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Seeking That W hich is Above. Philippians 4:1-9 Colossians 3:1-11. Seeking That Which is Above. Philippians 4:1-9 Let us remind ourselves who these people were. Paul and his team came to Philippi during the second Missionary Journey (Acts 16)
Seeking That Which is Above Philippians 4:1-9 Colossians 3:1-11
Seeking That Which is Above • Philippians 4:1-9 • Let us remind ourselves who these people were. • Paul and his team came to Philippi during the second Missionary Journey (Acts 16) • Paul had planned a trip to Asia, but was forbidden. • He found a small Jewish community, meeting at the water’s edge • His first Convert: Lydia
Seeking That Which is Above • The Church at Philippi • Paul casts out a demon from a girl (Acts 16:16-19) • The result: Paul and Silas wind up in jail. • Conversion of the Jailer and his family. • Some commentators think the girl who was possessed became part of the church. • The Church sent Paul support at times when he would not accept it from other churches (Phil 4:15; II Cor 11:7-10)
Seeking That Which is Above • Paul returned to Philippi on his 3rd Journey and again in his arrest and trip to Rome. • What became of the Church after that? No real record remains. Philippi fell into ruins by 300 AD. • It was a Church under great trial and tribulation, with a city population opposed to their efforts.
Seeking That Which is Above • Philippians 4:1-8 • This chapter picks up from the end of chapter 3: 15 (rest of chapter is kind of a parenthesis) • Paul begins by admonishing us to “Stand Fast in the Lord.” Be firm in your faith. • He is reminding them of Phil 3:14-15. • Phil 4:2 • Euodia and Syntyche. Be of the same mind. What Mind?
Seeking That Which is Above • Phil 4:2 • These women Euodia and Syntyche need to be of the same mind. • Look at Phil 2:5. What is the Mind of Christ? • Humble. • Obedient. • Bondservant- a willing slave to God • Let these women have that mind so they can solve their differences. • We don’t know what it was • That is unusual. God wants a general pattern.
Seeking That Which is Above • Phil 4:3-4 • The Church should help those who labor for the Gospel. We don’t know anything about these people other than that they are important to the Church at Philippi. • Note Verse 3– the book was delivered to a specific person– perhaps Luke himself. • Phil 4:4 Rejoice. Chairo– To Express Exceeding Joy to thrive and be glad
Seeking That Which is Above • Phil 4:5-9 • 5– Gentleness. Equity, fairness, gentleness. A great word that emphasizes compassion for others. The Lord is at hand. Most commentators say that Paul is referring to the return. But one commentator says that as we carry out the commands of 2-5, the Lord is near to us. • 6. Prayer– all that that involves. Supplication– petition, request, penury (deep need)
Seeking That Which is Above • Phil 4:7-9 • Keep your heart– a military term. • 8-9. This is what the Law was trying to train in us. • Virtue– Moral Excellence. • Praise-- Commendatioin • Colossians 3:1-8 • If you were raised in Christ. That usually means Since for Paul.
Seeking That Which is Above • Colossians 3:1-3 • Things above, where Christ is, Sitting at the Right hand of God. Jesus at a position of authority. Philippians 2:6 • Set your mind on things above, because you died and your life is in Christ. Phil 4:7-9. • Colossians 3:4-8. This is the buildup to the idea of the New man and the Old Man. Paul takes this route to underscore the difference.
Seeking That Which is Above • Colossians 3:4-8. • Put to death your members. This is one of Paul’s list verses. And again, this is what we have been tutored by the Law to avoid: • Members of Flesh: Fornication, Uncleanness (profligate life), • Members of the Mind/Emotion: Passion (vice, ungoverned emotion), Evil desire (concupiscence), Covetousness (Idolatry)
Seeking That Which is Above • The list continues in Verse 8: These all are stages of anger. • Anger– Temper, character of the heart. • Wrath– Boiling Anger • Malice– Malignant anger, desire to harm • Blasphemy– Anger at God • Filthy language– Coarse Jesting
Seeking That Which is Above • Colossians 3:9-10 • Do not lie to each other. You have put off the Old man (Romans 6:6; Eph 4:22) • Put on the New Life (Gal 2:20) • Renewing of the Mind Romans 12:2 • This renewing, this New Body is the hardest part of Christ. • Phil 3:15– being perfect is a common theme in the New Testament. How we do that is the problem.