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Printmaking MonoPrint

Dive into the realm of feelings in art through non-objective printmaking this fall. Unleash your creativity by exploring various emotions in your work using lines, colors, and shapes. Create 4 distinct non-objective sketches to convey your desired feelings and enhance them with vibrant color pencils. Join us as we delve into the possibilities of Akuo inks and monochromatic prints.

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Printmaking MonoPrint

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Printmaking MonoPrint Fall 2016

  2. August 1 • Syllabus • Why does art give you different feelings

  3. examples

  4. Feelings • Look up a piece on non-objective art. • Explain the feeling that you get from that piece of art. Write in one paragraph • Write another paragraph which describes what type of feeling you want to show in your art work • Explain what type of lines, colors and shapes you will use to explain this

  5. Sketch • Make 4 different sketchs that are non- objective and show the feelings you want to portray in your art work. • Color these sketchs in with color pencils Formative Assessment

  6. August 2-5 • Demo the different things you can do with the Akuo inks • Cut out different stencils • Students will make 4 different monochromatic print

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