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High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University

High Temperature Thermochemistry Lab “Experiments and Thermodynamic/Kinetic simulations for high temperature metallurgical processes ” (PI: In-Ho JUNG) Dept. of Mining and Materials Engineering McGill University. High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University.

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High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University

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  1. High Temperature Thermochemistry Lab “Experiments and Thermodynamic/Kinetic simulations for high temperature metallurgical processes” (PI: In-Ho JUNG) Dept. of Mining and Materials Engineering McGill University High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University

  2. Major Research Areas • Thermodynamic / Kinetic • Models and Databases • High Temperature Experiments Metallic system Pyrometallurgy Thermodynamic database Thermodynamic database Process simulation model Solidification / Diffusion / Precipitation model Slag/metal/refractory experiments Oxidation kinetic model Alloy development Steelmaking process High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University

  3. Steelmaking Process: Thermodynamic Database Steelmaking consortium project (2009 ~ 2014) with Thermodynamic Database Development for Steelmaking process • Database for De – P Slag / Flux development (2009~ 2014) • CaO-FetO-SiO2-MgO-MnO-Na2O-Al2O3-P2O5-CaF2 database • Slag / Solid phases • Experiment for phase diagrams • Experiment for complex De-P reaction of • Hot metal treatment and Basic Oxygen Furnace process • Database for Steel refining slag and Casting mould flux containing Fluorine (CaF2) (2009~2014) • CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Na2O-Li2O-F (CaF2, NaF, LiF) database • Slag / Solid phases • Experiment for phase diagrams • Experiment for Solidification of Mould Flux at Steel casting process High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University

  4. Steelmaking Process: BOF Process Simulation (2013-2015) Steel chemistry Chemical Reactions: 200 ton BOF Amount and temperature of slag Slag chemistry High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University

  5. Steelmaking Process: RH Process Simulation O2 Lance RH Vessel Ladle Steelmaking process (Refractory design) • Kinetic Simulation for steelmaking process (2009~2013) • De-Carburization process • Slags / Refractories / Molten Steel / Gases reactions • Refractory wear calculations High Temperature Thermochemistry Laboratory, McGill University

  6. Experimental Equipment • All equipment in the lab are mainly designed for phase diagram study • High Temperature Furnaces: All gas controlled • 2 x vertical tube furnaces up to 1650oC • This two tube furnaces are designed for slag/metal/gas/refractory experiments • Max crucible size is about 8 cm in diameter. • 3 x horizontal tube furnaces up to 1500oC • 2 x box furnace up to 1500oC: (No gas controlled) • 6 x horizontal tube furnaces up to 1200oC • Netzch DTA/DSC/TGA: up to 1550oC • Common facility in the department • Characterization tools: EPMA, SEM-EDS, XPS, X-ray tomography, etc.

  7. Curses offered at McGill University MIME 212: Engineering Thermodynamics (Undergraduate Core-Course) Three laws of thermodynamics Enthalpy, Heat capacity, Ellingham diagram, Chemical reactions of pure substance, gases, regular/sub-regular solutions Gibbs-Duehm relationship, Activity of solution, Henry’s and Raoult’s laws Binary phase diagram, Gibbs energy and phase diagram relationship. MIME 350: Extractive Metallurgical Engineering (Undergraduate Core-Course) Dilute solution model (interaction parameter formalism) Electrochemistry, Kinetics of chemical reactions Phase diagram for ternary and high order systems Extractive metallurgy (Steelmaking, Cu-, Al-, Mg-, Ti-, Zn-smelting process) MIME 572: Computational Thermodynamics (Graduate course) Teaching how to use FactSage Materials design and process optimization project (one project for each student related to his/her thesis related topics)  This course is ideal for the Fire-students to take if they come to McGill.

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