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Effective Educators Title II, Part A

Join us for training on the Effective Educator program under Title II, Part A of ESSA. Learn about teacher qualifications, data collection, paraeducator qualifications, and more. Get information on state connections, funding uses, and local applications.

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Effective Educators Title II, Part A

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Effective EducatorsTitle II, Part A ESSA: OSPI FEDERAL PROGRAMS TRAINING 10:30 am – 11:30 am Maria Flores, DirectorJulia fallon, Program supervisor

  2. Notable Purpose Change • Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers, Principals, or Other School Leaders

  3. Teacher QualificationsSec. 2101(c)(4)

  4. ESSA: Effective Educator Work Group Recommendations EFFECTIVE EDUCATOR DEFINITION

  5. Teacher Assignment RCW 28A.405.100 (8)(a) Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, evaluation results for certificated classroom teachers and principals must be used as one of multiple factors in making human resource and personnel decisions. Human resource decisions include, but are not limited to:Staff assignment, including the consideration of an agreement to an assignment by an appropriate teacher, principal, and superintendent; and reduction in force. Nothing in this section limits the ability to collectively bargain how the multiple factors shall be used in making human resource or personnel decisions, with the exception that evaluation results must be a factor.

  6. Effective Educator Data Collection: School Employee Evaluation Survey (SEES) • Survey opens in mid-October for previous school year; closes mid-November • Report teacher TPEP scores aggregated by school; principal TPEP scores aggregated by district • Survey will be modified to collect what’s required by ESSA (effective, emerging effective, ineffective)

  7. Teacher Qualifications • OSPI will monitor for teacher qualifications including certification, endorsements, teaching assignments, and years of experience reported in the Educator Equity Data Collection Tool (EDS).

  8. Paraeducator Qualifications • Paraeducators: • OSPI will maintain the paraeducator qualifications required under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) until paraeducator standards are adopted and funded by the Legislature. • Sec. 1119 (c) through (h)

  9. ESSAConnections • Title I, Part A: • Title I students are not served at disproportionate rates by ineffective, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers. • Sec. 1111(g)(B) • Districts to notify parents that they may request and the District will provide certain information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s teachers and paraprofessionals, as appropriate. • Sec. 1112(e)(A)

  10. State Connections • Professional Educators Standards Board (PESB): • State assignment policy for certificated staff (WAC 181-82).

  11. State Connections • WAC 181-82-110 • http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=181-82-110 • School district response and support for nonmatched endorsements to course assignments of teachers. • Pre-endorsement Waivers and SPED Staffing: Common Questions and Answers for Districts • http://www.k12.wa.us/SpecialEd/endorsement_faq.aspx • Options for districts when they are unable to recruit or hire teachers who do not have a special education endorsement. • WAC 181-77-025 • http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=181-77-025 • Career and Technical Education personnel assignment policy.

  12. Pause and Reflect • Whatprocedures and processes are implemented by your district to make sure teachers are assigned in-field (i.e., endorsement matches teaching assignment)? • Who is responsible for ensuring teaching meet state certification requirements? • What action(s) does your district take to make certain that the most qualified and experienced teachers are working with the most at-risk students?

  13. State Uses of FundsSec. 2101(c)(3)

  14. ESSA: Effective Educator Workgroup Recommendation • State set-aside: • 3% for training to support evaluation and professional learning for principals • 1% for recruitment and retention of teachers, principals, and other school leaders

  15. Formula Grants to LEAsSec. 2101(b)(2)

  16. Hold HarmlessSec. 2101(b)(A-C) • Title II, Part A will notify school districts of projected changes in allocation related to the change in formula and the elimination of the hold harmless by late January. • Projected based on 2016-17 allocation to Washington State, 2017-18 will depend on the final allocation from Department of Education.

  17. Local ApplicationSec. 2102(b)(2)

  18. Local Application, Con’t.Sec. 2102(b)(2)

  19. Local Uses of FundsSec. 2101(b)(3)

  20. Local Uses of Funds, Con’t.Sec. 2101(b)(3)

  21. Local Uses of Funds, Con’t.Sec. 2101(b)(3)

  22. Pause and Reflect • Which of these initiatives will your district be interested in supporting with Title II, Part A funds? • Howwill your district coordinate professional development activities with other federal, state and local programs?

  23. OSPITitle II, Part A Program Office • http://www.k12.wa.us/titleiia/ • title2quality@k12.wa.us • 360-725-6340

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