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Fig. 1. Photograph of a masked youth walking past a burning vehicle from CNN .

Fig. 1. Photograph of a masked youth walking past a burning vehicle from CNN. Fig. 2. Photograph of a face-off between police and the protesters by Mary Rose from EzineMark. Fig. 3. Photograph of an exploding car by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

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Fig. 1. Photograph of a masked youth walking past a burning vehicle from CNN .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fig. 1. Photograph of a masked youth walking past a burning vehicle from CNN.

  2. Fig. 2. Photograph of a face-off between police and the protesters by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

  3. Fig. 3. Photograph of an exploding car by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

  4. Fig. 4. Photograph of a woman jumping off a building by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

  5. Fig. 5. Photograph of rioting and looting by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

  6. Fig. 6. Photograph of burning property by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

  7. Fig. 7. Photograph of a police officer detaining a man by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

  8. ?

  9. Growing Population Roberts, Leslie. “9 Billion?” AAAS Science Magazine On-line. 29 July. 2011. 4 Sep. 2011. <http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6042/540>

  10. Overpopulation and unemployment • Complex concepts • Definitions • Overpopulation • Unemployment • Student’s Perspective • Why are we studying right now?

  11. Turmoil of the U.K. Riots (Video) http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/08/09/uk.riots.identity/index.html?iref=allsearch

  12. U.K. Riots • Civil Disobedience • How? • Why? • Who? • Relation to unemployment

  13. The Case of a Tunisia Suicide Protester • Mohammed Bouazizi (26) • Sold fruits and vegetables illegally – had to do to live even though he knew it was wrong • Attempted to set off violent protests over unemployment issues • Set himself on fire • Differences? • Similarities?

  14. Government doesn’t do anything Relationship (Repeating Cycle) Overpopulation Riot/Protest Unemployment Dissatisfaction

  15. So why is this a global issue? • How is this a global issue? • All countries have unemployed people • Protests can always occur • Protests damage the economy. Damage in one economy affect other countries’ economies • Being unemployed can lead to bad consequences • Why should we be concerned? • Increasing population, increasing unemployment • How does it affect us? • More competition in the future

  16. Fig. 8. Photograph of a woman jumping off a building by Mary Rose from EzineMark.

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