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iShake : Mobile Phones as Seismic Sensors. Shideh Dashti, Jack Reilly, Jonathan Bray, Alexandre Bayen , Steven Glaser, Ervasti Mari U.C. Berkeley Funded by the US Geological Survey under NEHRP Award G10AP00006 Acknowledgements: UC San Diego and UC Berkeley Shaking Table facilities
iShake: Mobile Phones as Seismic Sensors Shideh Dashti, Jack Reilly, Jonathan Bray, AlexandreBayen, Steven Glaser, ErvastiMari U.C. Berkeley Funded by the US Geological Survey under NEHRP Award G10AP00006 Acknowledgements: UC San Diego and UC Berkeley Shaking Table facilities Special thanks to Professor Mahin at UC Berkeley and Professor Hutchinson at UC San Diego
Post-Earthquake Information “Did You Feel It?” or Community Internet Intensity Map (CIIM) ShakeMap M=7.2 Baja California EQ from USGS (2010)
? accuracy
iShake Sensor Quality Evaluation Shaking Table Tests Testing of Phone Connections Systems Client Application Backend Server Field Tests Systems User Studies
iShake Sensor Quality Evaluation Shaking Table Tests Testing of Phone Connections Systems Client Application Backend Server Field Tests Systems User Studies
Input Ground Motions 5% Damping Spectral Acceleration (g) Arias Intensity(m/s) Time (s) Period (s)
Results: Stationary Phones Acceleration (g) Fourier Accel. (cm/s) Reference iPhone Time (s) Frequency (Hz)
Results: Stationary Phones Velocity (cm/s) Displacement (cm) Reference iPhone Time (s) Time (s)
Response Spectra 5% Damping Spectral Acceleration (g) Frequency (Hz)
Response Spectra Mean phone Reference 5% Damping Spectral Acceleration (g) Frequency (Hz)
“Goodness of Fit” Bias (log(g)) Period (s)
Quantifying Phone Error Normalized Prediction Error Peak Ground Accel. (g) Peak Ground Displacement (cm) NPE=MSE/PGA2 MSE
Phones Allowed to Move with Cover Acceleration (g) Spectral Acceleration (g) Fourier Accel. Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Time (s)
Phone Allowed to Fall Reference Falling Phone Falling Phone X-Direction Reference Arias Intensity (m/s) Y-Direction Acceleration (g) Z-Direction Time (s)
iShake Application http://ishakeberkeley.appspot.com