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The Roaring 20s: Changing attitudes

The Roaring 20s: Changing attitudes. The 1920s was a decade of societal revolution in America. The youth of the age rebelled against the acceptable norms of American society set in the decades following the Civil War.

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The Roaring 20s: Changing attitudes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Roaring 20s:Changing attitudes

  2. The 1920s was a decade of societal revolution in America. The youth of the age rebelled against the acceptable norms of American society set in the decades following the Civil War. Question: What could have happened leading into the 20s to produce such a shift? TOPIC STATEMENT

  3. A. Emphasized youth/personal freedom 1. Reaction to horrors of WWI B. Marriage 1. Romance, pleasure 2. public discussion C. Auto: youth “going out” I. The New Morality

  4. II. Women and the Family • Change (& continuity) for women: • Female workers after WWI were limited to teachers, nurses, & other low-paying jobs • The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote but few women voted

  5. Alice Paul’s National Women’s Party (NWP) failed to pass an Equal Rights Amendment

  6. The “Gibson Girl” Ideal

  7. Women and the Family • “Flappers” rebelled against Victorian customs • Divorce rates doubled But…most women looked forward to lives as a mother and a wife “The creation and fulfillment of a successful home…compares favorably with building a beautiful cathedral.” —Ladies Home Journal

  8. Women and the Family “I have been kissed by dozens of men. I suppose I’ll kiss dozens more.” —character in F. Scott Fitzgerald novel • Families became smaller due to greater access to birth control • Children were no longer need to work to support their families • Teens began to “discover” their adolescence & revolt against their parents by drinking, having premarital sex, & searching for new forms of excitement

  9. New businesses • New towns • Roads: 1919, 7k miles. ’27, 50k miles • Out and about • Lover’s Lane • Suburbs • Debt III. Impact of the car

  10. cultural conflicts

  11. A. Fundamentalist Beliefs 1. Response to New Mor. 2. Bible literally true 3. creationism over evolution B. Scopes Trial 1. Evolution 2. In Tenn./guilty  $100 fine I. The Fundamentalist Movement

  12. A. Enforcement • 10k miles border/coastline • Canada • ships • Bootleggers • $40 million in ’24 • Dr. prescriptions • home brew/stills cheap II. Prohibition fails

  13. B. Attitude problem • Disobeying law: no biggie • San Fran jury • Majority thought stupid • C. Mafia • Gov’t bribery/corruption • bought breweries • armored trucks

  14. Anti-all minorities/immigrants Social belonging “Pure” Americans 5 million at height Kokomo, Indiana Birth of a Nation Late 20s dropoff III. The new klan

  15. Changing Face of Industry

  16. A. Amount of goods each hour of labor produced 1. 1922-28: by 70% 2. Electric motors 3. Assembly lines 4. Other war nations I. Industrial Productivity

  17. A. Assembly line 1. 14 hrs to 93 mins 2. Every 10 seconds 3. Napoleon & Jesus 4. Cost >$300 to buy II. Ford’s Revolution

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