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Research Group IEMA www.upv.es/gie. Innovation Competences Definition. Mª A. Andreu, L. Aznar A. Fernández, A . García, F . González J. Marín, B. Montero, J . Orozco Mª J. Pérez, I. Sanz, F. Watts. Innovation competences development INCODE. Introduction to the project
Research GroupIEMA www.upv.es/gie Innovation Competences Definition Mª A. Andreu, L. Aznar A. Fernández, A. García, F. González J. Marín, B. Montero, J. Orozco Mª J. Pérez, I. Sanz, F. Watts
Innovation competences development INCODE Introduction to the project 518132-LLP-1-2011-1-FI-ERASMUS-FEXI Inspired by the ongoing Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) process of the OECD GOAL To assess generic skills through oral performance tasks by using an Innovation Competence Barometer (ICB), validated and piloted in Research Hatcheries at the four partner universities. Partner Universities • Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany • Karel de Grote-Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Innovation competences development INCODE Objective: Toidentifythepossiblehomogeneous sets of sub-competenciesthat are associatedwith a general innovationcompetency and theirimportancerelativetoinnovativebehaviour in professionals. First phase Definition of Innovation Competencies
Innovation competences development INCODE • Methodologyand activitiesbythe UPV-TEAM (July-October 2011) • LiteratureReview: Web of Science + Scopus, • Google Scholar, Social SciencesResearch Network • Field Work: 5 interviews with HRM directors and Focus Group (19 R&D managers)
Innovation competences development INCODE LiteratureReview (117): • Web of Science + Scopus • TITLE-ABS-KEY(innovation) AND TITLE((competenc* OR skill))) AND DOCTYPE(ar) AND PUBYEAR AFT 2000 • ISI 162 references, afterfiltering= 20 • SCOPUS: 247references, afterfiltering= 38 (8 duplicates). • Total (ISI + Scopus): 50articlesafterfiltering • Google Scholar 58 references after filtering • Social Sciences Research network (Working papers) • 9 references after filtering ABET, CINTERFOR, AHELO, OECD (MAA, AGC, BMF, FWH, LAM, AFM)
Innovation competences development INCODE Proposed definition of competency after literature review • COMPETENCY: Complex know-how resulting from the integration, mobilization and adaptation of capacities and skills to situations having common characteristics • CAPACITY: Medium complex know-how integrating skills • SKILLS: Simple know-how from disciplinary knowledge
Innovation competences development INCODE Knowledge Skills Attitudes Traditional Individual Innovation Network Community
Innovation competences development INCODE Characteristics of competency • Integration:A competency uses manyresources, makingitnecessarytolimitthetypes of learningoutcomes in educationalprograms • Combinatorial:Dynamicorganization of manytypes of resources • Ongoing:Developmentthroughoutcareer, requiring time • Contextual:Situations are theframeworkthattriggertheneedtochoose and combine resources, leadingtoconscious, reflectivelearning • Evolutionary:Mobilization and combinations of resourcesbecome more and more effectivebyworking in increasinglycomplexsituations