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Join us for Festival Liaison duties at the Minneapolis Festival from July 4th to July 8th, 2020. Assist choruses with registrations and deadlines, and ensure accurate Integra Planner software usage.
FESTIVAL LIAISON DUTIES • Absorb the information from GALA and pass it on to your chorus members. Liaisons are the primary source of Festival information for their choruses. • Learn to use the Integra Planner software. • Ensure that individual choristers are correctly listed in Integra as members of your chorus. • Assist individual chorus members with their registrations, as needed. • Work with chorus leadership to insure that all deadlines are met.
FESTIVAL LIAISON DUTIES • As a Chorus Administrator, you’ll be able to register your chorus for Festival, view the Registration Status checklist (rehearsal space, banners, intro videos, etc), update chorus record and view membership records. • Due to new international data privacy regulations, you won’t be able to register other chorus members anymore, but you will be able to see who has registered. • May need to distribute delegate badges to chorus members before the start of Festival (something we’re thinking about).
FESTIVAL REGISTRATION DATES May 13th, 2019 (tentative): Registration for individual delegates begins. May 31st, 2019: Last day of Early Registration for choruses and ensembles. July 1, 2019: Chorus/Ensemble Registration ends. Oct 31st, 2019: Early Registration for individual delegates ends. Winter 2019-20: Housing Registration opens. Mar 31st, 2020: Regular Registration for individual delegates ends. Apr 1st, 2020: Late Registration for individual delegates begins. April 2020: Music program, requests for recording & rehearsal space due. April 2020: Video introductions and Production worksheets due. July 4th, 2020: Festival events begin.
DELEGATE REGISTRATION • All registrations will be done online through the Integra Planner software. • There will be a limited number of Early-Registration discounts available. This is not intended to restrict access to the early registration discount but simply to encourage delegates not to wait until the last minute to register. • Choruses may purchase non-refundable registration credits that can be assigned to individual members at a later date. These will be available to choruses but not to individual delegates.
DELEGATE REGISTRATION • Registrations can be transferred within a chorus, and anyone can sell their registration through the Integra Marketplace. More details on the functioning of the Integra Marketplace will be shared in a webinar later this year.
DELEGATE REGISTRATION RATES Early Registration: $275 (thru Oct 31, 2019) Regular Registration: $350 (thru Mar 31, 2020) Late Registration: $425 Senior Early Registration: $165 (65 or older) Senior Regular Registration: $175 Senior Late Registration: $185 Youth: $150 (21 or under) Handicapped: $165 Upgrade to reserve seating $150 (additional) NO refunds will be processed until after Festival is over (August 2020 at the earliest) – if you need a cash refund, will have to sell your registration on the Integra Marketplace (a bit like eBay in that buyers and sellers can make private transactions thru the app). All cancellation refunds are subject to a $50 administrative fee.
FESTIVAL ASSISTANCE • GALA provides 1 free delegate registration to the chorus for every 20 paid so participating choruses can help their members who need financial assistance. • It is up to the chorus to determine who receives the ‘comp’ registrations. • There are new DONATION options for registrants to contribute to a Festival Assistance Fund so that as many singers as possible - all identities, cultures, income levels and ages – have the opportunity to experience the affirmation that Festival provides.
DELEGATE REGISTRATION IN INTEGRA • Log-in username must be a unique, personal email address (not director@gaychoir.org); Passwords are case-sensitive and must have at least 6 characters, mix of letters and numbers (at least one letter or one number). • Fill in required contact information. Optional fields do not need to filled in (eg. Titles, “Known as”). Whatever name, title, nickname and chorus you enter in Integra will be displayed on your name badge, so be judicious! • Verify personal information, answer the Registration Questionnaire, then select a registration type. • Registration is not complete until payment is received. Individuals can pay online with a credit card (through PayPal) or offline by mailing a check. There will be a new option to choose: “My chorus is paying.” • Chorus administrators can pay multiple member registrations but will no longer be able to register members directly. • New Donation options are available at check-out.
Festival Village in Minneapolis Workshops 3. Orchestra Hall Youth programming 4. Hyatt Ensemble Stage 2. Central Lutheran 1. Convention Center Auditorium
HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT Sue Bell - GALA Member Services memberservices@galachoruses.org Joel Davis - Festival Liaison Mentor papayoeli@gmail.com ORmentors@galachoruses.org Liaisons Google Discusson Group gala-volmanagers+subscribe@googlegroups.com
CHORUS & ENSEMBLE REGISTRATION • Any chorus administrator can register the chorus for Festival, but registration is not complete until payment is received. • The Festival Liaison and Artistic Director should review the questionnaire together before registering. Communicate with each other throughout the run-up to Festival. • There are 120 available chorus performance slots, including coffee concerts, and 40 ensemble performance slots. As of this week, slots are about half-sold. • If a chorus/ensemble registration is not paid by July 1, 2019, your slot will be given to one on the waiting list.
CHORUS REGISTRATION RATES Early Chorus Registration $450 Late Chorus Registration $600 Early Ensemble Registration $290 Late Ensemble Registration $390 Early registration deadline: May 31, 2019 Late registration deadline: July 1, 2019 There will be no cash refunds for chorus/ensemble registrations; refund requests made before the announced deadline will be applied to membership dues.
PERFORMANCE SLOTS • Each regular chorus performance is 30-minutes long (includes entering and exiting the stage and time spent moving things around). • Each small ensemble performance is 15-minutes long (including entrance & exit). • Registration limit of 2 small ensembles per member chorus. • Performance hall descriptions are on the GALA website.
CHORUS / ENSEMBLEREGISTRATION QUESTIONNAIRE • Basic information (name of chorus/ensemble name, AD and Festival Liaison contact info) • Preferences for performance halls, collaborations, opening or closing a concert block. • Additional performance options (Blockbusters, community engagement, etc). • Mentoring options for ADs and Liaisons.
Administrator Dashboard Open the Menu Bar
After questionnaire is complete, ORDER option becomes available
Chorus Video Introductions • We’ll again introduce each chorus with a 1-minute video, submitted by the chorus to communications@galachoruses.org • Can be as simple as you like (e.g., shot on a smartphone or by your videographer). • Each video will be played on a large screen before that chorus’ performance, and may be used again throughout Festival 2020. • Ensembles are not required to submit a video. • More details to follow.
WATCH YOUR EMAIL You are the shepherd of your chorus, guiding them through Festival preparation. Keep your eyes and ears open. We’ll have webinars and checklists for you in the near future.