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Understanding the Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater: The Water Balance Equation

Explore the intricate processes of earth's water storage, flow, and distribution through the hydrologic cycle and groundwater systems. Learn how precipitation becomes groundwater through infiltration, percolation, and leaching, and how factors like porosity and permeability influence water flow and storage. Dive into the water balance equation, groundwater quality, contamination issues, and the fascinating workings of geysers.

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Understanding the Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater: The Water Balance Equation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Water Stores on the Earth

  2. The Hydrologic Cycle

  3. From precipitation to groundwater Infiltration Percolation/leaching Groundwater Flow

  4. Soil Water

  5. Soil Water

  6. Allowing Flow: Porosity & Permeability Flow is controlled by Permeability (and tortuosity) Storage is controlled by Porosity

  7. The Water Balance

  8. The Soil-Water Balance Equation Figure 9.4

  9. Sample Water Budget Figure 9.11

  10. US Water Budget Figure 9.20

  11. Groundwater

  12. Seasonal Changes

  13. Aquifers

  14. Aquifers and Porosity

  15. Artesian Water

  16. Water Towers

  17. Water deep in the crust

  18. How Do Geysers Work? http://www.eepybird.com/exp214.html Water goes somewhere And pressure is released Entire column Near boiling, but mostly hotter than 100°C Filling and Heating Expanding steam Empty pipe Boiling releases Pressure & boiling point decreases. Boiling runs away Water under Pressure has Higher boiling Point: Pressure cooker steam Superheated water begins to boil Filling and Heating

  19. Wells

  20. The Ogallala Aquifer

  21. Groundwater quality

  22. Groundwater Contamination

  23. Other Groundwater Problems

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