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World War II Review

World War II Review. Terms. Technique by which planes scattered large numbers of bombs. A. Carpet Bombing . Suicide Plane. A. Kamikaze. Home projects that raised vegetables during World War II. A. Victory Gardens.

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World War II Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World War II Review

  2. Terms

  3. Technique by which planes scattered large numbers of bombs

  4. A. Carpet Bombing

  5. Suicide Plane

  6. A. Kamikaze

  7. Home projects that raised vegetables during World War II

  8. A. Victory Gardens

  9. Offensive strategy of American admirals to beat the Japanese in the Pacific

  10. A. Island Hopping

  11. Government savings notes bought by Americans to help finance World War II

  12. A. War bonds

  13. Vessels built in the United States that usually carried troops or war supplies

  14. A. Liberty Ships

  15. Referred to U.S. Servicemen

  16. A. GI

  17. Ages of required military registration for males as specified by the Selective Service Act

  18. A. 21-36

  19. Battles

  20. Victory for the allies, fought from the air, attacked Japanese carriers and airfields

  21. A. Battle of Midway

  22. Brutal march of American and Filipino prisoners by Japanese soldiers

  23. A. Bataan Death March

  24. Gave marines first taste of jungle warfare, allies conquered their first piece of Japanese territory

  25. A. Battle of Guadalcanal

  26. Allied invasion of France; Normandy

  27. A. D-Day

  28. Largest battle in Western Europe during World War II; Germany’s final attempt to win in Europe

  29. A. Battle of the Bulge

  30. Location of the Battles of Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal

  31. A. The Pacific

  32. The Germans were finally stopped in their advance into the Soviet Union here

  33. A. The Battle of Stalingrad

  34. The Japanese leaders believed they could cripple the American Naval Fleet here.

  35. A. Pearl Harbor

  36. The Allies sunk all four Japanese carriers and 250 planes here

  37. A. Battle of Midway

  38. Hitler used this military strategy when invading Poland

  39. A. Blitzkrieg

  40. Lasted the length of the war in Europe; protected trade routes

  41. Battle of the Atlantic

  42. Resulted in the famous photo of soldiers raising the American Flag at Mount Surabachi

  43. Battle of Iwo Jima

  44. Second only to Normandy in invastion size; gave Allies clear path to Japan

  45. Battle of Okinawa

  46. Leaders

  47. Leader of the Soviet Union during World War II

  48. A. Joseph Stalin

  49. Fascist leader who became dictator of Italy

  50. A. Benito Mussolini

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