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Fire Hose Draining Procedure: Step-by-Step Guide for Proper Hose Maintenance

Learn the essential steps to effectively drain a fire hose and prepare it for service. This instructional course covers techniques to ensure proper hose maintenance, presented by an experienced instructor. References and class objectives included.

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Fire Hose Draining Procedure: Step-by-Step Guide for Proper Hose Maintenance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 16 Fire Hose, Nozzles, Streams, and Foam

  2. Introduction • Instructor Introduction • Topic Introduction • Class objectives • References • Preparation Step Information

  3. Draining a Hose • In order to put the hose back into service, the hose must be drained of water.

  4. Skill Drill 16-41Draining a Hose (1 of 2) 1. Lay the section of hose straight on a flat surface. 2. Start at one end of the section, lift the hose to shoulder level.

  5. Skill Drill 16-41Draining a Hose (2 of 2) 3. Move down the length of hose, folding it back and forth over the shoulder. 4. Continue down the length until the entire section is on the shoulder.

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