official’s son • Healing from a distance • Healing at once • Second sign • Showed Jesus’ ability to heal from a distance and concur death!
Healing at the pool • A Jerusalem feast • Man was Lamb for 38 years • Sabbath issue • Breaking the Sabbath • Sanhedrin start to pursue Jesus • Making himself equal with God
Feeding of 5000 • Jesus is the food for our salvation • Crowds were growing to hear his Word • Not all bread and bread givers are equal • “… the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” • “I am the bread of life” The grumbling starts Disciples desert Jesus • The Apostles tried to have Him send the Crowd Off • First time Christ used Food as a Miracle
Jesus walks on water • Master over natural world (chaos) • The Apostles were afraid and left Jesus and returned home to fish • They see Jesus at the shore line walking toward them. • Peter in a moment of Great Faith joins Jesus on the water until he realizes what he is doing. • Show’s Jesus’ power over nature
Healing a blind man • Born blind • Who is responsible? – God – Natural section? • Pharisees investigate because of the Sabbath healing. • His parents fear the Jews v. 20-23 • “Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.“ • Spiritual blindness – meaning of the Miracle
Raising of Lazarus from the dead • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0M7vvX6__M&noredirect=1.com • Jesus’ greatest miracle • “I believe that all things are possible through you as I believe you are the Christ” • Jesus proclaims himself as “The Resurrection and the Life”!
The Seven “I AM” Statements • “bread of life” 6:35, 48, 51 • “light of the world” 8:12; 9:5 • “gate” 10:7, 9 • “good shepherd” 10:11, 14 • “resurrection and the life” 11:25 • “way and the truth and the life” 14:6 • “the true vine” 15:1
Enters Jerusalem in Glory • Jesus enters the City in Glory as the proclaimed “King of the Jews” • On the back of a Donkey he is met by all those who believe in him as the Messiah • Palms are laid in His path as a sign of royalty • They become the symbol of his great sacrifice • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agOrq2WxKXY.com