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Pennsylvania’s Home Visitation Stakeholder Committee Meeting June 4, 2013 Harrisburg , PA. Introductions. http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=urU-a_FsS5Y. Identify issues Pose questions Share concerns Request clarification. Work Groups. Work Group Updates. At your table.
Pennsylvania’s Home Visitation Stakeholder Committee Meeting June 4, 2013 Harrisburg, PA
Identify issues Pose questions Share concerns Request clarification
At your table . . . Identify the top 3-5 priorities for presentations at the Pennsylvania Early Childhood Summit Identify possible presenters on those topics
Diving Deeper with Colleen Masi • Centralized Intake Approach • Why they did it • How they did it • Barriers, facilitators • Advice • Discussion
Erie County MIECHV Central Intake PA MIECHV Stakeholders Meeting June 4, 2013 Colleen Masi cmasi@eriesd.org
History of Erie County’s Central Intake • Local Stakeholder Group Conversation • Multiple Evidence-Based HV models in Erie County Healthy Families America (Countywide - 2) Nurse-Family Partnership (Countywide) Parents As Teachers (South County and Countywide) • Appropriate referrals • 17,000 children under age 5
Getting Started: The Process • The Conversations: Why? Where? Who? What? • Ad Hoc Committee of Local Stakeholder Group • Selecting a Provider • Developing the Contract • Job descriptions, recruitment, hiring the right person • Training • Implementation Planning
Research! Model developers Webinars National organizations
Now What? Challenges and Next Steps
Home Visiting Stakeholders Meeting MIECHV UPDATESData & Evaluation Michelle P. Hill mhill@pa.gov 717.772.4850 6/4/2013 Departments of Education and Public Welfare | www.education.state.pa.us | www.dpw.state.pa.us
Data System • Being developed by • Final stages of design • Phase One: demographic, service utilization, and benchmark data collection
Motherand Infant HomeVisitingProgram Evaluation (MIHOPE) MIHOPE MIHOPE – Strong Start Random selection MIECHV & non-MIECHV sites HFA & NFP Goal: 15,000 families Target: Pregnant women who are enrolled in CHIP/Medicaid Study enrollment and data collection expected to begin Summer 2013 • Random selection • MIECHV sites • EHS, HFA, NFP & PAT • Goal: 5,100 families • Target: Pregnant women; families with infants less than 6 months • Study began Fall 2012
Motherand Infant HomeVisitingProgram Evaluation (MIHOPE) • 6 MIECHV sites in Pennsylvania are currently participating • Monthly meetings with MIHOPE research team (focus on recruitment issues) As of 05/30/2013
Home Visiting Stakeholders Meeting MIECHV UPDATESContinuous Quality Improvement Michelle P. Hill mhill@pa.gov 717.772.4850 6/4/2013 Departments of Education and Public Welfare | www.education.state.pa.us | www.dpw.state.pa.us
Overview • 3 teams • Bottom-up approach
Initial Activities • learn about CQI (including the difference between quality assurance and quality improvement) • define the role and function of a CQI team • determine the frequency of CQI team meetings and activities • identify the people/positions responsible for elements of the CQI plan • provide oversight of the CQI Plan • define quality for the MIECHV program • identify goals and objectives
Model for Improvement 2 parts: • 3 fundamental questions • Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle • Plana change. Formulate specific aim statements, develop a detailed data collection plan, and establish project timelines. • Do (Test) the change. Carry out the data analysis plan, document any unexpected problems or challenges, track progress against timeline benchmarks. • Study (Review) the tests. Analyze collected data, compare results to project aims, summarize and present data. • Take Action based on what has been learned. If the change did not work, go through the cycle again with a different change. If the change was successful, use what has been learned to begin planning new improvements.
Using the Early Learning GPS with Families Helping families set the right course for their young children’s success in kindergarten and beyond
What PA families want: • Parents very interested in their child’s development, but have difficulty in understanding what this means and finding appropriate resources. • Parents are looking for an authority to help them figure out what information is the right information. • Keystone STARS has helped raise the quality issue.
Early Learning GPS (Guiding Parents Smoothly) Purpose: • Create an interactive way for families to think about what they can do to support their child's development and simple actions they can take. • Engage them when they are most receptive, and make it easy for them to follow their own learning path.
Early Learning GPS (Guiding Parents Smoothly) Purpose: • Create an interactive way for families to think about what they can do to support their child’s development and simple action steps they can do with additional supports. • Engage them when they are most receptive, and make it easy for them to follow their own learning path.
What's unique? • It’s a great place for all families to start learning how to help their baby grow. • The information is reliable. • Families go at their own pace. • No tests, no scores. • Families can provide feedback to improve the GPS. • The GPS helps families take the next steps.
GPS - Audiences • Anyone who cares for young children – parents, grandparents, foster parents, siblings • Professionals who work with individuals caring for a young child • Organizations and businesses who want to provide resources and education to families and employees with young children
How can the GPS be used? • By an individual online • By two people face to face (with discussion guide) • In a parent training class or lunch and learn
Using the GPS with families • By an individual online • By two people face to face (with discussion guide) • In a parent training class or lunch and learn
Providing info on the GPS to families • logo and web • banner to post to your site • 2 minute introduction video for families • sample articles for parent newsletters, emails • sample facebook posts • postcards available in PDF • all resources on PA's Promise website
Using one-on-one with families • Questions help spark discussion, identify areas where families need more information and support • Allow parent to guide the process - choose the area they are most interested in • GPS Personal map worksheet a great place to jot notes and review tips
Use with groups of families • Questions help spark discussion, identify areas where families need more information and support • Allow parent to guide the process - choose the area they are most interested in • GPS Personal map worksheet a great place to jot notes and review tips
Questions, feedback, suggestions? email Kelly Swanson at kelswa@berksiu.org
For children ages zero to three, the President's proposal includes a new Early Head Start-Child Care partnership at the Department of Health and Human Services to improve quality, and it expands the Administration's home visiting initiative. Home visiting is showing great results. As anyone who's ever had to care for a new baby knows, you need all the help and advice you can get. And that is often especially the case for struggling single parents, first-time parents, and teen parents.