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Effects of On-chip Inductance on Power Distribution Grid. Atsushi Muramatsu Kyoto Univ. Masanori Hashimoto Osaka Univ. Hidetoshi Onodera Kyoto Univ. hasimoto@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp. chip. bonding wire. bump ball. chip. Inductance in power grid analysis. Advance in packages. Conventionally
Effects of On-chip Inductance on Power Distribution Grid Atsushi Muramatsu Kyoto Univ. Masanori Hashimoto Osaka Univ. Hidetoshi Onodera Kyoto Univ. hasimoto@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp
chip bonding wire bump ball chip Inductance in power grid analysis Advance in packages • Conventionally • Inductance of package and bonding • dominant • considered • Inductance of on-chip wire • many elements yet small • not considered • Recently • Increase in clock freq. • higher freq. component of noise • wL increases as freq. increases • Reduction in L of package and bonding • Relatively on-chip L increases QFP FCBGA (Bump Array) Q: on-chip inductance important?
Previous works • [Mezhiba, Kluwer 2004] • Outline of on-chip inductance aware analysis • Noise propagates as a wave • [Y.-M. Lee, TCAD02] • Fast simulation based on transmission line theory • [W.H. Lee, ISQED04] • Discussion on wire structures • [C.W. Fok, Int’l Journal of High Speed Elec. & Sys 02] • Discussion on error due to ignoring on-chip inductance • Effect of on-chip inductance becomes significant when package impedance is small.
Contribution of this work • Experimental studies • To evaluate effect of on-chip inductance under various power consumption distribution • To reveal that decap. position is important to mitigate on-chip inductance effect as well as to suppress power noise • To study robustness of power grid with respect to grid pitch, wire area and PG spacing
Power grid structure • Power and ground wires are routed in pairs. • Only topmost power/ground grid is considered. • Bumps are uniformly attached at some of crossing points.
Power IO Cell parasitic capacitance and well capacitance Load current source that models switching gates Equivalent circuit model
Experimental setup(single current source) • A single current source excited • All NAND2 gates in 3,000mm2 switch • Tr: 50, 66, 100ps (constant power dissipation) • P/G wire: 10mm wide, 1mm thick, 100mm pitch • 130nm technology, supply voltage 1.2V • 2x2mm2 chip, 9+9 bumps for P/G • Each bump 0.5nH, 1W • Full PEEC model: all mutual inductances considered. • Half area is occupied by NAND2 gates
1.215 1.21 Without on-chip inductance 1.205 1.2 1.195 With on-chip inductance Tr = 100ps 1.19 With on-chip inductance Tr = 66ps 1.185 With on-chip inductance Tr = 50ps 1.18 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ps] Difference between w/ and w/o on-chip inductance • Big difference between w/ and w/o on-chip inductance • Without on-chip inductance, not strong dependence on Tr. With on-chip L, quadratic dependence on Tr
Decap size, position and noise amplitude • Decap 100mm far hardly works. • Decap at current source works well. Decap position is important for noise suppression when on-chip inductance is significant.
Experimental setup(realistic power consumption) • 0.13mm technology, 1.2V supply voltage • Chip size 6x6mm2,100+100 bumps for P/G • Each bump 0.5nH, 1W • PG wires: pitch 300mm, width 30mm, thickness 1mm • Full PEEC model: all mutual inductances considered • Half area is occupied by NAND2 gates • Power consumption models • Uniform: 20% of transistors switching uniformly • Unbalance: 50% of transistors switching at center, and 10% at periphery. Total power consumption is the same with uniform case • Current transition time Tr: 50ps
Power consumption distribution and power noise Uniform power dissipation Unbalance power dissipation on-chip L effect small on-chip L effect significant
When load currents are the same or enough decap is available at each grid, current flowing through branch is very small. These inductances hardly affect voltage fluctuation. Why on-chip L hardly affects voltage fluctuation
Decap placement and power noise Adaptive decap placement Uniform decap placement work well on-chip L effect small when decap is enough not work efficiently on-chip L effect large
Comparison between PEEC and decoupled models When paired PG wires are coupled perfectly, self-inductance L-M, mutual-inductance 0 (decoupled model) Difference exists, yet not significant. Decoupled model is used for larger grid analysis.
310 300 290 280 Noise voltage [mV] 270 260 250 240 50 100 150 200 250 300 Grid pitch [um] Grid pitch and power noise Wire area is fixed to 20%. Noise voltage is reduced as grid pitch decreases.
Wire area and power noise • Wire area increase reduces noise, yet not drastically. • Finer grid is more efficient than large wire area. 10% reduction 7% reduction Grid pitch 300mm Grid pitch 50mm
Conclusion • Evaluated effects of on-chip inductance • Decap position is important • Non-uniform power consumption distribution increases effects of on-chip L • Adaptive decap insertion based on local power consumption mitigates on-chip L effects • Grid pitch is more important than wire area for improving power grid robustness.