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Undersea Autonomous Operations Proposal

Develop advanced autonomous capabilities for undersea operations, enhancing maritime reconnaissance, target cueing, and battlespace preparation in denied littoral seas. Connect undersea battlespace to theater networks for improved strategy and tactics.

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Undersea Autonomous Operations Proposal

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  1. Autonomous Operations Proposed Capability: Undersea Autonomous Operations:ISR, Battlespace Preparation, Target Cueing in Denied Littoral seas; Undersea Network Connectivity Description: Development/demonstration of the capability to access denied areas in all conditions with reduced human risk for maritime reconnaissance, undersea search/survey and submarine track and trail; to connect the undersea battlespace to the theater network Technologies: Autonomy, subsurface navigation, communication, energy, vehicle and network control, sensors, data fusion

  2. Autonomous Operations Proposed Capability: Undersea Autonomous Operations:ISR, Battlespace Preparation, Target Cueing in Denied Littoral seas; Undersea Network Connectivity Critical Operational Gap:In denied littoral areas:sustainedISR reach, timely object detection/environmental characterization, detection of submarines leaving port or through choke points; cross platform connectivity (manned-unmanned; undersea-surface-air) and undersea navigation Technical Approach: Develop and demonstrate autonomous: collection of broadband intelligence data for several days inshore from offshore; environment/object mapping using mixed vehicle formations; detection, trail and handoff of submarines at egress with passive sensors and long dwell times; communication and navigation relay and reference using pop-up platforms “Feats” Demonstrated/Enabled: Reduced human risk, more cost-effective accomplishment of a number of specific missions (ISR, MCM, amphibious assault, ASW) Reliable, long endurance autonomous systems that will revolutionize strategy and tactics in littoral warfare and counter in-kind adversarial systems (enable symmetrical response)

  3. Autonomous Operations Proposed Capability: Undersea Autonomous Operations:ISR, Battlespace Preparation, Target Cueing in Denied Littoral seas; Undersea Network Connectivity Supporting Technologies:Autonomy, subsurface navigation, communication, energy, vehicle and network control, sensors, data fusion National/International Efforts: DARPA/France: navigation; NOAA: fixed underwater laboratories; NSF: deep sea vehicles for seafloor exploration; SACLANTCEN: UUVs for environmental reconnaissance, mine countermeasures Planned Demonstrations: FY04 Maritime Reconnaissance: 100nm radius, 100hr station, reconfigurable payload FY04 Comm/Nav Aid: 100km*kb/sec Acomms, 256kb RF, GPS equiv subsurface FY05 Search and Survey: dual platform formation for one-pass target ID FY07 Sub Track and Trail: 100nm radius, 200hr endurance, passive sensors

  4. Undersea Autonomous Operations Planned Demonstrations Communication/Navigation Aid

  5. Maritime Reconnaissance Capability • Passive EM/EO Localization and I&W • IMINT, SIGINT, RADINT, METOC, MASINT • Option for active target designation • Multi-platform (TBD) • SSN or ship of opportunity • Reconfigurable Payloads: • Mast, UAV, or Balloon (TBD) • Similar functions to Type 18 Periscope • UUV Size: • >= 21” (TBD) • Radius of Operation: • 10-100+ nm • On station time: • ~100 hours UUV MP Team and Innovation Workshop Ranked this capability as #1

  6. Undersea Search & Survey Capability Components of the Capability: Communicate Existing Programs (large UUVs): • Organic Reconnaissance (supporting peacetime and wartime) • Clandestine (LMRS) • Limited Observable (RMS) • Large Area Oceanography • TAGS Ship survey • Small boat SW survey New Programs (massive quantities of small UUVs): • Large Area and Mine Reconnaissance/Clearance • Near-term focus on rapid, overt reconnaissance, growth to other areas in future • Real time environmental characterization (all UUVs) Object Locations and Images Bottom Mapping METOC Data This Capability Rated #2 by the UUV MP Team

  7. Clandestine communication and navigation relay function RFSATCOM and ACOMMS link For small UUVs For submarine communications at speed/depth For special forces, divers Area navigation reference For small UUVs For SSNs at depth Support SOF forces ashore or in water Small Low Cost Systems Candidate for combination with other missions/capabilities Retrievable or Expendable Also an inherent part of all larger UUVs Communications and Navigation Aid / Relay • Data retrieval and exchange with subsea systems (buoys, arrays, etc) • Surface, Sub, or Air Launched • Timed lane markers for AOA and other missions needing “pop up” navigation references • RACON Buoy approach • Show up on radar • Red / Green Enabling Undersea Node of the Net Centric Warfare Sensor Grid

  8. NE Asia Chokepoint Transit SW Asia Port Egress Submarine Track & Trail Capability 1 Chokepoint and Port Egress Scenario: • Intel Cueing • Loiter/ Search • Detect / Class • TMA & Trail Patrol 2 Detect • UUV Size: • >>= 21” (TBD) • Passive sensors • Radius of Operation: • 10-100+ nm • Endurance: • ~200 hours • Hold trail at non-alerted speeds TMA 3 4 Trail Handoff 5 Payoff: • Enables “blue” deliberate attack 6 Attack or Trail UUV Master Plan - 09/24/99 Page 8

  9. Autonomous Operations Proposed Capability: Undersea Autonomous Operations:ISR, Battlespace Preparation, Target Cueing in Denied Littoral seas; Undersea Network Connectivity Transition Opportunities: Maritime Reconnaissance Capability: Mission Reconfigurable UUV - Tactical FY04, Per Current Budget N873, PE603254N, V2094 Undersea Search and Survey Capability: LMRS and SAHRV P3I N873, N852 FY06, Per PR-01 Budget (SAHRV) Communications/Navigation Aid Capability: Mission Reconfigurable UUV - Mini N852, N873 FY05, POM-02 Issue Submarine Track and Trail Capability Mission Reconfigurable UUV - Tactical FY08, Per UUV Master Plan N873, PE603502N, V2094 This AO FNC Above Core Proposal has been endorsed via letter by N85B, N87, PEO-MIW, PEO-USW, PMS403 and via email by PMS-EOD

  10. Activity FY09 FY07 FY08 FY12 FY11 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY10 FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 Acquisition Programs AN/BLQ-11A, (LMRS) (PE603502N, V2094) Baseline Development, IOC LMRS P3I (SAS and L-PUMA) Production and O&S MRUUV - Tactical (PE603502N, V2094) Maritime Reconnaissance Dev., IOC Submarine T&T Development, IOC Production and O&S MRUUV-Mini (POM-02: UUV Master Plan) Comm/Nav Aid Dev., IOC SWARM (MCM) Development, IOC Production and O&S Columbus UUV (NAVOCEANO) Technology Development 6.3 Efforts Maritime Reconnaissance Demo Undersea Search and Survey Demo Com / Nav Aid Demo Submarine Track and Trail Demo Energy (existing ONR 6.3Program) 6.1 and 6.2 Supporting Technology Note: All transitions not shown for clarity Autonomy (on board decisions) Navigation (precision, non-traditional) Networking (Group Behavior) Vehicle Technology Advanced UUV Sensors Energy 6.1 R&D Leading to New Missions AO FNC Above Core Autonomous Operations Transition Development Capability

  11. Autonomous Operations Proposed Capability: Undersea Autonomous Operations:ISR, Battlespace Preparation, Target Cueing in Denied Littoral seas; Undersea Network Connectivity Ramifications if Not Funded • Creates crippling discontinuity in transition pipeline for UUV technology • Significantly increases cost and risk to MRUUV Program • Delays UUV Master Plan implementation more than 5 years • Prolongs reliance on manned systems for high risk, undersea operations • Critically delays fleet defense against subsurface, asymmetric threats

  12. Submarine Track and Trail AO Above Core Proposal Deployable Shallow Water Autonomous Systems LASW Above Core Proposal 40 node barrier Undersea Search and Survey AO Above Core Proposal Integrated USV/UUV Minehunting OMCM Above Core Proposal VSW/SZ Clearance OMCM Core Proposal mini vehicles crawling/swimming network 10-50 sq km coverage days-weeks duration small vehicles networked cells 50-300 sq km coverage days-weeks duration large and small vehicles cooperative formations 300-600 sq km coverage days duration VSW/SZ Shallow Water Shelf Break 200 ft 600 ft 40 ft coastline

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