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Discover the historical roots and modern advancements of biofuels, from ancient uses in cooking and lighting to today's eco-friendly alternatives for transportation. Learn about bio-ethanol, biodiesel, and the promising potential of wood pellets. Uncover the processes of extracting biofuels from sources like sugar cane, starch, and vegetable oils. Explore how biofuels are reshaping the energy landscape and promoting sustainability.
Biofuels Biofuels have been used since the dawn of human civilization
Not always in a way that we would be proud of today... But, with the exception of such shameful episodes, biofuels played an important positive role in human lives for uncountable generations….
Biofuels were used for cooking,... …for heating human dwellings, e.g., caves… …or for making light. Bee wax Wooden torches Oil lamp ( olive oil, or whale oil )
In the XX-th century simple biofuels like firewood were “running out of favor” – they were used mostly in leisure activities, e.g., for barbecuing, in “family time” at a fireplace, etc. However, firewood is now “returning with vengeance”, as wood pellets. Single-home heating instal- lations using firewood in such form are fully auto- matic and require little maintenance. The wood-pellet industry in the US is growing fast. Advantages: it’s a non-polluting fuels, does not add “new” CO2 to the atmosphere (rather, it “recycles” the natural CO2), and there is much wood available for making pellets.
However, today we most often talk about biofuels as of potential alternatives to fossil fuels used in transportation. It’s not a new concept – in the XIX Century many American trains were running on firewood.
Yet, today we need “bio-alternatives” to liquid petroleum- based fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. A promising alternative to gasoline is bio-ethanol. Bio-ethanol has been used by humans since ancient times, but rather for “fueling” people (by drinking beer, wine, whisky…), not cars. Essentially, almost all ethanol (CH3CH2OH) ever made by humans was “bio”, because it was obtained from natural sugars made by plants, through a fermentation process involving yeast (single-cell living microorganisms). Gasoline engines can run on ethanol or ethanol- gasoline mixtures after a small modification of the fuel-injection system (up to 15% of ethanol, no modification is even needed). The energy content of ethanol is ~2/3 of that of gasoline.
A real “bio-ethanol paradise” is Brazil. About 50% of their cars run on ethanol, not on gasoline. Brazilians make their ethanol from sugar cane – a plant that grows very well in their hot climate. The process is pretty straightforward: the “syrup” extracted from the canes is fermented by yeast. The product contains ~15% of CH3CH2OH. Then, pure ethanol is extracted from it by distillation. Brazilian biofuel:
Unfortunately, sugar cane does not grow well in the United States… However, ethanol can also be obtained from starch. Starch molecules are made up of many sugar mole- cules, linked into a long “chain”. There are many starch-producing plants that grow well in the US: wheat, barley, potato, corn (a.k.a. maize). The latter is the best “starch-producer” of all of them. But yeast cannot convert starch to ethanol directly. Therefore, a two-step process is needed:
Amylose (starch) molecule: 500 or more sugar molecules are linked to form a long chain: • The two-step process: • First, the amylose chain has to be broken down into • individual sugar molecules by special enzymes . • Fortunately, the enzyme is easy to obtain – there is • plenty of it in sprouting barley seeds. The recipe has • been known for centuries, and widely used, e.g., by • whisky distillers (whisky is made from starch!) • (b)Then, the sugars are fermented by yeast, the same way • as in the Brazilian process. • However, the entire process is much more energy-consuming • than that used in Brazil. The energy content of US bioethanol • is only about two times higher than the net energy input. Some • critics claim that the ratio is even less than two.
Another liquid biofuel that currently recieves strong interest is “biodiesel”. “Normal” diesel fuel consist of hydrocarbon molecules (general chemical formula: CnH2n+2 ) with n = 12-16. Almost all fats produced by plants or animals have the same general structure: namely, three “fatty acid molecules” are attached to a single glycerol molecule. A single “fatty acid chain” contains a similar number of carbon atoms as an average hydrocarbon molecule in diesel fuel.
The viscosity of some vegetable oils is low enough for using them directly as a fuel for a Diesel engine. In fact, in the first public demonstration of the engine – at the Paris World Exhibition in the year of 1900 – Dr. Rudolf Diesel used peanut oil as a fuel. However, the viscosity is still “a bit too high”. In cold weather, the oil “thickens”, and the engine cannot be started. Some ingenious “biodiesel fans” install special heaters that heat the oil up to about 180 F. Then they can run, e.g., on leftover oil they can buy for cents from restaurants. Dr. Rudolf Diesel The first engine prototype
However, a better solution is to de-attach the fatty acid chains from the glycerol molecule. Single chains are chemically quite similar to the diesel fuel hydrocarbon chains – except that they are acids, meaning that they are pretty corrosive substances. Fortunately, their acidity can be easily neutralized by combining each chain with a molecule of methyl alcohol CH3OH, in a process called “esterification”. The physical properties and the energy content of the “fatty acid methyl esters” obtained in that way are very similar to those of a “normal” diesel fuel. This is how biodiesel is being made at industrial scale – but the estrification apparatus is so simple that one can install such a device in a garage. Many such “estrificators” have been built by OSU student.
Canola, an oil-seed plant that grows well in the US, yields about 120 gallons of oil par acre. The ratio value is usually given as 3 – 4, so it is significantly better than that of the US-made bioethanol.
“Cellulosic ethanol” – it may be an attractive option for the future. Sugar in sugar cane, and starch in corn can be thought of as substances containing “stored solar energy”. In fact, plants use solar energy in the process of combining atmo- spheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) to produce simple sugars (glucose, fructose) in a process known as photosynthesis. Those molecules can be further converted into larger sugar molecules (e.g., of sucrose, a.k.a. “table sugar”). In sugar cane, the process stops at sucrose, which is “yeast-fermentable”; in corn, the process of adding sugar molecules continues, yielding large starch molecules, which have to be broken down by enzymes to make them “yeast- fermantable”. Yet, most of the solar energy used by plants goes for synthesizing CELLULOSE.
Cellulose is the main “scaffolding material” of which plants make their leaves, stems, branches, trunks…. Interestingly, the basic “building blocs” for making cellulose are the very same simple sugars that sugar cane converts into sucrose, and corn into starch. Cellulose molecules, however, are much larger and sturdier than those of starch. Cellulose molecules can be broken down into yeast-fermen- table sugars. Such a process has been pioneered at indus- trial scale by German firms in the closing years of the XIX Century. The technology was also used in the US in the mid-XX century, but it was not financially viable and therefore the production was discontinued. In the corn plant, much more photosynthesis products are converted to cellulose than to starch!
In the existing technology of making corn bioethanol, the cellulose is simply wasted. However, if viable technologies of converting cellulose to sugar were developed, much more bioethanol could be obtained from the same amount of “biomass”! Actually, corn wouldn’t even be needed any longer – there are other plants that yield much more cellulose per acre than corn, and are much less “demanding” – one such plant is switchgrass that can be grown almost everywhere in the US.
Bioethanol will be the topic of one of the “students’ presentation” in this course, and therefore we will not continue the discussion here. There are many new exciting developments in the cellulosic ethanol area – you will learn about them from that presentation! On the other hand, there are opinions that converting plant cellulose to ethanol is not the best way of utilizing it. It is argued that the amount of usable energy obtained from cellulose can be much higher if other technologies are used, not involving fermentation. Please read the discussion in this article from the renowned SCIENCE magazine.