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Greek Gods Family Tree. Chaos. Single parent or unknown second parent. Tartarus. Gaia (Earth). Eros. Nyx (Night). Erebus. Two parents. Typhon. Uranus. Mountains. Pontus. Aether. Hemera. Momus (blame). Ponos (woe). Moros (fate). Thanatos (death). Hypnos (sleep). The
Greek Gods Family Tree Chaos Single parent or unknown second parent Tartarus Gaia (Earth) Eros Nyx (Night) Erebus Two parents Typhon Uranus Mountains Pontus Aether Hemera Momus (blame) Ponos (woe) Moros (fate) Thanatos (death) Hypnos (sleep) The Hesperides The Keres and Fates Nemesis Apate (deception) Philotes (friendship) Geras (age) Eris (strife) Relationship or marriage Mortal family tree, eventually from Poseidon 6 generations, eventually from Epaphus Mnemosyne Coeus The Cyclopes Cronus Rhea Phoebe Hyperion Hecatonchires Echidna Iapetus Oceanus Tethys God(dess) or important mortal No border Line Titan Oceanids Dashed Electryon Monster “Three-thousand sons and daughters” Melia Inachus Hestia Hera Demeter Zeus Leto Hades Poseidon Epimetheus Prometheus Atlas Pleione 2 Dotted Other Semele Licymnius Alcmene Dione Io Blue Male Pink Pleiades Female Maia Dryope or Merope or Aero Asterope Calaeno Electra Alcyone Taygete Epaphus Dionysus Heracles Athena Hermes The Muses Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania Persephone Aphrodite Apollo Artemis Ares Hebe Hephaestus 1 Gods of Olympus Hebe resigned her place after she married Heracles. Hades was considered an Olympian god but spent most of his time in the underworld. The Gods of Olympus occupied Mount Olympus. God of Olympus 1 2 Genealogies Many Greek gods have conflicting genealogies: Aphrodite is sometimes said to be born “from the foam of the sea” rather than from Zeus and Dione. Clymene either has six parents or the name refers to six distinct people. Some rights reserved. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Abderus Pan Rhodos Peitho Tyche Eunomia Hermaphroditus