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World War II Review Game. CATERGORIES War in Europe War in the Pacific Home Front and Post War. LEVEL 1 1 2 3 4 LEVEL 3 1 2 3 4. Level 2 1 2 3 4 Level 4 1 2 3 4. War in Europe. War in Europe. LEVEL 1 What type of government did the Italians have during WWII?
World War II Review Game CATERGORIES War in Europe War in the Pacific Home Front and Post War
LEVEL 1 1 2 3 4 LEVEL 3 1 2 3 4 Level 2 1 2 3 4 Level 4 1 2 3 4 War in Europe
War in Europe LEVEL 1 • What type of government did the Italians have during WWII? - Fascism • Who was the communist dictator of the Soviet Union? - Joseph Stalin
War in Europe LEVEL 1 • What political party did Hitler lead? - Nazi Party • What does the German word blitzkrieg mean? - Lightning War
War in Europe Level 2 • Which two countries benefited from the Lend-lease Act? - Great Britain and France • What does the word Kristallnacht translate to? - Night of Broken Glass
War in Europe LEVEL 2 • World War II began when Hitler invaded what country? - Poland • The invasion of France on June 6, 1944 is known as? - D-Day
War in Europe LEVEL 3 • Name the big 3 Axis powers and the big 4 Allied powers - Axis= Germany, Japan, Italy - Allied= U.S., Britain, France • What general lead the D-Day invasion? - Dwight Eisenhower
War in Europe LEVEL 3 • What general led the allied troops in the Battle of the Bulge? - George Patton • Who led the Fascists to victory in the Spanish Civil War? - Francisco Franco
War in Europe LEVEL 4 • What was the code name given for the D-Day invasion? - Operation Overload • What did the Nazi’s mean by the “final solution to the Jewish question?” - Exterminate Jews in death camps
War in Europe LEVEL 4 • Name 3 groups of people that were hated by the Nazis. - Jews, Gypsies, communists, disabled people, etc. • Name 2 things Germany did to make the D-Day invasion difficult for the Allies - Mines, bunkers, obstacles, etc.
LEVEL 1 1 2 3 4 LEVEL 3 1 2 3 4 Level 2 1 2 3 Level 4 1 War in the Pacific
War in the Pacific LEVEL 1 • Was the first A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki? - Hiroshima • Manchuria was invaded by what country? - Japan
War in the Pacific LEVEL 1 • What general led the allied troops in the Pacific? - Douglas MacArthur • The day that Japan surrendered was known as what? - V-J Day
War in the Pacific LEVEL 2 • What as the name of the plane that dropped the A-Bomb on Hiroshima? - Enola Gay • The secret program that built the A-Bombs was called what? - Manhattan project
War in the Pacific LEVEL 2 • After what important event did the U.S. enter the war? - Pearl Harbor-Dec. 7, 1941 • Before Pearl Harbor, were most Americans isolationists, or interventionists? - Isolationists- stay out of war
War in the Pacific LEVEL 3 • What was the name of the military strategy that the allies used in the Pacific war? - Island Hopping • What was the biggest battle in naval history? - Battle of Leyte Gulf
War in the Pacific LEVEL 3 • Japan lost their first major battle of the Pacific war on what island? - Midway • Name the 2 important islands near the allies took over in 1945. - Iwo Jima and Okinawa
War in the Pacific LEVEL 4 • Name at least 2 reasons why President Truman decided to drop the A-Bombs on Japan. - End war sooner, save lives, force Japan to surrender, etc.
LEVEL 1 1 2 3 LEVEL 3 1 2 3 4 Level 2 1 2 3 Level 4 1 2 Home Front and Post War
Home Front and Post War LEVEL 1 • Japanese Americans were rounded up and put into: - Internment camps
Home Front and Poast War LEVEL 1 • What majority group worked as code talkers during the war? - Native Americans • Name African American fighters pilot group. - Tuskegee Airmen
Home Front and Post War LEVEL 2 • Which 2 countries were in a “Cold War” after WWII ended? - U.S. and Soviet Union • Which act allowed the U.S. to sell or loan war supplies to other nations? - Lend-Lease Act
Home Front and Post War LEVEL 2 • The war agreement between FDR and Winston Churchill was called what? - Atlantic Charter
Home Front and Post War LEVEL 3 • What did Executive Order 9006 state? - Japanese Americans were to be sent to Internment camps. • is defined as civilian and military preparations for war. - Mobilization
Home Front and Post War LEVEL 3 • Name at least 2 products that Americans rationed during the war. - Gasoline, tires, sugar, meat, etc. • were sold by the U.S. to raise money for the war. Celebrities helped sell them. - War bonds
Home Front and Post War LEVEL 4 • This government agency changed industries to war production. - War Production Board • Which plan provided much need economic aid to Europe after the war ended? - Marshall Plan