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Discover the picturesque villages of Ontaneda, Alceda, Vega de Pas, and Luena in Cantabria, with lush green landscapes, cozy homes, local cuisine, and diverse wildlife. Explore the charming towns and natural beauty of northern Spain.

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  2. Welive in cantabria. Itis in thenorth of spain.

  3. The biggest towns are ontaneda and alceda, they are next to each other. WE LIVE IN DIFFERENT VILLAGES AROUND OUR HIGH SCHOOL: • VEGA DE PAS • LUENA • CORVERA DE TORANZO • AND ONTANEDA AND ALCEDA WHERE YOU CAN FIND OUR HIGH SCHOOL (We usually speak about Ontaneda, but we refer to both places as they are next to each other)

  4. We are goingtomake a short description of the place wherewelive.

  5. ONTANEDA AND ALCEDA (BY ANDREA AND SORAYA) • Ontaneda is a village in Cantabria. It has got good weather. It is not very hot nor very cold. Its landscape is very green and beautiful. • Near Ontaneda there are many hills and trees. There are also woods with different kinds of trees.

  6. In Ontaneda the buildings are houses and blocks of flats. The houses are made of stone or bricks and red tiles on the roof. They are big and cosy. • The blocks of flats are not high. • In the mountains there are “cabañas”, typical huts in this area.

  7. Our typical food is “sobaos”, “quesadas” and “cocido montañés” • In Ontaneda there are some shops, chemist’s, one bank, one supermarket, some bars, and restaurants. • There is also a bookshop, a petrol station, a medical center and a post office.

  8. In Alceda we have got a beautiful park. It is very big. And it has got many different trees and a small road. There is a pond with different kinds of ducks. • Next to the park you see the river Pass. And the high school is also very near.

  9. ALCEDA AND Ontaneda by Nacho and Diego

  10. We live in Alceda. In this village we can find a variety of shops, some restaurants, the local police station, a medical centre and our Secondary school, Vega de Toranzo. • The landscape of this area is full of green meadows and some pine and eucalyptus forests. • Fauna: There are boars, deer, foxes. • Our river is the Pas, which comes from the village Vega de Pas.

  11. Our weather is quiet variable because we have a hot summer and a cold winter with some snowfall. When it snows, some students from the higher areas cannot attend lessons at the high school because roads are quite dangerous with snow and ice.

  12. I live in Luena (By Iván and Tomás) • Welive in Luena. Luenais a fantasticsmallvillage. In Luenathereis a famousmountainpass: “El Escudo”. In winteritfrequentlysnows and bus transportisstopped. • In thisphotowe can seethevalley of Luena. Itistakenfromthemountainpass “El Escudo”. Thelanscapeisgreen. Themostcommontrees are oaks and chesnuts.

  13. There is a large valley and a rived called Madalena. Our cows and horses graze in the valley. We also have sheeps. They are our favorite animals.

  14. MY TOWN (BY JESÚS) • Ontaneda is a small town. Its weather is cold.My town has got big trees, an example is the pine.Ontaneda has got blocks of flats and chalets.

  15. This is up to 400 metres high, and it only snows from time to time • In summer people go to the river to have a bath. The river is called Pas. • Ontaneda is next to another village that is called Alceda. • This village is surrounded by The Pacheca hills

  16. We live in Cantabria in a village called Vega de Pas.

  17. It is a place with mountains, abundant vegetation and fauna. In it we can find different species of trees such as the hazel, the beech, the oak tree, etc. In this village animals are a means for living. Our green mountains are perfect for feeding anmals. We have also developed products from milk that are typical in our region as the “quesada” and the “sobaos”. We also have artisan products as “almadreñas” (shoes made from wood).

  18. Wehavegothotweather in summerwhich causes thedry of fountains. In wintertheweatheriscold and itsometimesit can snow in DecemberorJanuary. • Thetypicalhouse in thisvillageisthe “Pasiega” a hutmade of stone and wood and with a roofmade of flat stones. • Wealsohave a veryknownrivercalledThe Pass. Thesource of thisriveris in a veryrockymountaincalled “Castro Valnera”.

  19. Vega de Pas byEstefania • I live in a village called Vega de pas in (Cantabria). It is a small village and few people live all over and there are very few children. It is surrounded by mountains and natural landscape. It is my home. • In the center of the village there are shops and restaurants. • In the mountains there are very few people living. They are there because they work with cattle.

  20. In winter it snows and it is always very cold. But in summer temperatures are good and you can go to the river to swim and you can do mountain hiking.

  21. When we have to go to the secondary school we have to go to another village. • The photo is of a mountain in my village. It is very big and always snowed in winter. There are also forests but nobody lives there because there are wild animals. It is very dangerous to go there in winter. But in summer excursions to the highest peak of the mountain are very nice. And from there you can see the entire valley and it is very beautiful.

  22. Cillero de Toranzoby José • I live in a typical Cantabrian house. My village is a peaceful place. It is Cillero de Toranzo. I live in place in Cillero called Barrio Llano. It is near River pass. • This is a peaceful place with beautiful moountains all around. There is a beautiful and small rural house for tourists. Many tourist come in Summer.

  23. Byefriends!

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