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Women’s Jeopardy

Test your knowledge on women's health care, influential women heroes, significant events in women's American history, and international women's movements. Explore topics such as reproductive rights, influential women figures, women's suffrage, and global women's movements. Join the raffle to win tickets.

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Women’s Jeopardy

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  1. Women’s Jeopardy

  2. categories

  3. Women’s Health Care1 raffle ticket The Supreme Court Decision in 1973 That legalized abortion.

  4. Women’s Health Care1 raffle ticket What is ROE V. WADE

  5. Women’s Health Care2 raffle tickets The year that Planned Parenthood Started

  6. Women’s Health Care2 raffle tickets When is 1916

  7. Women’s Health Care3 raffle tickets The year that married couples were legally allowed to use oral contraceptives

  8. Women’s Health Care3 raffle tickets When is 1965

  9. Women’s Health Care4 raffle tickets The percentage women pay more for health care than men.

  10. Women’s Health Care4 raffle tickets What is 69% more

  11. Women’s Health Care5 raffle tickets The year oral contraceptives were approved by the FDA

  12. Women’s Health Care5 raffle tickets When is 1960

  13. Women HEROES1 raffle tickets Received over 74 thousand votes in the 2016 presidential election, the most votes for a Socialist Candidate in recent history.

  14. Women HEROES1 raffle tickets Who is Gloria La Riva

  15. Women HEROES2 raffle tickets During the 1969 hijacking of a TWA flight, en route from Rome to Damascus, She forced the pilot to fly over Haifa, so that she could look at the hometown she was not permitted to visit.

  16. Women HEROES2 raffle tickets Who is Leila Khaled

  17. Women HEROES3 raffle tickets Said “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win…We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

  18. Women HEROES3 raffle tickets Who is Assata Shakur

  19. Women HEROES4 raffle tickets She fought in the guerilla movement with Fidel Castro and served on the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party, said, lasting social changes “could not be achieved purely by our wanting [them].”

  20. Women HEROES4 raffle tickets Who is Vilma Espin

  21. Women HEROES5 raffle tickets American labor organizer, radical socialist who the Chicago Police Department described her as “more dangerous than a thousand rioters.”

  22. Women HEROES5 raffle tickets Who is Lucy Parsons

  23. Women’s American history1 raffle ticket This right was won after a Decades-long struggle which pressured the passing of the 19th amendment.

  24. Women American history1 raffle ticket What is the Right to Vote

  25. Women American history2 raffle tickets This is the first state to pass laws that allowed married women to own property

  26. Women American history2 raffle tickets What is New York State

  27. Women American history3 raffle tickets By the 70's, women made up the majority of this party who fought for Black liberation and to protect the Black community from state violence.

  28. Women American history3 raffle tickets What is The Black Panther Party

  29. Women American history4 raffle tickets This organization called for an end to the forced sterilization of Puerto Rican women. In 1968, a survey revealed that one-third of all Puerto Rican women, ages 20 to 49, had been sterilized.

  30. Women American history4 raffle tickets What is The Young Lords

  31. Women American history5 raffle tickets She helped establish trust between the Communist Party and the Harlem community and fought so that her own comrades would amplify the voices of Black working-class women.

  32. Women American history5 raffle tickets Who is Williana Burroughs

  33. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS1 raffle ticket This socialist country has the lower infant mortality rate and higher life expectancy than the U.S. and where 60% of new doctors are women.

  34. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS1 raffle ticket What is Cuba

  35. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS2 raffle tickets This organization has worked with the Cuban government to establish infant daycare centers as mandated institutions as well as and grant 6 months of paid maternity leave to women.

  36. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS2 raffle tickets What is The Federation of Cuban Women, the FMC

  37. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS3 raffle tickets A Women’s Day march of textile workers in 1917 lead to a massive movement that was the first stage of revolution of this country.

  38. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS3 raffle tickets What is The USSR

  39. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS4 raffle tickets Since the 1800s women in this country have fought together for free marriage, the right to education and to end foot binding. After the 1911 revolution, foot binding became illegal.

  40. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS4 raffle tickets What is China

  41. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS5 raffle tickets Women across this country’s demilitarized zone are calling for a peace treaty in this artificially divided country.

  42. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS5 raffle tickets What is Korea

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