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The Journey to SENCo. The National Award for SENCo Qualification. The Award is validated at Masters level and provides 60 credits . An eligible teacher has 3 years in which to complete their national SENCo training. Two modules which each consisted of 3 taught days and 2 study days.
The National Award for SENCo Qualification • The Award is validated at Masters level and provides 60 credits. • An eligible teacher has 3 years in which to complete their national SENCotraining. • Two modules which each consisted of 3 taught days and 2 study days. • Module 1 was broken down into three assignments with a total word count of 5000 words. • Module 2 was a small scale action research (5000 words) • SENCo Learning Outcomes Portfolio.
Typical Day • Making phone calls to external agencies. • Answering emails from staff and outside agencies. • Completing referral forms. • Meeting with parents. • Arranging meetings • Attending meetings. • Monitoring data.
Other Responsibilities • Complete statement review meetings • Observe interventions • Scrutinise planning • Meet with students • Check IEPs are completed correctly and are SMART. • Attend child causing concern meetings • Complete inclusion reviews. • Feedback to governors. • Lease with the Learning Mentor and Counsellor. • Run training or source training. • Lead INSETs • Attend planning meetings with the Educational Psychologist
Main changes to the SEN Code of Practice… • Draft Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice: for 0 to 25 years. Greater focus on making a successful transition to adulthood • Statutory guidance for organisations who work with and support children and young people with SEN • Final Draft SEN Code of Practice: Friday 4thOctober 2013 replaced the Indicative Draft SEN Code of Practice • The views of children and young people and on their role in decision-making • A co-ordinated assessment process and the new 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) for those with complex needs • New guidance on the support pupils and students should receive in education and training settings • give parents and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan the right to a personal budget for their support.