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LATVIAN RED CROSS YOUTH. WE’RE so different, BUT WE are united by the same AIM!. Who are we?. The Latvian Red Cross Youth (LRCY) is the Latvian Red Cross department that works directly for youth audience. LRCY is one of the largest youth organizations in Latvia. What are we?.
LATVIAN RED CROSS YOUTH WE’RE so different, BUT WE are united by the same AIM!
Who are we? • The Latvian Red Cross Youth (LRCY) is the Latvian Red Cross department that works directly for youth audience. LRCY is one of the largest youth organizations in Latvia.
What are we? • Human, because we respect human life. • Objective, in not distinguishing between people by their skin color, religious affiliations or beliefs. • Neutral, by not involving in political and religious disputes. • Independent, in acting for our purposes. • Voluntary, because we receive no compensation for our work. • United, in trying to achieve the same purposes in Latvia and throughout the world. • All-embracing, in our ability to combine the pleasant with the useful!
Why are we doing this? • We believe that our work can contribute to our society, country and the world to become a better place for human life.
What do we do • We organize seminars and trainings, hold the camps, organize donation collection campaigns, as well as plan our own free time together. • LRCY actions are based on five programs: • Social integration, charity. • First-aid training, road safety, promotion of the movement of blood donors and the Red Cross ideas. • Youth sexual and reproductive health promotion (HIV / AIDS prevention) • Reducing violence among young people • Promotion of Tolerance in Society
What do we do in Valmiera? Social integration, charity
Day of eradication of poverty • Once upon a time there was the good witch, Pippi Longstocking, Bear of Luck and almost seven dwarfs who wanted to make this world a better place. They joined for the Day of eradication of poverty to collect donations for Vidzeme hospital children's department. • Acquisition – 74 LVL (104.38 EUR)
We remember • Every Christmas in cooperation with Merrild coffee LRCY joins with other youth organisations in Valmiera to become the helpers of Santa Claus and deliver little gifts to lonely elderly people of Valmiera
Making new friends • LRCY Valmiera is a friendly organisation – we love to visit new places, like SOS Children’s Villages, Vaidava Special Boarding school, old people’s home “Valmiera” and many more.
First-aid training, road safety, promotion of the movement of blood donors and the Red Cross ideas.
First aid • First aid training for members of LCRY almost every year • Teaching the basics of first aid in Valmiera • Providing first aid in almost every youth event in Valmiera
Camp “3” • Members of Red Cross Youth, take your friends and come visit Valmiera. • Camp “3” united three departements of Red Cross – LRCY Cēsis, LCRY Valmiera and Lithuanian Red Cross Telšiai department.
Hear the town whispering • Besides loving people, we admire the culture and history of our town, so the idea of photo – orientation “Hear the town whispering was born” • 13 teams of at least 2 people participated in this race.
World AIDS day • Every year on 1st of December we remember the victims of AIDS by putting out the candles in Valmiera’s city centre. • Also informative measures are organised. • This year 87 people agreed to help to stop AIDS.
Lectures about AIDS • Wecanprotecthumanitybyprotectingourselves – that’showsimple it is. Buthowcanwebesafeifwedon’tknow? LRCY Valmiera issolvingthisproblembygivinglecturesinschoolsof Valmiera. • Thisyearabout 500 youngsterswereeducated
Day without tobacco • May the 31st – Worldwide day without tobacco. Each year, together with other organisations of Valmiera we help citiziens to quit bad habbits by giving them something more pleasant – like candies.
Lectures about peer’s violence • Every child deserves a happy and carefree life, where he does not has to worry about violence. • In lectures we want to make youngsters understand what can and what can’t be harmful and what to do if they have to deal with violence.
Cycling Marathon “Think about tolerance” • Everyyearabout 300 youngstersfromallcountrycycleacrossLatvia to drawpeople’smind to tolerance • Theroadisabout 900 km longandgoesthrough 10 biggestcitiesofLatvia.
Cooperation with Lithuanian Red Cross Youth • This year the camp “Pienes Pukas” (Dandelion fluff) will welcome members of LRCY Valmiera for the third time.
Having fun • Treks, boat rides and visiting other departments of LCRY – this is what we do apart from all the main activities in Valmiera.