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Benefits of Whole Body Cryotherapy

Its reported positive effects include a reduction in feelings of anxiety, a boost in weight loss, inflammation reduction and increased blood flow.

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Benefits of Whole Body Cryotherapy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BenefitsofWholeBodyCryotherapy

  2. Wholebodycryotherapyhasits rootsin Japan,wherethepracticehelpsalleviate painanddiscomfortforpatientssuffering from rheumatoidarthritis. Theentireexperiencelastsonlyafew moments,butits reportedpositiveeffects includeareduction in feelingsofanxiety,aboostin weightloss,inflammation reductionandincreased bloodflow.

  3. HowWholeBodyCryotherapyWorks Onesessionlaststwoto threeminutes,andduringthattimethebody’score temperatureremainsthesame,eventhoughthechamberquicklyreaches -110°C/-166°F.Theskin’ssurfacetemperaturedropsdrastically,allowing capillariesto expand,whichincreasesbloodflow.Healing whitebloodcellscan reachinjuriesfasterandwithgreaterefficiency,whichspeedshealing time.

  4. Thepositivesideeffectsofcryotherapy 1. Increased weightloss. 2.Increased energy. 3.Increased heartrateforupto six hoursafterasession. 4.Increased feeling ofwell-being. 5.Improvedsleep.

  5. PartofaHealthyLifestyle Cryotherapy isavaluableaddition to ahealthy lifestylethatincludes goodeating habits,regularexerciseanddedication to propersleep management.

  6. This article is originally appeared on

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