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Guest Course

Guest Course. Presentation 0 Guest Lecturer Faculty of Guest, University of Guest E-mail: guest.lecturer @gmail.com. Content of the Presentation. 0.Basic course info 0.1.Purpose of the Course 0.2.Course Agenda 0.3.Accessibility of course materials

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Guest Course

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Guest Course Presentation 0 Guest Lecturer Faculty of Guest, University of Guest E-mail:guest.lecturer@gmail.com

  2. Content of the Presentation • 0.Basic course info • 0.1.Purpose of the Course • 0.2.Course Agenda • 0.3.Accessibility of course materials • 0.4.Requirements, Grading and Consultation • 1.Introduction • 1.1.Basic terms of ... • References

  3. 0.Basic course info: 0.1.Purpose of the Course • Nowadays there are ...

  4. 0.Basic course info: 0.2.Course Agenda

  5. 0.Basic course info: 0.3.Accessibility of course materials • All course materials are available at PTE-TTK Szentágothai Szakkollégium website: ftp://szentagothai.ttk.pte.hu/pub/pauler/GuestCourseTemplate/ in form of PowerPoint presentations and practices • These are NOT conventional „three sentences/slide” projectable presenta-tions, but almost full-text materials with: • Linked-in case study materials • Step-by step animated software usage usable at computer lab • However it is highly recommended for stu- dents to print them out in handout format and taking notes to slides, as questions in quiz may be represented from oral comments of tutor also • All course materials are in English to cap- ture Business English • But presentations are in Hungarian, and we have Hungarian Notes • MT4 GUI can be both We can’t use TAB here!

  6. 0.Basic course info: 0.4.Requirements, Grading and Consultation • Mid-semester requirements: • Max. 10 × 3points = 30 points from simple 5-question quizes written at the beginning of presentations where students are evaluated individually • Quizes are from the last presentation and practice • Missed quizes can be substituted by one extra 6 point quiz ad the end of semester • Max. 10 × 3points = 30 points from home assignments evaluated at project team-level. Teams are free to reallocate their home assignment points internally to proportionate it to contribution of their members! • Home assignments are due to the beginning of next practice • Missed home assignments cannot be replaced after deadline as they are group assignments • Max 40 points from team assignment • Grading of individual students: • 0-29points:Reject signing course(0), 30-49points: Fail(1), 50-59points: Sufficit(2), 60-69points: Medium(3), 70-79points: Good(4), 80-points: Excellent(5) • In case of Fail(1), there are 2 possibilities for correction at oral exam from course material of presentations to get credit • Consultations: • Tutors will provide consultation at Department of Informatics, PTE-TTK, at times prearranged at guest.lecturer@gmail.com • Results: • Students can track their mid-semester results at ftp://szentagothai.ttk.pte.hu/pub/pauler/GuestCourseTemplate/ExamGuestCourse/

  7. 1.Introduction: 1.1.Basic terms of ...

  8. References • Template notes about detailed software handling: GuestCourseNotes

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